Dog presses sideways to me: That’s the meaning

You show your dog every day that you love him – through playing together, cuddling or his favorite treat.

Your dog will also show you that he loves you. You can recognize this by the following, among other things: My dog ​​hugs me sideways.

We will go into more detail about the meaning and reasons in the following guide.

In a nutshell: Why is my dog ​​pushing me sideways?

Is your dog pushing you sideways? Then the most common reason is that he tells you show his affection and love want.

You can also tell this when your dog presses or rubs its head or back against your legs or some other part of its body.

Another reason can be that your dog is afraid of something and therefore presses against you sideways. A learned behavior, attention or an illness can also be the trigger.

Dog presses me sideways: 7 reasons

Is your dog pushing you sideways? Then let’s take a look which 7 reasons are hidden behind it can.

Love & Affection

Dogs cannot tell us in words that they love us. So body language has to do this, through different gestures and facial expressions.

Giving your dog a side hug is a way of showing their love and affection for you.

By rubbing, the dog also gives off scents to you. So he marks you as his human when he presses his side to you.


Even with the bravest dog, it can happen that the shock gets into his limbs and he therefore presses sideways against you.

So he seeks protection from you, because in most cases you are the bigger of the two of you.

Good to know

Puppies in particular can be afraid of many things around the 8th week of life. That’s when they get to know that feeling for the first time.

Excuse me

As sweet as our furry friends are, that doesn’t mean they always do what they’re supposed to do.

A shoe may have fallen victim to a nibble attack, or the lining may have found its way onto your carpet.

Your dog does have a guilty conscience. Pressing sideways to you, he says sorry.

itching on the head

Maybe a flea bit your dog on the head? Then, of course, this spot itches terribly!

This is where your legs can be used to give the itchy spot a good rub and soothe the itching.

behavior through learning

Have you taught your dog to side hug you, for example as part of dog training?

Then it’s no wonder if he presses his side against you, hoping not only for a pet but also for a reward treat.


Not all dog breeds need to be entertained by their people all day, but some do.

Do you have such a fur nose that always has to be the center of attention? But this one not given the desired attention?

Then pressing sideways to you is nothing more than a request to please keep your dog busy enough.


A really unsightly reason for your dog to press sideways against you is an illness.

Here, among other things, a stroke, a brain tumor or a concussion can have set the trigger.

How should I behave if my dog ​​is pushing me sideways?

First, you should find out why your dog is pushing against you sideways.

Depending on the cause, your behavior will also be different. Is this how your dog shows you love? Then of course you cuddle back or stroke him behind the ears.

The same applies if he seeks closeness by your side out of fear or stress. Here you should also talk to him calmly to take his fear away.

Did your fur nose mess up? Then you can let him know calmly and clearly that his behavior wasn’t great.

But please never be loud, don’t scold him or even get violent!

Do you suspect a serious illness, such as a concussion? Then you should take your dog to the vet without detours.


Is your dog pushing you sideways? Then you can, among other things a show of affection, stress, fear, or an apology be the reason.

It can also be a learned behavior, a request for attention, and even a brain or nervous system disorder.

In any case, keep calm, cuddle your furry friend or tell her that shoes and the like aren’t that great.

If an illness has set the trigger, you should of course go to the vet as soon as possible.

Has your dog ever pressed against you sideways and what was the cause? We’d love for you to share your story with us in the comments. 😊