Causes, symptoms & when to put to sleep

Of course you want your beloved furry friend to always be happy.

Nevertheless, even a dog cannot be immune to one of the most insidious diseases: bone cancer in dogs.

Find out everything you need to know about this terrible disease in our complete guide. And hope you never need this guide.

Bone cancer in dogs: causes

Bone cancer is one of the most common cancers in dogs. He is also under the name osteosarcoma known.

Large dogs are particularly affected. The tumor is here on the front legs near the knee joints, but also on the hind leg.

There are several causes of this cancer. For one thing, your dog can genetic predisposition have. For example, if one of the parent animals also has an osteosarcoma, i.e. the cancer is hereditary.

Furthermore, a trauma counted among the triggers. These include, among other things bone infarcts, broken bones or implants.

These factors are believed to favor the development of osteosarcoma. Please note that this does not have to be the case – this is only to be taken as an indication.

Symptoms of bone cancer in dogs

First of all: Some of the following symptoms can indicate an osteosarcoma. But they can also have another and harmless cause.

A first indication that your dog might be suffering from bone cancer is an onset lameness of the diseased leg. You can recognize this by the fact that the dog puts its paw down carefully or drags it.

This paralysis is caused by pain, which in turn is caused by the growing tumor. This also causes the dog to limp.

After this first symptom, a swelling on – also an appearance of the tumor.

End-stage symptoms

These two symptoms are particularly evident at the beginning of the disease. If the end stage of bone cancer has already been reached, further symptoms appear.

Among other things, it can increase leg fractures come because the bone is attacked. Also, this type of cancer has the habit of too metastasize.

This means that the cancer spreads and settles in other important organs in the dog’s organism. Especially the lung is affected here. More rarely, the cancer spreads to other bones, the liver, or the skin.

Since the lungs are affected, shortness of breath is one of the other symptoms – as well as Drowsiness, lethargy and loss of appetite.

The heart can also be affected. Because this is no longer supplied with sufficient oxygen. Another reason for the lethargy of the four-legged friend.

Course of bone cancer in dogs

As the symptoms have shown, bone cancer has a specific course. Starting with the first paralysis and swelling, other organs are affected by cancer as the disease progresses.

Ultimately, an osteosarcoma ensures that the organism of the sick dog is shut down more and more over time and eventually come to a standstill comes.

What is the life expectancy with bone cancer?

Life expectancy after diagnosis or illness depends on several factors. Strictly speaking, from the treatment or therapy.

So veterinarians assume that a pure pain therapy the life of the dog extended by 2 to 4 months. Even an amputation of the affected leg has no significant, beneficial influence on this.

Things can be different if the Amputation after chemotherapy he follows. Both of these actions can save the dog’s life around 10 to 14 months extend.

Is bone cancer in dogs curable?

So far there is no treatment methodholding a dog suffering from bone cancer fully heal again can.

All that can be done are measures to temporarily stop the cancer and provide relief for the dog.

Bone cancer treatment and therapy

Unfortunately, there is currently no promising treatment or therapy that could defeat bone cancer.

This means that all measures taken by a veterinarian cannot stop the cancer. Just extend the life of your dog.

As with most cancers, osteosarcoma uses the following treatments and therapies: Pain therapy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy as well as the surgical removal of the tumor.

If this was recognized early and has not yet had time to scatter, this can improve the dog’s chances under certain circumstances.

As mentioned, amputation of the leg can also be a measure. To what extent can this save the life of the dog? Only a vet can answer that.

What can I do to relieve the pain?

In order to relieve the pain of the dog, only appropriate medication will help Painkiller. You can get this from the vet.

What can also help: Lots of love and affection and special care for the diseased leg.

The final stage – when should I put my dog ​​to sleep?

Probably the most difficult question at the end, to which there is unfortunately only one answer. This last step is necessary if your dog is only suffering.

You already know that there is no recovery from this disease. If the vet has only given your dog a little time, therapy no longer makes any real sense.

In order to make this physical suffering as short as possible, you have to jump over your shadow. Your needs are to be put behind those of your dog – as difficult as that is.


Please stay with him in this step on the final journey. Because then he knows that you didn’t leave him alone in his greatest need and fear.


Bone cancer is a particularly aggressive form of cancer that can primarily affect large dog breeds. As with so many types of cancer, there is still no real herb against this one.

It means that osteosarcoma is inevitably fatal for the affected dog ends.

We hope you haven’t had to go through this terrible and traumatic experience yourself. If you can, share your feelings and thoughts with us in the comments.