At the Pit bull dachshund mix It is probably a rather unusual hybrid breed. Because this is where a so-called list dog and one of the most popular dog breeds in Germany meet. Of course we’re talking about dachshund and in this case from Pit bull terrier. What exactly is behind the interesting look and what you should consider? Find out in the following breed portrait.
The most important thing in brief about the Pitbull Dachshund crossbreed
The pit bull dachshund mongrel is a so-called designer dog. The purpose of these breeds is to breed out certain characteristics. In some cases, hybrid breeds are said to be better suited for allergy sufferers. The Pitbull Dachshund crossbreed is also known as Doxie bull, Doxie Pit or dox bull designated.
Size: 20 to 33 centimeters; Females smaller than males
Weight: 10 to 15 kilograms; Males weigh more than females
Life expectancy: 8 to 12 years
Character: Loving, loyal, smart, intelligent, people-related, affectionate, stubborn, playful
Special feature: Especially concerned with protecting their people from danger.
If you read our hybrid breed portraits, you already know one incontrovertible fact. at these crossings two gene pools mix. In this case, that of the pit bull and that of the dachshund.
In terms of appearance, you can also see this fact very well. In fact, the pit bull dachshund mix resembles a pit bull that accidentally ended up in a dachshund body.
Or to put it better: The physique with its elongated back is definitely dachshund. The head and the face, on the other hand, are in most cases definitely assigned to the Pitbull genes. Accordingly, the appearance may seem a little strange.
Especially if you have not yet made the acquaintance of this designer dog, but only with one of the parents.
But it may just as well be that the cute dachshund head on a burly pit bull body «lands». No matter which genes predominate and no matter whether the Optics unusual is: The pit bull dachshund mongrel is definitely a cute brat.
Height Weight
When it comes to the factors of size and weight, not only the respective breed proportions play a decisive role. Likewise there is sex of the dog at, how big and how heavy he or she is.
For the Doxie you can with an average shoulder height of 20 to 33 centimeters going out – bitches line up in the lower area.
The weight of a Doxie can between 10 and 15 kilograms lay. And in the upper weight range you will mainly find Pitbull Dachshund mixed breed males.
Colors & coat texture
Like all other factors in this breed, the Colors a whim of nature. It is true that both individual breeds have a color spectrum that also belongs to the so-called breed standard.
However, when it comes to crossing, nature no longer adheres to what international kettle clubs dictate.
For your Pitbull Dachshund mixed breed this means: He can do both light brown as well as brown or brindle be. Due to the dachshund share can also red and black color parts push through.
Dachshunds can be born with three different coat types: short, long and wire-haired. A pit bull, on the other hand, usually has a short, smooth coat.
As with many other dachshund mixes – including the Pinscher Dachshund Mix – the Doxie sits above all short coat and undercoat through.
Character & temperament of the Dachshund Pitbull Mix
Two dog hearts beat in the chest of every hybrid breed – this is also the case with the Dachshund Pitbull Mix. This is the dachshund at one dog bred for hunting. And the pit bull also has a past in this area.
Actually were pit bulls – hence the name – especially in dog fights deployed. These in turn took place in so-called “pits”, i.e. pits. The fact that this breed of all people had to bear this fate is anchored in the supposed potential for aggression.
Because this should be the Pitbull as well as others list dogs be particularly pronounced. We only have one thing to say about this: With an aggressive, irresponsible and brutal upbringing, even a peaceful Golden Retriever would become a fighting dog.
So don’t be put off by this breed – but please note very well that keeping such a dog comes with some administrative hurdles connected is.
In fact, the Pitbull Dachshund is a mixed breed very affectionate and affectionate as well as gentle dog. He loves to, time in the company of its people to spend. And children love this breed too.
There is one limitation here, however. The Doxie should not necessarily be around small children. Because they can be a little temperamental, which can get on most dogs’ nerves very quickly.
attitude & upbringing
The dachshund is known for like to dig and dig outside. After all, he was bred as a «dachshund» for the purpose of crawling in fox and badger burrows.
The pit bull, on the other hand, is actually a herding dog. He should keep the cattle of butchers and farmers from escaping.
For the attitude, this initially only means that enough space available should be. As far as outdoor activities are concerned, the dachshunds in particular can be a challenge.
Because going in search of new adventures is actually part of his DNA. Also a breed-typical stubbornness is part of the Pitbull Dachshund Mix Pack. This stubbornness can become a challenge.
And then, when it comes to the so important education goes. If your new roommate does not understand the meaning of a command or an order, it is likely that he will not follow it either.
But once he has learned what is allowed and what is not, you will become one with this special fur nose harmonious coexistence to be able to enjoy.
Breeding & Health
We can’t mention it often enough. With any pedigree dog, it is of almost paramount importance that the puppy be of a serious and responsible breeding originates.
Fortunately, there are more reputable breeders than untrustworthy ones. For the dogs that means: The Health is the top priority here. In fact, some hereditary diseases can be “eliminated” by such breeding.
However, even the healthiest Pitbull Dachshund mixed breed can suffer from one or two diseases. Unfortunately, this cannot always be ruled out.
Dachshunds are predestined for back pain. Also the hip dyplasia can become a health problem for them. Also prone is the Doxie Pit to allergies as well as herniated discs.
Please always note that these diseases do not necessarily have to occur – this list is just basic information for you.
Life expectancy
Thanks to a thoroughly robust nature, the pit bull dachshund mongrel can live to an age of 8 to 12 years to reach. Although you have no influence on the possible diseases.
However, there are a number of other factors that can improve the life expectancy of your four-legged friend. This includes one species-appropriate nutrition – for young animals as well as for adult dogs.
Maybe the so-called can barf be a good alternative to feed your dog.
What should be considered with Pitbull Dachshund mixed breed puppies?
As mature Your Dox Bull is also valid about 15 to 18 months. In fact, the late bloomer in this hybrid breed is the pit bull. He only grew up when he was about 2 years old.
If you have decided on a puppy of this particular breed, you should acquisition cost in the amount of 1,000 to 1,500 euros plan on. Of course, these can also be much lower. However, dubious breeding can be hidden behind such a «dumping price».
In addition to the purchase, of course, it also costs first equipment money for your new roommate. Because he or she doesn’t just want food. Bowls, cuddly blankets, toys and a leash are also among the things your dog needs to move in.