How much does a dog cost per month? All costs explained by the professional

How much does a dog cost per month? An important question for all dog owners. A dog not only gives love and affection, it also creates monthly recurring costs. And the up to 17 years long.

So that you can save your future costs calculate can, I have it average cost per month in more detail in the guide below.

Cost of a dog per month: overview

The Cost for a small dog amount to approx. €50 and for one big dog to approx. €250 per month.

Dog tax – Not just a question of where you live

€7 – €75 per month

As a dog owner it is in Germany Duty, one for each dog annual dog tax to pay.

The amount of the tax depends not only on the individual Residence from, but also from the race and classification of the dog.

Dog breeds, which as so-called “dangerous dogs/listed dogs” be classified, have a higher tariff on dog taxes.

This is also handled differently from state to state, since the dog tax falls under the municipal tax.

So that you can get an idea of ​​the annual dog taxes, I have given you the federal states and the tax amount for the year 2022 listed:

  • Baden-Württemberg: 108 – 120 €
  • Bavaria : 84 – 132 €
  • Berlin: €120
  • Brandenburg: 72 -108 €
  • Bremen: €150
  • Hesse 90 – 180 €
  • Mecklenburg-West Pomerania: 96 – 108 €
  • Lower Saxony: 120 – 132 €
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: €96 – €156
  • Rhineland-Palatinate: 114 – 186 €
  • Saarland: €72 – €120
  • Saxony: 96 – 108 €
  • Saxony-Anhalt: €90 – €100
  • Schleswig-Holstein: 126 – 144 €
  • Thuringia: 84 – 108 €

For additional dogs is a other tax amount due.

to yours Costs better to calculateyou should consider paying the dog tax quarterly, half-yearly or yearly want to settle.

For list dogs, there is one in some cities dog tax between 600 and 900 € per year on.

Dog liability insurance costs per month

€2.50 – €10 per month

As a dog owner, it is also mandatory for you in some federal states to have a Dog Liability Insurance to complete. This costs you €2.50 to €10 per month

Dog Liability Insurance secures you as a dog owner and come for damage on which your dog caused.

For dog owners, which ones “Dangerous Dogs” keep is a dog liability Dutysince these dogs are believed to be a higher risk represent.

Even if dog liability insurance is not mandatory in your federal state, recommend I will take out this insurance for you.

My savings tip: Liability: Even if it is not mandatory, it protects your wallet

No, I do not get any commission for this statement. But how quickly does something happen? Imagine your dog running away, a car driver has to swerve and causes an accident. The follow-up payments can weigh heavily on you financially!

There are many insurance providers who offer dog liability insurance. But open your eyes! A Comparison the provider is worth it!

Please note: damagewhich your dog causes not about the private liability covered!

Animal Health Insurance – A sensible extra expense?

9 – 20 €

An emergency operation can quickly cost several thousand euros and often comes unprepared.

You can already get animal health insurance Complete 9 – 20 € per month.

Not everyone has that lots of money left. What to dowhen you are faced with the decision: debts or going to sleep because there is no financial cushion?

To protect yourself from such difficult decisions, I recommend one Dog Health Insurance.

Of course, these are additional monthly costs. But: you rescue often not just one dog lifebut also protect dog owners from one financial crisis.

The Costs for animal health insurance are calculated, among other things, on the basis of dog breed and des age.


An animal health insurance company not committ, one adopt dog. Pre-existing illness or age are often a reason for inclusion rejected becomes.

Therefore: Do not contact an animal health insurance company only when necessary, but immediately after buying the dog.

Again, I recommend you one Comparison.

Depending on kind and Scope the insurance vary the monthly Prices strong.

Monthly vet bills


These costs cover the annual general check-upsthe Vaccinate as well as the Endo- and ectoparasite prophylaxis.

Cost of dog food and treats per month


The cost of dog food is up no limits set. The same goes for the treats.

At these costs, not only play preferences and the health aspect of the dog a supporting role, but also the size and breed.

Small dogs are often “cheaper” than large ones when it comes to food maintenance, as the amount of food is much smaller.

Monthly costs for dog trainers, animal boarding & Co.

7 – over €100

The price for dog schools, dog trainer, kennel and co are differing. They vary depending on the age of the dog and the needs and problems.

You can expect the following average monthly costs for the individual training sessions:

  • Puppy intensive course: from 120 €
  • Young dogs intensive course: from 170 €
  • Education courses: 120 – 290 €

The cost of one animal pension are different. You can roughly with 20 to 100 € per day calculate.

Depending on the breed of dog and where you live, your dog may have a character test is required. The character test also beats €50 to €300 to book.

My tip: Save with group lessons

Individual lessons with a trainer are always many times more expensive than group lessons. If your dog is not conspicuous, I recommend the group lessons. That also does a lot more Fun.

One membership in one dog sport club is also a good way to train inexpensively. Thanks to common interests, new friends for dog and owner can often be found there.

The regular workouts are mostly through one annual membership fee covered.

Seminars with dogs are another cost factor. You can come along for a weekend seminar 350 to 700 € calculate, depending on the type of seminar.

Not to forget: initial equipment & acquisition costs

€500 – €3,200

The dog buying and also the needed one Basic equipment cost money.

Acquisition costs dog


Depending on what kind of dog you buy, it can purchase price of dog between approx €350 and €2,500 vary.

A dog from the animal shelter or the animal welfare has a nominal fee of approx 350 to 650 €.

Would you like one? puppies of a reputable breeder you can buy with me €600 up to €2,500 calculate. This of course depends on the breed of dog.

Although cheap puppies from the Internet appear seductive: Stay away from cheap puppies! Support the illegal puppy trade NOT through your purchase!

Cost of initial equipment


To the “mandatory equipment” of a dog include one ropea collar/harness, bowlsone sleeping accommodation, dog food, toys and if necessary care items as well as one Pet crate (Automobile).

Here are yours Spending no limits set. Of course, a cheap collar or a blanket as a dog bed will also do. There is good in this area too savings potential.

many things dog accessories you can do it yourself make. This not only saves, but is recycling, promotes creativity and above all makes one thing: Addictive!

My tip: buy the transport box only once

If you often want to transport your future dog in the car, it is worth buying a good, safe and stable transport box. Such a box lasts a lifetime and protects you and your dog while driving and in the event of an accident. Good savings!


It goes without saying that a dog costs money. It is therefore always useful to keep an eye on the running costs.

Especially in the area of ​​dog liability and dog health insurance, a lot of money can be saved after a thorough comparison.

Of course I don’t want to spoil the joy of buying a dog with this article. A few tricks and tips can save you a lot of money.

Furthermore, the monthly costs vary depending on the place of residence, dog breed and dog requirements.

How much does your dog cost you per month? In which state do you live? Or do you have an ultimate savings tip? Then leave us a comment!