Surely you have encountered dogs without tails before.
Actually that is one natural anomaly, which does not only affect individual dogs. Rather, this phenomenon occurs in entire dog breeds.
We know some dogs without a tail where this effect was artificially created, mostly for visual reasons.
However, the so-called «docking» is now forbidden in most European countries, as this process causes a lot of suffering and pain in the animals.
So here we are looking at natural dog breeds with no tails or congenital bobtails.
You will be amazed at the large number of dog breeds without a tail.
1. Old English Sheepdog
Formerly, the tail of the great native of England herding dog often fully docked.
One congenital bobtail is not uncommon for the long-haired Brit.
The Old English Sheepdog is also known as bobtail known and a recognized British dog breed.
At the same time, «bobtail» is also used as a generic term eponymous for all dog breeds with or without a short bobtail.
Good to know:
A genetic test can be used to find out whether a bobtail is natural or artificial.
A testable gene variant called “C189G” is responsible for a stumpy tail.
This inheritable gene is sometimes responsible for dogs of affected breeds passing on their stumpy tails for many generations.
2.Australian Shepherd
According to the FCI standards, the tail of the USA originating Australian Shepherd no longer than 10 centimeters be.
In fact, the tail length of the «Aussies» ranges from virtually non-existent to a «normal» tail length.
Docking is still allowed in its American homeland. In this country, the bobtail is achieved by breeding animals with a very short tail.
3. Boston Terriers
boston terrier plural have one short rod stub. This one is common kinked or helically curved.
Sometimes there are also dogs that have almost no visible tail.
The «American Gentlemen» is a small dog breed with a outgoing and friendly personality.
He’s easy to train and not just because of that popular family dog.
4. Welsh Corgi
The same as Pembroke acquaintance Welsh Corgi will be without or with one very short tail born.
Unlike the Pembroke, the Welsh Corgi Cardigan a fox-like and long tail. Although the names are very similar, these are two distinct dog breeds.
The little Welsh Corgi, in addition to the missing tail, also has very short legs. However, that doesn’t stop him from romping around extensively with his family or other dogs.
5. French Bulldog
Affectionately known as the “Frenchie”. French bulldog is not just a very short-nosed dog breedyou often see them too completely without rod.
Some come too short knotted or kinked rods before, but which fit closely to the body and are usually almost immobile.
Not because of the tail, but rather to increase the effect of the short head, Frenchies often come from torture breeds.
Even if a short nose with big googly eyes looks very cute, this effect can only be achieved with a lot of suffering and pain for the animal.
Therefore, when buying a Frenchie, pay attention to a natural head shape and a reputable breeder.
6. Bouvier des Ardennes
This one from Belgium cattle dog was considered almost extinct and is still very rare to find today. It was only a few years ago that the population recovered.
Earlier was also at Bouvier des Ardennes the tail often docked. When docking was also banned in Belgium, the breed became purposefully bred on a stumpy rod.
That is why this feature is still very common today.
7.Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog
This breed of dog, originating from the 7th continent, is probably the only one that already bears its special characteristic in its name.
Often he has Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog only one very short tail stub. Mostly the tail maximum 10 centimeters longoccasionally there are also four-legged friends with a slightly longer tail.
8. English Bulldog
The English bulldog is very similar to the Frenchie in appearance, size and temperament, but is a distinct British dog breed.
Also their appearance is characterized by a very short tail shaped. The bobtail is usually straight and hangs down.
As with the Frenchie, the English bulldog is also often subjected to torment breeding in order to keep it short-nose to emphasize artificially.
9. Mudi
Those from Hungary Mudis often have one medium length tailwhich is usually worn as a bow.
Mudis come with one just as often congenital rodlessness or one stub tail before.
Although docking is still allowed in Hungary, this practice is rarely used there. Short rods usually get through inbreeding achieved.
10. Schipperke
The Schipperke looks and size initially reminds of one Pointed.
In fact, however, it is one of the smallest of four Belgian ones German shepherd breeds.
Normally the Schipperke has one long rodwhich is covered with long hair and sometimes ringed.
But many of the little Belgians will only be with one half rodone bobtail or even completely rodless born.
