Dog despite working a 40-hour week? It works with these 6 tips

Are you single and would you rather live with a furry friend than a family? It is clear that a partner is independent despite living together. But what about a dog?

The most important question that arises: Can I keep a dog in a species-appropriate manner despite working a 40-hour week?

You can find out in this article whether this can work and what you have to pay attention to.

Dog despite a 40-hour week – is that possible?

You would like to get a dog, are employed and also live alone. Of course you pretend to be responsible person the question of whether this can go well.

Basically: one alone Dog to keep despite a full-time job – It is a challenge, but it can be done!

However, there is still a lot to consider. Your life should not only consist of eating, sleeping and working. You should care for your future dog despite your full-time job enough time reserves bring to you to deal with him.

In the future, not only your job, but also your dog will determine your daily routine.

Of course, the ideal case is when you can work from home temporarily or even take your four-legged friend with you to the office. In practice, however, this is rather rare.

You should also remember that your dog is your needs attention, employment and outleteven if the job was still so stressful today and it’s raining cats and dogs outside.

If you have carefully considered your decision and are willing to accept significant changes in your daily routine, there is nothing wrong with keeping a dog despite a full-time job.

However, if you’re one of those people who gets up just before the morning and likes to put your feet up after work, a stuffed dog might be a better choice.

6 tips – This is how it works with a dog despite a full-time job

The following tips are of course dependent on yours personal circumstances. If you can take your dog to work with you, it is completely different than if he is alone all day.

It also makes a difference whether you put your dog in a Apartment leaves behind or whether he is in the House and (fenced) garden can move freely.

Also the period of your absence and the distance to the workplace play a role. You might even be able to go home quickly during the lunch break to walk the dog.

1. Fixed daily routine

In order for living together to work, you should have one fixed daily routine have. You should In the morningbefore you go to work, take your dog for a long walk. For sportier dog breeds, this can also be done by bike.

Before you go, make sure there is enough food and water.

When you come home, you first need to be petted or played, and then another larger round.

In the evening round you should also include sports and games to keep your dog busy and busy.

You are welcome to cuddle during the evening. However, before it night rest goes, a short lap outside is definitely the order of the day.


Even dog breeds that can be left alone for long periods should no longer than 6 to 8 hours be alone every day. A full-time job often adds up to 10 to 11 hours in addition to the actual working hours plus breaks plus travel time.

It also becomes difficult if you work in shifts. While you can adjust quickly, the shift change could pose a real problem for your dog’s habits.

Here you should think about alternatives, which are described in the next tips.

2. Involve the environment

Maybe you are not alone and have a partner who has slightly different working hours than you. Then you can possibly cover a long period of time here when the dog is not alone.

Often also offer friends and neighbors who regularly check on the four-legged friend or even take care of him during your absence.

Another alternative are schoolchildren, students or pensioners who offer to walk your dog.

This is the best place to look for one walkers of your trust, to whom you can entrust your apartment keys for picking up and bringing the dog without your presence.

3. Professional care

Dog day care centers, dog boarding and dog day care centers are now available in almost every community or city. Although these facilities have their opening hours, the drop-off and pick-up times for your dog can usually be arranged individually.

Many of these facilities allow your dog even record overnightif you suddenly have to go away on business for a few days.

The downside with these facilities is the price. Dog day care centers charge up to 20 euros for 4-hour care. If the care lasts longer, a daily flat rate is due, which often costs up to 35 euros per day.

However, there are often subscriptions or regular customer discounts.

4. second dog

I work all day and hardly have time for a dog. Should I buy a second one? Sounds paradoxical.

Of course you have to feed two dogs and go out with two dogs. But that can be done in one go. Just don’t favor one dog and neglect the other.

In your professional absence, the dogs have each other as company and are happy together when you come home.

However, you then have to employ two dogs and keep them busy.

5. Dog sport

It makes perfect sense that you and your dog sign up for activities that you regularly participate in, such as dog sports.

The trick is that these are fixed appointments that you keep, while you are happy to postpone cycling until tomorrow, for example because of bad weather.

6. Puppies

As a working person with no opportunity to take care of the dog in between, you might want to bring a young dog or an adult dog into the house. Puppies should be housebroken, but they can’t hold out for hours. So do you now have to leave your puppy alone for work?

No, but you can use the following as a guide. On average, a puppy lasts one hour per month of life. So a three-month-old puppy needs to relieve itself at least every three hours. This way you can plan your everyday life better to get your puppy housebroken.

By the way:

The new dog walking law has been in effect since 2022. On the one hand, however, this is very vaguely formulated and, on the other hand, it is hardly controllable and enforceable.

It is therefore still in the hands of every dog ​​owner to take responsibility for ensuring that the dog is kept in a manner appropriate to the species and breed and that the dog is well-being.


Working full-time and having a dog is not an impossibility. However, in order for people and animals to do well, some requirements should be met and also the willingness to be there for your dog unconditionally and without excuses after a long working day (and before).

People who are already busy enough with work and just want to put their feet up should give up the desire for a dog.

A dog needs recognition, activity and exercise. What do you think about? We look forward to your comment.