All dogs are descended from wolves. So far, so well known. But what else might our dogs have in common with their ancestors – apart from part of the gene pool?
You may have ever heard of the wolf’s claw? You can find out what this is all about and how you can remove the wolf’s claw in the following guide.
Remove wolf’s claw from the dog: actually forbidden?
Let’s clean up with one first little myth with which we duped you a little in the introduction.
The wolf claw is too known as dewclaw. But she has nothing to do with the wolf, nor with your dog’s bottom.
In fact, the wolf’s claw is a so-called rudimentary approach. And one extra toe on hind legs.
It is thought to be the genetic remnant of an even older canine ancestor than the wolf.
Dog toes are roughly the same as our fingers and toes. The dewclaw here corresponds to the thumb or the big toe.
But in many cases it comes never in contact with the ground. So it’s superfluous to a certain extent.
Generally it is not allowed to have the wolf’s claw surgically removed. After all, it is not a health risk or obstacle. And can only be rated as a small blemish.
Had wolf’s claw removed for medical reasons
Not a good reason to put a dog through surgery. However, it is medical reason before, things look a little different. Here A wolf’s claw may and must even be removed.
This happens in the course of a surgical intervention by the vet and of course under light anesthesia.
Good to know:
With the wolf claws, in two different «versions» distinguished. Such that articulated are and those who not articulated are.
Straight the latter pose an increased risk of injury for the dogs. Why? Because they almost simply dangle loosely back and forth on their hind legs.
There are some dog breedswhere the wolf’s claw particularly common occurs. These include the Briardthe German Mastiffthe Bernese Mountain Dogthe Berger de Brie and the Afghan.
Remove Wolf Claw: Procedure and Cost
As mentioned, it is generally not allowed to remove the dewclaw unless there is a valid medical reason – regardless of whether the dog is an adult or a puppy.
Such factors can include the following:
- Your dog has a serious injury that does not heal or hardly heals
- Your dog has a purulent infection on the wolf’s claw
- Your dog has a tumor in the tissue
A removal by the veterinarian only happens if the There is no chance of self-healing are.
If your dog is injured, if the spot is inflamed, it is a amputation. This never takes place without anesthesia, only with. Once this has set in, the vet makes an incision in the skin.
Then either the Connective tissue or the bone cut through or separated. Only then can the wolf’s claw be easily removed.
The Costs for this surgical procedure are usually based on the so-called GOTthe Fee regulation for veterinarians.
In the case of the wolf’s claw, a distinction is made between suckling puppies and older animals. Accordingly, the amount of the costs incurred.
To give you a better idea of what to expect here, here is an example:
- Preliminary examination: around €22
- Anesthesia + anesthetic: between 35 and 50 €
- OP: from 40 € (depending on whether only one or both wolf claws are to be removed=
- Painkillers etc.: around €12
- Surgical materials: around €15
- Dressing material: around 10 €
That means that the Total costs are between €134 and €149 amount. Now do you calculate that? pulling the threads added as well as the mandatory follow-up examinationcome about another 20 € added. With that you lie between €154 and €169.
Good to know:
It is possible that in addition to the operation, you will have to pay the other treatment costs mentioned above.
These can, for example, by previous X-ray, a preliminary and follow-up examination and the surgical material used.
do you have one animal health insurance completed, this usually takes over total cost. Prerequisite: The intervention was medically necessary.
The function of the wolf’s claw in the dog
As mentioned, the wolf’s claw is a rudimentary phalanx. It is therefore not fully pronounced and does not fulfill any further function in itself.
Because: Dogs belong to the so-called digitigrade runners. This means that they only move on their toes.
Due to the position of the wolf’s claw on the upper hind leg, it is not used for locomotion.
Already knew?
In some breeds, the wolf’s claw is according to FCI as a breed standard intended.
This means that these breeds even have to show them. At least when they are to be used for further breeding or are considered real «pedigrees».
As well can it be that the FCI mandates the removal of these rudiments. The legal permission depends on the respective country and is not always legal.
Cutting wolf’s claw as an alternative
Please try not to remove the wolf’s claw from your dog yourself! Because you can’t just pull it out.
This means that you could severely injure your dog here. Is it really necessary to remove the wolf claw, this should exclusively by a veterinarian respectively a veterinarian happen.
The wolf claw is a «Appendages» that some dogs have on their hind legsothers not.
The dewclaw does not have a real function – it is just rudimentary. However, she poses especially when playing, there is a risk of injury and the resulting inflammation.
If such a case exists, the wolf’s claw can, may and even has to be surgically removed become.
Otherwise it is forbidden according to animal welfare to do that. Please never try to remove this claw yourself – if you have to, only have this procedure performed by a veterinarian!
Do you have a dog with a wolf’s claw? If so, what experiences have you already had with this thumb or big toe?
We would be happy if you share them with us in the comments.