Aussiedoodle breed portrait (with pictures & info)

You’ve probably heard the term before «designer dog» heard. These are so-called hybrid breeds, i.e. crossings of two different breeds.

Such a Designer Dog or Designer Doodle is the Aussiedoodle – one Crossbreed of Australian Shepherd and Poodle.

In our detailed breed portrait, we now present this cute dog to you in more detail.

Aussiedoodle Wanted Poster

Size Male: up to 56 cm, female: up to 50 cmSize by categoryToy Aussiedoodle: 30 to 35 cm, Mini Aussiedoodle: 40 to 50 cm, Standard Aussiedoodle: 50 to 55 cmWeightMale: up to 30 kg, female: from 10 kgColorsYellow, Red, Black, Blue/Red, Red/Merle, BrownLife expectancy12 to 15 yearsOriginUSA & Canadacharacter/temperamentbright, friendly, cheerful, good-natured, open-minded, active, spirited, fond of childrenFCI groupNot recognized by the FCI


As a hybrid breed, the Aussiedoodle’s appearance cannot be lumped together. In fact, this can vary widely – as always with designer dogs, because Mother Nature over the final optics decides.

Aussiedoodles are usually Aussiedoodles though very elegant and sporty dogsthat over one thin and muscular physique feature.

The body can do it both short and long legs to be carried. Again, nature and the corresponding, dominant part of the breed decides here.

Typical features of the Aussiedoodle are always the floppy earswhich, by the way, too drop ears be called, and relatively large stand out.

Coat, coat texture & coat colors

There are not only different sizes in this designer doodle. There are also different coat types and colors.

Many Aussiedoodles have wavy or curly fur – here the poodle is the dominant part.

Likewise, an Aussiedoodle medium length and straight hair have. And that is when the Australian Shepherd has prevailed. Short fur is also possible.

As with many hybrid breeds, the Aussiedoodle is a so-called hypoallergenic dog. That means he only loses a little fur.

This makes it a suitable roommate for people with dog hair allergies.

color is with this breed actually everything is allowed. Because there is no prescribed breed standard.

It is also possible that an Aussiedoodle monochrome is – thanks to the poodle – or else tricolor.

Here then the coloring of the Australian Shepherd is visible, which is mostly from Black, red, gray and white tones consists.

eye colors

As with the coat, its texture and color, two gene pools meet in the eyes.

As a rule, the poodle share prevails here, whereby the most Aussiedoodle brown eyes have.

Nevertheless, it can happen that the Australian Shepherd is decisive here. In that case they are The Aussiedoodle’s eyes then turn blue.

Height Weight

Size and weight are subject to one determining factor in all hybrid breeds:

Mother Nature’s whim. This is because two very different gene pools meet here.

Accordingly, it is decided which of these two is dominant. If the Australian Shepherd proportion prevails in the Aussiedoodle, the Aussiedoodle is larger and heavier.

In addition, there are three different size categories in this breed. And this is how it applies in terms of size:

A Toy Aussiedoodle becomes between 30 and 35 centimetersa Mini Aussiedoodle between 40 and 50 cm and a Standard Aussiedoodle between 50 and 55 centimeters high.

The weight of this breed fluctuates – again depending on the category – between 10 and 35 kilograms a.

History & Origin of the Aussiedoodle

Pretty much every hybrid dog breed hails from the USA. Such breeding experiments seem to have been part of good dog breeding for decades.

Generally is also nothing against itas long as the two interbred breeds are not worlds apart in terms of size. Depending on the category, this can definitely be the case with the Aussiedoodle.

Because here breeding takes place either with a Toy Poodle, a Miniature Poodle or a Giant Poodle.

Not only the USA is considered the country of origin of this breed. Also in neighboring Canada almost at the same time, Australian Shepherds and Poodles began to be crossed.

Meanwhile, the Aussiedoodle Also in Germany found a large following.

Poodle breeds, on the other hand, had their origins in the actual homeland of the Australian Shepherd.

Here cruised Pat Blumwho suffered from a visual impairment, the first Labradoodle.

Not only should this one act as the perfect guide dog, but also as a hypoallergenic breed.

Nature & Character of the Aussiedoodle

Again, two dog worlds meet in nature, character and temperament. And you already guessed it: Once again it is not so easy to predict how your furry friend is really «ticking».

In general, however, the Aussiedoodle becomes a very happy, friendly and happy nature attested. He is considered particularly bright and curious.

All character traits, by the way both Poodles and Australian Shepherds come.

