Total will 12 Swedish dog breeds recognized by Svenska Kennelklubben and led.
As real outdoorsmen, they have next to you dense fur also the necessary one resilienceto brave the sometimes extremely cold weather.
Willing to work and persistent they were mainly for the hunting and herding the flocksincluding their Defense against wolves and bears bred.
Just like our number 10, so be sure to check it out!
1. Vastgotaspets
His close relationship with the peaks you can see this Swedish Vallhund from afar. Its thick fur also makes one think of wolves.
The lively and energetic herding dogs are extremely alert and quick in their reactions. In addition, extremely brave contemporaries for guarding larger animals and herds.
Lively and adorable they can join families if they adequate exercise and their Clever game is offered.
2. Dansk-Svensk Gardshund
This Swedish dog breed is above all a farm dog for Danish and Swedish farmers in remote and rather lonely areas.
you will be used as guard dogs and companion dogs and don’t shy away from being in the water.
Their compact physique is bursting with energy and paired with their intelligence, it can become a challenge for easy-going people.
3.Svensk Lapphund
He’s tight too related to the Finnish Lapphund and belongs to the Swedish shepherd dogs in the northern parts of the country.
Responsible for their large herds of reindeer, they are active and willing to work day and night.
Her friendliness and empathyformerly used for young animals of the herds, makes today as love of children noticeable in families.
Because of her dense and warm, rather longer fur you don’t have to fear the low temperatures.
Important for future dog owners
Kept as a family dog, they need active outdoor fans.
4. Norrbottenspitz
He is a representative of the Swedish hunting dogs and should both related to the Norwegian Buhund and the Finn Spitz be.
They are considered nearly extinct and have only a few selected breeders in the Swedish province of Norrbotten.
Agile and independent he acts on the hunt. His rather delicate shape likes to distract from his strength and endurance away.
Today he is used as a hunter of feathered game, also of larger wild animals. He was originally bred as guard dog and for finding martens and ermines.
5. Jämthund
As Swedish Elkhound he is also a member of the Swedish hunting dogs, more precisely Broadheads.
persevering and accordingly large, today he supports numerous hunters in the hunt for their large prey. In addition to moose, he can also hunt lynx and bears.
Be distrust of strangers also makes him an excellent one guard dog for farms.
His powerful muscles need exercise and his independent kind. additionally ensure that he is hardly kept as a pure companion dog or family dog.
6. Drever
The swedish badger, as the Drever is also called, is one of the smaller ones Representative from the line of Swedish hunting dogs.
One Extra portion of hunting pleasure and a sturdy stature take care of enduring performanceif he can adapt the tempo to his possibilities.
Friendly and sociable, he also finds himself a family dog if he is offered appropriate exercise and work. Active people enjoy it.
Be exceptionally good sense of smell must also be trained and challenged. otherwise can Frustration and boredom lead to unpleasant behavior.
7. Hamilton stovars
He belongs as Tracking dog for fox and rabbit also to the Swedish hunting dogs and is also the national dog of Sweden.
Named after his Breeder Count Adolf Patrick Hamiltonwhich coincided with the end of nineteenth century also den Swedish Kennel Club brought into being.
Among his ancestors find each other in addition to German hounds and scent hounds, there are also English harriers and fox terriers.
Nevertheless, it is found as a frequent representative of its kind only for hunters and their families. Be hunting instinct does not allow this happy To keep four-legged friends purely as companion dogs.
8. Schiller stovars
Among his ancestors mix British Harrier and Swiss Hounds and he may have come to Scandinavia via southern Germany.
Per Schiller, a Swedish farmerpresented it for the first time in 1886 and as hunting dog presented. This is where his name comes from.
Because of his strong sense of hunting and scouting should no cats or rabbits near him being held. They would distract him and encourage him to hunt.
Cheerful and persistent, he finds his use in the hunt for different types of game. As a pure companion dog, he is also less seen.
9. Smalandsstövare
In the southern Swedish province of Smaland became this one Specialist for the Fox and rabbit hunt bred.
Tan, with black or brown, large markings in his short, rather easy-care coat, make him unmistakable.
Also one of his Trademark is this immediate and above all loud barkingas soon as he has picked up a scent or even found his prey.
As a medium sized hound he needs movement and challenge, preferably even daily. It is only suitable for extremely active people.
10. Halleforshund
He is only recognized by Svenska Kennelklubben, not by the FCI in the official list.
This Mixture of moose and Ostyak Spitz was bred in central Sweden, Svealand, in the 1930s.
The passionate broadhead with his dense fur is for moose hunts used and convinced by his Lively, but above all nervous type on the hunt for this big game.
Important to know
Families with equally high energy levels can get along well with him.
11. Gotlandstovare
Soon every Swedish region is thought to have its own breed of dog, like this Swedish hound specializing in rabbits from the Gotland region.
Her Ancestors are likely to be Eastern European hunting dogs may have been, which were brought to Sweden in the 17th or 18th century.
Enduring and agile pursue their prey with theirs reddish, short fur with a few white spots.
Since he himself little suitable as a companion dog, he is now few and far between. You can even find him in Gotland only in families of hunters.
12. Svensk Vit Alghund
The swedish white elkhound originates from the Norwegian elkhounds and Jämthunds.
In the 1940s became white puppies from these dog breeds to the white, Swedish hunting dog for moose and other large game animals.
He must be urge to move can act out, which also leads to a something more complex grooming can lead when he rummages through undergrowth in addition to water-based paints.
Active people enjoy this loyal four-legged friend.