11. Entlebuch Mountain Dog
Entlebuch mountain dogs often come with one completely normal rod to the world.
In the past, the tails were often docked, but now the effect is achieved through crossing. That is why these mountain dogs are more and more often with one stub tail to meet
The Entlebucher does not carry its short tails hanging down or standing up, but rather as a horizontal extension of the back.
12. Berger des Pyrénées
At the Berger of the Pyrenees is actually about two dog breeds. Both come from the French Pyrenees.
The long-haired Pyrenean Shepherd usually has one congenital bobtail.
The slightly more compact built Pyrenean Sheepdog is rather short haired. Natural malformations of the tail also occur with him, but not as often as with the somewhat slimmer German Shepherd.
13. Swedish Vallhund
In the national language, the Swedish Vallhund «Västgötaspets» called. Both designations refer to his original task as “herd dog”
Sometimes the little Swede kicks one fully developed tail on. In most cases, however, this is significantly shortened or is only recognizable as a beginning.
Depending on the length, the Vallhund carries its tail pointing upwards or hanging down.
14. Epagneul Breton
This temperamental spaniel has its home in French Brittany.
Here he was mainly as hunting dog deployed. Since there is a risk of injury for hunting dogs when grazing through thorny bushes, the docking ban for hunting and cattle dogs in France was temporarily suspended.
More and more animals are coming with us today congenital or bred bobtails before.
15. Croatian Shepherd Dog
In the local language it is called Croatian Shepherd Dog «Hrvatski ovcar”which is also its official breed name.
It is very similar to the Hungarian mudihis head is reminiscent of a fox.
The Hrvatski ovčar had originally a long tail. Due to genetic errors and intentional breeding, he now appears more and more with a very short, but also completely without tail.
16. Polski Owczarek Nizinny
As the name suggests, this rather small breed of herding dog comes from Poland.
In its homeland, the tail was often docked in the past. In the meantime, one looks away from that half-length rods or bobtails very often anyway innate are.
The dog with the long fur is very little known in this country. However, his balanced and lively nature makes him a very good one family dogwho is also very trainable.
17. Dansk-Svensk Gårdshund
Is the rod of Danish-Swedish farm dog normally pronounced, he wears it bent upwards like a sickle.
In most dogs of this breed, the rod however significantly shortened or completely missing.
The original Danish Fox Terrier was also derogatory as “ because of his primary task to keep house and yard free of rodentsrat dog» designated. Its resemblance to Jack Russel terrier he cannot deny it.
18. Karelian Bear Dog
Although the name «bear dog” or also Bjornhund sounds very powerful, he is by no means a giant.
The medium-sized Finnish dog breed was specifically designed for hunting game grown in dense undergrowth.
A long and bushy tail is not necessarily an advantage here. Through short-lived inbreds this was more or less bred away.
19. Terrier Brasileiro
This one from Brazil terrier species is extremely rare in Europe and is mainly used in its homeland hunt deployed.
The Brasileiro naturally has one very short tail. In many representatives of this breed, however, this is particularly short and hardly recognizable.
20. Spanish Water Dog
Although the Perro de Agua Espanol originating from Spain, it is often referred to as “Perro Turco» or «Turkish dog» designated.
He likes to this day as herding dog used, but its original task was the hunt on and by the water.
A long tail is an excellent oar for a dog. Although the Spanish water dog often has one congenital stumpy tail he is still an excellent swimmer.
21. Miniature American Shepherd
The «Mini Aussie” has emerged from the Australian Shepherd developed.
That’s why he has them short tail from its larger relative inherited.
Unfortunately, docking is still common in the USA to this day. There, the proportion of dogs with an artificially short tail is significantly higher than the proportion with a congenital stumpy tail.
Good to know at the end:
If dogs have a very short or barely visible tail, this is due to a genetic defect that has already been described and is hereditary.
Thus, the desired optical effect was deliberately bred for many breeds, especially in countries where docking is forbidden.
Dogs not only need their tail to run or swim, it is also an important means of communication for them to communicate with other dogs.
This does not mean that a dog without a tail is therefore a worse runner or swimmer, or even antisocial towards other dogs.
Rather, the four-legged friends have learned to cope very well with the missing hairy and wagging back extension in the course of development.