If you don’t want to have your dog neutered right away, you can use the neuter chip for dogs.
It works like a canine contraceptive, but it comes with a risk or two.
One can First aggravation after the castration chip enter. The following guide explains what it is and what you can do.
What is an initial aggravation after the castration chip?
An initial aggravation after the castration chip is usually a aggressive behavior in males. It often occurs immediately after the hormone chip is inserted.
The reason is that the hormone chip contains Deslorelin, which interferes with the dog’s hormone balance. Testosterone levels are also affected.
The resulting hormonal chaos makes the dog aggressive. The castration chip can also make a dog extremely anxious.
The condition can last 4 to 6 weeks. As a rule, the initial aggravation after the castration chip should have subsided after this time.
In some cases, the symptoms of the initial aggravation only subside after 8 weeks.
In many dogs, physical changes can also be observed, such as:
Good to know
In general, the hormone chip makes dogs calmer because the production of testosterone is eliminated.
How likely is it that there will be an initial aggravation after a castration chip?
The probability of an initial aggravation occurring is relatively high. But it always depends on the nature of the dog.
It is therefore possible that a dog will not show an initial aggravation. The fact is, however, that a massive intervention in the hormonal balance takes place.
In most cases, this, in turn, does not leave the fur nose untouched.
How can you treat an initial aggravation after the castration chip?
Aggression and anxiety as an initial aggravation after the neutering chip can be treated with home remedies. Valerian and lavender are suitable, among others.
It’s all about calming the dog down. And it is not always necessary to resort to pharmaceuticals.
In addition to valerian for dogs and lavender, the following natural remedies have a calming effect:
- hop
- lemon balm
- Johannis herbs
- Cannabidiol/CDB
L-tryptophan (amino acid) can also calm the nerves of anxious and aggressive dogs.
If none of this helps, then discuss medical alternatives with your veterinarian. Among other things, the active ingredient Grapiprant can help.
Is it possible to avoid an initial aggravation after the castration chip?
You can’t really avoid the initial aggravation after the castration chip. There is always a risk that he will negatively change the dog’s behavior.
If you want to reduce the risk, you should know your dog very well. Anxious dogs in particular can suffer from the initial aggravation.
The hormones are also to blame for this. Testosterone acts as a counterpart to the stress hormone cortisol.
If testosterone falls away due to the hormone chip, then cortisol has a clear path, so to speak.
Dogs who are already stressed out become even more anxious.
The same applies if a dog is naturally a little more aggressive. You avoid an initial aggravation by not using the hormone chip.
It may help if you counteract it with one of the home remedies mentioned.
You can give them to your dog a few weeks before the neutering chip is inserted.
His nerves then have time to calm down. Your veterinarian will definitely explain what can work.
Can you share your experiences with the initial aggravation after the castration chip? We’d love for you to do that in our comments.