13 Incredibly Cute English Dog Breeds (With Pictures)

England your dogs!

There are many dog ​​breeds in England. As well as terriers, bulldogs and corgis, the UK is also a kingdom for many hunting and herding dogs.

The smart British among the dog breeds can do more than just ask at teatime and howl «God save the Queen».

13 English dog breeds at a glance

England has always been a very dog-friendly country. Rover, Bailey, Blacky and Co. lead a good life there in the shadow of the crown.

The countless dog breeds in England served primarily as hunting and herding dogs. The British that followed have made the leap across the Channel and are also popular companion and family dogs across borders.

1. Jack Russell Terrier

One of the most popular English dog breeds is the Jack Russel Terrier. The little runabouts have been kept and bred in England since the 19th century.

Small but great! A Jack Russel Terrier should never be underestimated. The dogs are very agile, clever and in their past were used primarily for fox hunting.

Anyone who smiles at a Jack Russel Terrier can expect a spirited bundle of energy.

Long walks and agility are compulsory.

2. Yorkshire Terriers

Another English Terrier is the Yorkshire Terrier. Similar to the Jack Russel Terrier, the Yorkshire Terrier is small, bold, and confident. This little one is also actually a hunting dog.

Yorkshire Terriers look like born lap and couch dogs. But appearance is deceptive. The charming heartbreakers from England need a lot of exercise and activity.

If he is kept in a small apartment, even the tamest Yorkshire Terrier mutates into an unpleasant barker.

3. West Highland Terriers

The cute West Highland Terrier comes from the Scottish highlands. Like almost all terrier species, this cute four-legged friend is a sly old dog.

In the cute shell of the West Highland Terrier there is actually a real hunting dog that was primarily used for badger and fox hunting.

Due to its cute appearance, this terrier is very popular with dog lovers. The breed is considered to be very playful, people-oriented and can easily be kept as a family dog. However, he is and will remain a terrier. Education should therefore not be neglected.

4. Airedale Terriers

England your terriers! The Airedale Terrier is also known as the «king of terriers». The breed originally comes from the eponymous Airedale in Yorkshire.

Their distinguishing feature is the wavy, curly coat combined with the distinctive beard.

This breed is the largest of the English terriers. It was also used for hunting small animals.

Airedale Terriers are born family dogs that even have no problem with children. They should only be exercised regularly and exercised both physically and mentally.

5. Basset Hound

England has more than just terriers. Another popular British dog breed is the Basset Hound. The four-legged friends came from France to England in the 19th century, where they were then kept and bred as house or cattle dogs.

You can recognize the Basset Hound by its long ears, its always sad look, its short legs and its heavy head. He is the visual joker among the English dog breeds.

The dog breed has conquered the whole world. Today, the Basset Hound is a popular companion dog across borders. He is a loyal and lovable stubborn, but cannot stay alone for long.

6. Beagles

The Beagle is one of the most sought-after dog breeds of all. These pretty charm bolts are also originally from England. They were primarily used as working dogs and quickly won the hearts of the population.

In its past, the Beagle was primarily a hunting dog, hunting foxes in larger packs. With his fine nose, he is the ideal tracking dog.

Then as now, Beagles make great friends for their owners. The four-legged friends are considered to be very intelligent, active and keep masters on their toes.

7. Corgi

When you think of British dog breeds, you automatically think of Corgis. They are the Queen’s favorite dogs and have had roots on the island for centuries.

Corgis are originally from Wales. There they were mainly used as herding dogs for sheep and cattle. They are also known as «Welsh Corgis» because of their geographic origin.

Despite their small size and cuddly looks, Corgis are anything but lap dogs. They need a lot of exercise and exercise. In a city apartment, this breed of dogs will be out of place.

8. Cocker Spaniels

The British Cocker Spaniel is known and loved far beyond the borders. It is the most popular of the English Spaniel breeds. But the pretty little fellows also have a lot to offer. They served the English as hunting, companion and family dogs.

Cocker Spaniels are beautiful animals. In particular, the striking ears and the silky fur make the dogs real gems. In addition, they are very loyal, loving and affectionate. Cocker spaniels cut a fine figure today, especially as family dogs.

9. English Bulldog

It probably doesn’t get any more English than that. The origins of the English bulldog date back to Roman times. They are descended from the Molosser dogs and, like these, were used as fighting dogs.

Not much is left of the attack dog today. On the contrary! The aggressive animals have become relaxed cuddly cheeks.

The English Bulldog is a wonderful breed of house dog. The four-legged friends are peaceful, friendly and have a mind of their own. They are not very high maintenance. Only the eye and nose areas require regular checks.

10. English Bull Terrier

Another fighting dog breed from England is the English Bull Terrier. The breed originally hails from near Birmingham. For the desired fighting spirit, bulldogs were bred with hunting terriers and the breeds were released to badgers.

The dog breed is hard to overlook. It draws everyone’s attention primarily because of its long, egg-shaped head. In some German federal states, however, the Bull Terrier is on the list of dangerous dog breeds.

Many dog ​​lovers and dog owners love the English Bull Terrier because of its rough edges. A real character dog.

11. Border Collie

Another English dog breed is the Border Collie. These nimble companions served primarily as herding dogs.

Border collies are among the most beautiful of the English dog breeds. They can have black and white or brown fur coloring.

Border collies are very popular with dog owners. They are loyal, nimble and very clever. They have to be constantly encouraged and challenged both physically and mentally. A good upbringing and sufficient patience are the be-all and end-all for a Border Collie.

12.Golden Retrievers

Heart of Gold!

The Golden Retriever is one of the most well-known and popular dog breeds. This gold piece among the dogs is also an English dog breed.

The Golden Retriever is still quite young. The breed only appeared in the second half of the last century. The quadrupeds were primarily used as working dogs.

Today, the Golden Retriever is the epitome of the family dog. He is clever, eager to learn, loving and people-oriented. He also loves balls.

13.English Mastiff

The English Mastiff can alternatively be titled Bullmastiff. He is considered the colossus of English dog breeds.

English Mastiffs are very large and of strong build. At first glance, they can seem a bit menacing. But appearance is deceptive. The powerhouses are kind and loving in nature.

Today, English Mastiffs are often used as guard dogs.