5 home remedies that really help

Does your fur nose suffer in old age Cravings, constant thirst, or a weak bladderit could be an indication of Cushing’s Syndrome.

This is a metabolic disorder. In this article we will show you how Cushing’s syndrome can be improved with home remedies.

We will also tell you what else helps and when you should definitely go to the vet.

Cushing’s Syndrome – 5 home remedies that help

Unfortunately, there are no home remedies that help exactly with Cushing’s syndrome. However, individual symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome can be improved with home remedies.

In order to find the right home remedies, you have to pay attention to the symptoms of your pet and have the vet rule out other diseases.

Home remedies for relieving Cushing’s syndrome symptoms include foods high in vitamin C to fight infection, apple cider vinegar and lemon water to relieve bladder pressure, and others like flaxseed oil, fish oil, zinc, biotin, and protein.

Blueberries and foods high in vitamin C:

  • Effect: If your dog pees too much, there may be infections in addition to Cushing’s syndrome. Blueberries, oranges and tangerines can prevent and improve infections.
  • Application: Puree the fruit or cut it into small pieces and feed it pure or mix it with the feed.
  • Dosage: Give your furry friend a handful throughout the day.

apple cider vinegar and lemon water

  • Effect: Just like the fruit, these two home remedies can prevent infections in the bladder and thus relieve the bladder.
  • Application: Put the apple cider vinegar or lemon water in the wet food of your furry friend.
  • Dosage: Mix a few drops into the wet food. Repeat at most twice a day.

linseed oil and fish oil

  • Effect: The two oils, especially linseed oil, provide many omega-3 fatty acids, which can help your furry friend with fur loss, one of the typical symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome.
  • Application: Mix a few drops of the oil into the dog food.
  • Dosage: Add a few drops of oil to wet or dry food twice a day.

zinc and biotin

  • Effect: Zinc and biotin strengthen the skin of your furry friend, support fur growth and strengthen their immune system. Especially with Cushing’s syndrome, which is often triggered by a tumor, the immune system is weakened.
  • Application: There are tablets for dogs that contain zinc and biotin. Crush the tablets and mix them into the feed.
  • Dosage: Depending on weight between one to four tablets a day.


  • Effect: A typical symptom of Cushing’s syndrome is muscle atrophy. You can counteract this with proteins and promote muscle growth.
  • Directions: Feed lean meat, paying attention to types of meat found in the natural diet of dogs and wolves, and feed it pure or mixed with food.
  • Dosage: Discuss with your veterinarian how much protein your furry friend can eat, as this varies from person to person.

Home remedies don’t help – what else can I do if my dog ​​has Cushing’s syndrome?

With Cushing’s syndrome, home remedies can only help to combat individual symptoms, but your darling needs medication first and foremost.

It is important that you go to the vet immediately if you experience the symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome, because the disease has various causes.

For the right treatment, the veterinarian must identify the cause. Treatments such as surgery and radiation are options for the tumor.

But don’t worry, you can contribute even more to the well-being of your furry friend in addition to home remedies. Try to improve the symptoms first!

If your pet sheds fur, you should brush them infrequently and give them various minerals that will help the fur grow back.

If you have muscle wasting and joint problems, you can increase your protein intake and gentle exercise such as swimming and walks set.

A visit to the dog physiotherapist is also possible, as is switching to special dog food for dogs with metabolic diseases.

Show your four-legged friend that you are there for him and that you will get through the illness together.

When should I go to the vet?

Although home remedies can help with Cushing’s syndrome, you should treat signs such as ravenous hunger, constant thirst, increased urination or loss of fur to the vet immediately!

Cushing’s syndrome can have various causes such as B. have a tumor. If the causes are not identified and treated properly, other diseases will follow.

Among other things, it can lead to arthrosis, diseases of the pancreas and cystitis, which weaken your darling even more.

The veterinarian can find out the cause and discuss suitable methods and medication with you.

Good to know

Cushing’s syndrome is usually caused by a tumor in the adrenal gland, but can also have other causes.


Cushing’s syndrome is often recognized too late.

Symptoms such as cravings, constant thirst, muscle wasting or loss of fur can also be associated with other conditions.

Especially if your fur nose shows various symptoms, you should mention your suspicion to the vet.

This is the only way your darling can be examined comprehensively.

With Cushing’s syndrome, home remedies can only help secondarily, and especially if a tumor is the trigger, you should be prepared for stronger treatment methods.

Do you know a dog that shows typical symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome? Share your experiences with us in the comments!