The Aussiedoodle is beyond that very open and tolerant and meets both people and animals with a warm manner.

attitude & upbringing

Of course, his temperament and character also have an influence on that attitude and upbringing.


Do you have a Toy Aussiedoodleit almost goes without saying that this one not much space needs. And certainly in one City apartment to be kept can.

To a certain extent, this can also apply to the Mini Aussiedoodle apply, but rather no longer for the standard Aussiedoodle.

This one feels much more comfortable when he is in a house with a garden may live. Because here he can do enough frolic in the fresh air.

Of course, the other two Aussiedoodle variants would also like to have this option.

Regardless of which size is moving in with you: They all need a lot of exercise and mental activity.


And that brings us to that Upbringing reached your fur nose. Ideally, this takes place when your Aussiedoodle to the puppies heard.

Because at this age, a dog is still going through the different socialization phases.

In general, the upbringing of the Aussiedoodle is considered uncomplicated. So then you with Consistency, patience and clear announcements is accomplished.

By the way, if this breed is socialized very early, it is also suitable for dog beginners.

The reason is, among other things, that they a very strong will to please have, so want to particularly please their people. Accordingly, such dogs are very inquisitive and capable of learning.

Concerning physical and mental exertion the Aussiedoodle is particularly happy about various dog sports. These include, above all Dog dancing and agility.

Health & Care

And? Have you fallen a little more in love with this cute designer dog? Then you want to know how it is about his Health stands and how much Care he needs.

Grooming & General Grooming

Whether short or long: A little grooming is also on the program for the Aussiedoodle. Even if this breed only sheds a little, you should make sure that it not matted.

As with any Doodle breed, your fur nose should therefore a hairdresser appointment at regular intervals have.

The fur isn’t the only thing that needs grooming. They are also happy ears, eyes and teeth for an extra dose of attention.

In addition, you should Check claws regularly and trim every few weeks if necessary.

One last tip for the health and care of your four-legged friend: Regular deworming and the annual routine check-up at the veterinarian.


Hybrid breeds are said to have a distinct health advantage over other dog breeds. Namely that they are considered more robust.

The reason is also found quickly. Because through the Crossing two different breeds can rule out the typical breed and hereditary diseases become.

Of course, that always depends on how reputable the breeder is and how important the health of the fur nose is.

There are no known hereditary diseases for the Aussiedoodle. However lie for both the Australian Shepherd and the Poodle these diseases before, which can also cause problems with the Aussiedoodle:

  • Eye problems such as distichiasis, prcd-PRA and iris hypoplasia
  • MDR-1 gene defect, a metabolic disorder
  • patellar dislocation
  • epilepsy

Please note: If you have a Toy Aussiedoodle, it is Strictly speaking, a torture breeding! Because the Toy Poodle is managed as such. And crossing with the much larger Australian Shepherd is not in nature’s best interest.

The following applies here: The smaller the crossbred poodle, the greater the riskthat any of the above diseases may occur.

Life expectancy

Of course you will do everything to ensure that your Aussiedoodle – no matter how big or small – can spend as long, healthy and happy a life as possible at your side.

In addition to species-appropriate husbandry, a species-appropriate diet with a high proportion of meat is also important in order to increase life expectancy from 12 to 15 years to reach. With particularly good care, the Aussiedoodle can too up to 18 years old become.

Is the Aussiedoodle right for me?

you are activelove to be out and about in the fresh air and are a big dog fan? Then you have fulfilled the first criteria for your Aussiedoodle.

In addition, you should always be aware that Your fur nose is your responsibility for the next 12 to 15 years and can and will cost you quite a bit. Please never forget to include these points in your decision.

The Aussiedoodle is suitable, by the way actually for everyone – regardless of whether Beginner, dog expert or family man.

Fun facts about the Aussiedoodle

Last but not least, you now get some more fun facts to this exciting and cute hybrid breed.

Not fun, but an important fact: Some Aussiedoodles are allergic to ivermectin. This agent, which can cause vomiting, among other things, is included in some spot-ons that are designed to fight heartworm and other parasites.

If you don’t pay enough attention to keeping him busy and busy, your Aussiedoodle can become a neurotic.

Aussiedoodles are real water rats who simply feel at home in the cool water.

Aussiedoodles are among the best therapy dog ​​breeds.

The Aussiedoodle always wants to be with its human – and hates to be left alone.

Have you already made your decision and live with an Aussiedoodle? Then you’ve definitely experienced a lot together. We’d love for you to share your stories with us in the comments 😊