dog is hyperactive An expert explains! (Counselor)

Do you have a bouncy type dog that just can’t keep still?

Maybe you sometimes wonder Is your dog’s behavior normal?? Or are you annoyed by your dog’s restlessness?

If you suspect that your dog hyperactive is, we will tell you in this article how to determine this and what you can do now.

Is my dog ​​hyperactive? Symptoms & Signs

There are different types of dogs. Just because a dog is very active and lively doesn’t mean it’s hyperactive.

Some are rather quiet and are satisfied with the walks. Other dogs constantly put balls at your feet, jump around excitedly and are very active and never seem to get tired.

In between there are many different activity levels.

So never compare your dog to other breeds. The only way to determine if your dog is hyperactive is to look at your dog’s breed.

So is your dog in compared to his siblings or other dogs of the same breed, extremely active, reacts with very strong emotions and takes much longer to calm down, then hyperactive behavior is obvious.

A hyperactive dog is more active than other dogs of its breed. He lies down less can hardly sit still and seems to have infinite energy.

Even if you’ve walked and played with him for a long time, he still wants you not rest.

If you following symptoms you observe in your dog, there may be hyperactivity:

  • He’s always chasing you
  • Appears generally restless and restless
  • It is not possible to sit or lie down
  • keeps asking you to play
  • strong & much panting and wheezing
  • He pulls hard on the leash (You can find out how to get your dog to stop pulling on the leash here)
  • your dog seems unfocused during training
  • with greetings he is difficult to calm down
  • your dog can’t switch off even when he’s asleep

3 causes of hyperactivity in dogs

There are a number of reasons why your dog may appear hyperactive.

1. hyperactivity through lining

Incorrect feeding can make your dog hyperactive. If the food is high in phenylalanine, it can make your dog very active.

Especially in chicken, turkey and beef this substance occurs. Therefore, try to feed sheep, lamb and goat as well as well-cooked pork.

Too much protein can make dogs hyperactive: Feeding also includes controlling protein levels. Too much protein can also cause your dog to become hyperactive.

What happens if your dog gets too much protein and how to determine the right amount, you will find out in this article: Too much protein in dogs: symptoms & correct amount explained.

Hyperactive dog by Barf: If your dog gets a lot of raw beef or venison, it can spike his dopamine levels. This can encourage strong emotions and excitement.

Barf can also be responsible for hyperactive behavior in dogs. In this case, therefore, it is better to sit down goat or sheep meat.

2. What does the thyroid have to do with hyperactive dogs?

The thyroid affects many organs. At a Overactive thyroid can the dog appear hyperactive.

Increased panting and restlessness are among the signs of this condition. But anxiety and increasing aggressiveness can also indicate a thyroid disorder.

3. Hyperactive or Wrong Utilization?

Also to much or too little workload can cause undesirable behavior in a dog.

Some dogs are born to «work» and need daily exercise. Extensive walks, play units and also intelligence tasks should therefore be on the daily schedule.

However, fixed breaks should also be planned into the daily routine for very active dogs.

How do I deal with a hyperactive dog?

staye friendly, calm and relaxed to your dog. Your dog should be given clear commands that he can implement.

Encourage calm behavior through praise and rewards. Try to ignore the unwanted behavior.

Exercise your dog properly. Many breeds need physical and mental exercise in order to be balanced.

But make sure that you don’t put your dog under still overwhelmed.

Good to know:

You should never punish your dog for hyperactive behavior. This will damage the relationship with your dog and make him feel insecure.

This can further encourage undesirable behavior.

Can a vet help or should I go to the dog trainer?

To the health causesYou should ask your vet for advice on how to rule out an overactive thyroid.

If your dog is healthy, you can address individual behaviors that bother you with a dog trainer.

A trainer can give you sound advice. Do you try one annoying habit training your dog yourself can quickly go in the wrong direction.

Don’t forget that some Dogs have inbred behavior.

Some hunting dogs are more prone to barking than other dogs. Many herding dogs need more utilization and are more active than other races.


The only way to determine whether your dog’s behavior is problematic or normal is to make comparisons within a breed.

All dogs have breed-specific dispositions. For example, not every dog ​​is made to lie quietly under the table in a restaurant for two hours.

Dog behaving hyperactively – video


To determine if your dog is hyperactive, you should never compare it to other breeds.

An Australian Shepherd will be im contrast to one Saint Bernards always seem hyperactive.

If you think your dog is hyperactive, the first thing you should do is rule out health causes.

If your healthy dog’s behavior annoys you or bothers you, you can work on it with a dog trainer and, if necessary, exercise your dog properly.

But always keep in mind that some dog breeds are simply very active.

How much exercise does your dog need to be happy? Let us know in the comments.