Neutering is usually done to make a male dog calmer and more peaceful. But that doesn’t always work.
Especially with males, the character often changes unpredictably after castration.
Bitches are spayed so that they are no longer in heat and therefore not pregnant.
Is your dog weird after neutering? We know why.
Why is my dog behaving differently after neutering than before?
The change is related to the changed hormone situation of your fur nose.
The nature of your dog will definitely change after castration. To what extent and whether this will go in the direction you want cannot be foreseen beforehand.
Most of the time, the dog owner wants his four-legged friend (especially male dogs) to be calmer and more relaxed – especially when meeting other male dogs.
However, this change in character is not guaranteed. Sometimes the exact opposite happens: your dog will more aggressive.
Hormone balance changes: Your dog becomes weird after castration
After castration, sex hormones are no longer produced. In fearful dogs, however, these are the antagonists of the stress hormone cortisol.
The stress-reducing effect is gone and the dog becomes even more aggressive – according to the motto: attack is the best defense.
Another aspect of the altered hormone balance is the change in metabolism. Your dog suddenly develops a different eating behavior.
There are also two extremes here. One dog struggles with loss of appetite after castration.
Another dog does something it has never done before it was spayed: it suddenly raids the trash can.
So you see: If your dog is weird after castration, this can cause very different changes in character.
Can neutering lead to long-term behavioral changes?
Some changes in behavior after neutering can disappear again. Your four-legged friend will keep others for the rest of his life.
Everything by changing the hormones triggered will probably remain.
The sex hormones are no longer produced by castration. And they don’t come back after weeks or months.
The territorial behavior of your male or a dominant female, which is shown by constant marking, will change permanently after castration.
Because the territorial behavior is triggered by sex hormones. The male stakes out his territory against other males.
No sex hormones, no constant peeing: Your male dog refrains from marking.
The change in hormonal balance also has an impact on the metabolism.
Suddenly, your lean, fit dog is prone to weight gain like never before.
The only thing that helps is reducing the feed. A low-fat feed often makes sense.
Weight gain after neutering affects male dogs as well as female dogs.
Be sure to discuss with your veterinarian what can change after spaying and how you should deal with it.
Also ask your veterinarian for advice if your dog is acting strangely after a spay/neuter.
What do I have to pay attention to after castration?
Neutering is a major operation in bitches. Because her stomach has to be cut open. In males, on the other hand, it is more of a minor intervention.
Nevertheless, males and females should be around 14 days gentle program have. This includes:
- Short walks just to empty your bladder and bowels
- Always on a leash outside
- No stairs to climb
- Avoid any jumping up and down
In addition, the wound must never get wet or dirty. Licking is also to be prevented at all costs.
Food should not be given again until the day after the operation in order to avoid possible vomiting.
However, water should always be accessible to your fur nose.
Stitches or staples are removed after 14 days. After that, you can slowly start doing more with your dog again.
The emphasis is on «slow».
Are there ways to support the dog in the healing process and in the adjustment?
Of course, the gift of painkillers be. Such an operation leaves a deep wound that causes your fur nose pain.
Light sedatives will also help your dog adjust to the lack of hormones.
And if your bitch becomes pregnant after castration, that’s perfectly normal.
Therefore, the most important thing you can do is to take a lot of time for your fur nose after castration.
Apply for leave for the 14 days after the operation and be there for your dog!
Have you had your male or female dog spayed? Has your dog been acting strange after neutering? We’d be happy if you send us yours Experiences lets participate.