8 causes & tips (guide)

Dogs may not always smell like a bouquet of roses by nature.

Nevertheless, we love their own smell of course – except maybe after a roll action on a sheep pasture or after a downpour.

But what if you find that your dog smells sour? What it’s all about? Find out in the guide below!

Causes: Why does my dog ​​smell sour?

A dog doesn’t just start smelling sour. That means: For this «scent» is at least one reason responsible – but usually more than just this one.

These causes can be completely harmless be. But there can also be a serious reason behind the sour smell.

dental problems

If your dog smells sour from the mouth, dental problems are probably behind it. More precisely: tartarusually caused by gingivitis.

This causes the unpleasant bad breath. It should be removed by a veterinarian as soon as possible.


The food can also contribute to your dog smelling sour. And then not just the fur. Then it can be that the faeces smells sour and/or the urine smells sour.

A classic among the foods that favor this odor variant: offal, such as the tripe.

But even an ordinary change in feed can contribute to a sour smell.

strange smells

As mentioned, our dogs like to wallow in things that are highly gross to us. For example in sheep dung.

This can also make a very significant contribution to your dog smells sour – not to say stinks, to high heaven.


Especially in summer, your dog may smell more and more sour. The founder likes to jump into cool water. This, in turn, can change the smell, even towards sour. He then confines himself to the fur.


From time to time it can happen that dogs to throw up. But they don’t stop at regurgitating the food. Dogs vomit their food and eat it again.

This «recycling» can also lead to a sour smell in your dog. And in all probability this will then «smelt» out of his mouth.


Also a fungus or a fungal disease can cause a sour smell. For example, if your dog smells sour from the ear, an infestation with a yeast fungus be the cause.


This fungal disease is referred to as the so-called Malassezia otitis. The yeast fungus that lives here occurs in an overpopulation.

anal gland inflammation

We hope for your dog and for your nose that you have not yet become acquainted with the anal gland inflammation have done.

These glands are located near the anus. If these are inflamed because they were not emptied, your dog will have a sour stink from the anus.

organ/cancer diseases

We have come to the causes, which are unfortunately very serious – and in some cases cannot be cured. Among other things, can cancers contribute to a sour smell.

This smell is also a possible sign of a kidney failure. Because the toxins that are to be transported out of the body remain in the dog’s body due to the non-functioning kidneys.

What can I do about the sour smell?

You can only ever do what the particular cause allows you to do. If, for example, the food is responsible for the sour smell, one again feed change helpful.

If your dog has eaten his own vomit, all you can do is wait until the smell has dissipated.

When rolling in dirt and tartar, the following applies: washing or for vet go. And check your dog’s teeth regularly.

If it is a serious illness, the only solution is to go to the vet. Only he can tell you what other options are available to you and your dog.

Good to know:

One feed change should never «from today to tomorrow» take place. This requires several days to weeks. The reason: Your dog’s intestinal tract first has to get used to the new food.

Is it always health related when my dog ​​smells sour?

As the points above have shown, it is not always health related if your dog smells sour. In fact, one disease in some cases a trigger.

And this trigger is usually accompanied by other symptoms. In the case of renal insufficiency, this would be, for example, increased drinking and urinating.

In many cases are harmless causes of triggersif your dog smells sour. Figuring this out shouldn’t usually be too difficult.

Homeopathic remedies can also help with minor complaints.

When should I go to the vet?

The trip to the vet is always necessary when one Status hasn’t changed even after days has.

If your dog still smells sour despite the bath etc., a specialist should take a look at your four-legged friend.

No, it doesn’t have to be something totally bad. Because even a tooth problem can contribute to the fact that your four-legged friend’s own smell changes.


A sour dog smell can have a variety of causes have.

Some of them are quite serious, while others can be easily managed with homeopathy or the right food, among other things.

Have you ever noticed that your dog smells sour? If the answer is «yes», we would be happy if you share it with us in the comments.