Dog smells of iron: 7 possible causes (guide)

You know very well how your dog should smell. You will quickly notice if its smell suddenly seems different.

Does your dog smell of iron? Then there can be different reasons.

In the following guide we will get to the bottom of these causes.

Dog smells of iron: 7 possible causes

Does your dog smell of iron? Then bleeding gums can be one of the causes as well as an iron surplus, an iron deficiency or a disease.

Sometimes endo- and ectoparasites like fleas and worms can also contribute to your dog smelling like iron.

Let’s take a closer look at why this smell occurs.

bleeding gums

Does your dog smell of iron from its mouth? Then bleeding gums may be the cause.

But why smell of iron when bleeding?

Because blood does contain iron or iron ions, which you may have sniffed out when you injured yourself.

This bad breath can occur in dogs in particular when they are changing their teeth. It’s useful to keep an eye on this light bleeding because it can lead to inflammation.

iron deficiency

An iron deficiency is not something that is easily detected unless your dog suddenly starts to smell like iron.

In fact, its scent is then reminiscent of rusty metal. You can also recognize an iron deficiency if your dog is tired and listless.

Another almost certain sign that your dog is iron deficient is if he starts licking metal objects.

So he tries to compensate for this deficiency.

Good to know

An iron deficiency should be counteracted quickly, because it can lead to anemia, i.e. anemia, among other things.

excess iron

An excess of iron – the extreme of deficiency – is also unhealthy for your dog in the long term. If left untreated, it can lead to diseases such as hemosiderosis.

You can recognize this excess when your dog smells of iron – and in many cases it is so strong that it can no longer be smelled.

Wrong diet

The wrong food can cause your dog a rat’s tail of health problems.

If it contains too high a proportion of certain nutrients, this is just as unfavorable as a lack of these same nutrients.

Both extremes can cause your dog to smell like iron – either because there is an excess or a deficiency.

organic diseases

Organic diseases can also lead to an unpleasant metal smell in dogs.

Internal bleeding is often responsible for this. Does your dog smell of iron from its mouth? In fact, this is how you can spot such a possible bleeding.

Because metallic bad breath is not always automatically associated with injuries and diseases of the throat.


Hemosiderosis is also known as iron storage disease, which is chronic in nature. It is the result of an excess of iron.

This iron, which is unnecessary for the body, is then stored in the tissues. Such an extreme excess can be caused, among other things, by the wrong drinking water.

If this is very iron-rich, the risk of developing hemosiderosis is unfortunately very high. This also applies to you, by the way, not just to your dog.


Both endo- and ectoparasites can lead to a metal odor in dogs. This is because they cause small bleeding with every bite.

These can also take place internally, for example in the case of a very strong worm infestation.

When should I see the vet if my dog ​​smells like iron?

Do you notice that your dog smells of iron, you should make an appointment with the vet as soon as possible.

In most cases, the cause has already had some time to do potential damage.

A blood test can quickly determine whether there is an iron deficiency or excess or an infection.

If an infection or disease is present, it is usually treated with medication, including antibiotics.

Iron excess or deficiency can be brought under control by changing the feed.

If there is a surplus, the dog gets food with a low iron content, if there is a deficiency, for example significantly more red meat or liver.

Iron preparations and iron-containing dietary supplements can also be used here.

Has your ever smelled of iron and what was the reason? We’d love for you to share his story and your tips with us in the comments!