The Labrador is a popular family dog and always happy to be with you.
But you can’t always and everywhere take your fur nose with you. Working, shopping, visiting the doctor – there are many moments when you need to leave your Labrador at home.
In this article you will find out how long you can leave a Labrador alone and what you have to consider.
In a nutshell: Can a Labrador be alone?
The Labrador can handle being alone at home from time to time.
However, the clingy dog does not like it when he has no contact with his people for several hours.
How long and how well you can leave your Labrador alone is very individual.
I am employed – Can I leave a Labrador alone?
As pack animals dogs prefer to spend the whole day with their family.
But not everyone can spend the whole day with their four-legged friend. Many dog owners are employed and not every workplace allows dogs.
Your fur nose can quickly be at home alone for many hours.
An adult Labrador can handle being alone for long periods of time if they are healthy and otherwise being kept busy.
However, you should not forget that the Labrador is an intelligent dog that, when in doubt, will also look for something to do itself, clearing out cupboards or chewing on furniture and shoes.
This can result in a true destructiveness.
You should therefore prepare your dog well for the time alone and keep it busy.
How long can I leave a Labrador alone?
Can an adult labrador be left alone?
If your adult Labrador has lived with you for a long time and is used to being alone for some time, he will usually be able to cope if you are not at home for several hours.
Dogs don’t have the same sense of time like us humans.
It doesn’t matter to your dog if you’re away for half an hour or 4 hours. Either way, he won’t be thrilled if he has to be left alone.
How long your dog can tolerate being left alone depends on your dog.
It is therefore not possible to give an exact time span.
If your dog often has to be left alone at night, it may be difficult for him to rest. But that varies from dog to dog.
Many a dog needs then lots of toyssuch as a chew toy to keep them occupied.
Some dogs handle separation better than others.
A good preparation training can also make the temporary separation easier for your dog.
Can I leave a puppy alone?
In general, puppies should not be left alone. If you pick up your Labrador from the breeder when he is 8 or 9 weeks old, he will first have to cope with the separation from his mother.
In the first month, better still the first 6 weeks, should therefore always at least one family member with the dog remain.
Even a few minutes alone at home can quickly unsettle your puppy.
From when the puppy can stay alone for some time also depends a bit on his Development away.
Even after this initial period, you should still watch your Labrador baby slowly and step by step get used to the fact that he sometimes has to be left alone.
However, you should not leave your puppy alone in the garden even then.
Even if your dog follows you everywhere, sometimes even the most devoted puppies forget the world around them when they have discovered a loophole.
If you plan on leaving your dog alone in the yard for a long period of time, you need to make sure he is safe escape proof is.
If you want to give your Labrador access to the garden when you are away, a dog flap be helpful
There is no legal requirement for how long a dog can be left alone. The only guideline is that a dog must have at least four hours of contact with a caregiver. However, he should be given the opportunity to do his business every six hours.
This is how you train to be alone with your Labrador
Even if we would like to spend the whole day with our fur nose, this is not always possible.
And your dog won’t like it either if you leave.
With the right one education and good training you prepare your Labrador well for being left alone.
You should note a few things:
- give to your dog Timeto slowly get used to the fact that he sometimes has to be left alone.
- Don’t make a big one farewell scenewhen you go and don’t be overjoyed when you come home.
- Don’t rush anything. Just leave your dog alone at first alone for a short time and slowly increase the times.
- Load him with one walk and a play unit out before you go.
Dogs are very social animals. Being alone is therefore usually not nice for any dog.
However, an adult Labrador can usually stand it if no one is with them for several hours.
The Labbi is a very human related dog, which can be difficult to separate. So get used to it slowly.
However, once your dog has gotten used to the situation, he will usually remain calm until you have time for him again.
How do you do it? Can you take your Labrador to work or will it wait for you at home? Tell us in the comments.