At the Cane Corso Pitbull Mix it is a hybrid breed.
In fact, this crossing is a special one. Because these are two separate breeds, which unfortunately do not always enjoy a good reputation – and wrongly so.
What exactly is this and the two parent breeds all about?
You can find out in the following breed portrait.
The Essentials in Brief About the Cane Corso Pitbull Mix
The Cane Corso, too Cane Corso Italiano or Italian Mastiffand the American pit bull are special races for a sad reason. In many federal states and some Swiss cantons, these dogs are considered list dogs. This also applies to the Cane Corso Pitbull mix.
Incidentally, the Cane Corso Pitbull mix breed will too American Pit Corso called.
Size & Life Expectancy
Size: 56 to 71 centimeters; Males larger than females
Weight: 35 to 58 kilograms; Males heavier than females
Life expectancy: 10 to 12 years
Character: Demanding, intelligent, affectionate, faithful, reliable, trainable, gentle, loyal
Special feature: list dog. Nevertheless affectionate and trusting family dog.
The American Pit Corso combines the optical characteristics of the parents. So he has it muscular and stocky physique inherited, which is as characteristic of the pit bull as it is of the mastiff. This body is completed by stocky and strong legs.
It is particularly noticeable Head. This is almost square formed and ends in a thick and muscular neck. They stand out on the face almond shaped eyes. Also the large drooping ears are a feature of this hybrid breed.
Height Weight
In hybrid breeds, genes determine height and weight. This is also the case with the Cane Corso Pitbull Mix. This is where the gene pools of the large mastiff and the smaller pit bull meet.
Also are Females are smaller and lighter than males. For the American Pit Corso that means: That Weight lies between 35 and 58 kilograms. The shoulder height lies between 56 and 71 centimeters.
Colors & coat texture
The American Pit Corso inherited the colors and coat of its parents. The color palette ranges from Red to fawn to black and brindle.
The fur in turn is short, dense and silky shiny. It has top or stick hair as well undercoat. This means that your dog needs a little more grooming during the change of coat.
Character & nature of the American Pit Corso
Contrary to the reputation this breed may have, the American Pit Corso is a very gentle, calm and even-tempered dog.
He is considered family-friendly, loyal and affectionate. In addition, a downright stoic being attested. This dog isn’t easily ruffled.
attitude & upbringing
The Cane Corso Pitbull Mix is an energetic dog. A certain amount of space is necessary for this breed.
Also count towards attitude extensive walks as well as physical and mental activity, preferably outdoors.
As with all dogs, the following applies to training: You have to be consistent and stay that way. Because the quite stubborn and demanding Cane Corso Pitbull Mix needs an alpha animalwho is just as strong-willed as himself.
Breeding & Health
The following applies to all pedigree dogs: You have to make sure that the Breeding is serious. Because if it is not, hereditary diseases are possible and probable in your new roommate. With the American Pit Corso hybrid breed, you should also pay particular attention to another factor.
What is meant is the species-appropriate socialization. Hardly any list dog has an aggressive nature automatically. This is primarily aroused by a false upbringing designed for aggression.
In terms of health, you may some diseases have to adjust. Because both parent breeds are prone to some health issues.
The mastiff, for example, can at various heart diseases suffer, among other things cardiomyopathy. Also are Hip and elbow dysplasia unfortunately not uncommon.
An American Pitbull can also suffer from these. are also possible skin allergieseye diseases and Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Life expectancy
If you make sure that your American Pit Corso gets a species-appropriate diet and enough activity, affection and love, your fur nose can live to an age of 10 to 12 years to reach.
Regular Checkups by the vet at and regular anti-parasite cures. You should also check your eyes regularly.
What to look for in Cane Corso Pitbull puppies
We have already mentioned many things that you should consider. Once you have found a reputable breeder for your new roommate, you should first Costs observe.
For a puppy these amount to around 1,000 euros. The initial equipment will also cost a few euros again. In return, your furry nose has everything that a little dog’s heart desires.