The coat color and the coat texture of a dog breed makes it unique as an optical feature.
It is completely natural for dogs to shed. Some breeds shed more, others less.
But what about the Golden Retriever? Does he shed more than other dog breeds?
In a nutshell: Do Golden Retrievers shed a lot?
With one word: Yes! If you’re considering getting a Golden Retriever, it’s best to get a powerful vacuum cleaner at the same time.
Losing Golden Retrievers all year round large amounts of hair that you will find everywhere in your home, on your clothes, in the car and so on.
When do Golden Retrievers shed particularly heavily?
A Golden Retriever sheds excessively all year round. Especially in the times of Change of coat in spring and autumn this effect is amplified.
In the summer or winter seasons, the Goldie sheds its fur to move around completely new coat of hair to let grow.
Of course, this effect doesn’t happen all at once, like we change a T-shirt, but gradually and over time several days to weeksuntil the coat is completely renewed.
Why is my Golden Retriever shedding so much?
The Golden Retriever is one of the few dog breeds that has a double fur feature. This consists of a thick, downy undercoat and one shiny, waterproof outer coat together.
This makes the Golden Retriever more resistant to various weather influences and makes it possible for him to spend a lot of time outdoors and also in the water.
The downside of the coin is that this breed also sheds a lot all year round, especially during the seasonal change of coat.
However, there are also other influenceswhich can increase the already strong hair of the four-legged friend.
When the seasons are very warm, like warm winters or extremely hot summer months, the dog needs less fur to stay warm. As a result, he throws it off.
If you are a somewhat cold person yourself and have the heating on in your apartment more or less all year round, this also has an indirect effect on your dog’s hair behavior.
Excessive bathing
The Golden Retriever is a real water rat and loves to swim. Often there is extensive romping after swimming. The wet dog is of course a real magnet for dirt.
Many dog owners take this as an opportunity to give their Golden Retriever a thorough bath when they get home.
Good to know:
Excessive bathing with various shampoos or the chemical additives in them dry out the dog’s skin and thus cause increased hair loss.
It is better your dog bathing only when absolutely necessary or the fur stinks. Normal dirt can also be easily brushed out once the fur has dried. Coarse dirt can also be removed simply by showering.
Generally you should high-quality and anti-allergenic shampoos Pay attention if bathing is unavoidable.
If your dog is stressed, this can also lead to increased hair loss. Dogs react in a similar way to humans. reasons can fears but also changes in the family situation, such as a move.
Stress can also arise when your dog too long alone is or if he too little exercise and employment receives.
Inferior dog foodCoated with additives instead of nutrients can be another factor in your Golden Retriever shedding even more hair than is normal.
One high protein diet helps keep your dog’s coat healthy and supple.
Feed additives like Omega-3 supplements are also useful to give the coat more shine and strength.
Also Food intolerance or allergies can increase your retriever’s shedding.
Can excessive hair be caused by illness?
Excessive shedding can also be caused by illness. She can various causes have, which you can clarify best in a visit to the vet.
vermin and parasites
ticks, fleas or mites can greatly promote hair loss. If your four-legged friend scratches himself more often than usual, this can be another symptom of vermin infestation.
Fleas and ticks literally bury themselves in the dog’s skin, causing severe damage skin irritation and itching. Dry skin and hair loss are often the result.
What can I do about excessive hair?
Regular brushing
In order to get the hair under control to some extent, is daily brushing of your Golden Retriever almost mandatory. Your four-legged friend should be given an extensive combing and brushing program at least every other day.
You can’t prevent hair loss by doing this, but you have most of the hair in the brush and not on the carpet or sofa.
In addition, you prevent by regular brushing tangles and knots in fur.
At the same time, the gentle pressure of the brush stimulates the blood flow which in turn has a positive effect on the overall well-being of your dog.
There are special brushes on the market that not only collect the loose fur, but also gently cut and remove the undercoat at the same time. This prevents the hair from coming off too quickly.
As mentioned, it is important to have a balanced one diet, exercise and employment.
A vital dog that feels good naturally tends to shed less.
To avoid the annoying hair loss, you should get a Golden Retriever definitely don’t shave or cut your hair. This has a strong influence on the natural hair growth.
You also put your dog at risk of sunburn or heat stroke because the dog’s coat can no longer regulate itself.
The Golden Retriever has a very beautiful coat, but it does require some maintenance.
Hair loss cannot be prevented in this breed, but with a healthy diet, plenty of exercise and regular grooming, the hairy problem can be controlled.
What hairy experiences have you had? We look forward to your comment.