Our dogs experience many new things every day. As a rule, our furry friends can handle this well, for example when they are dreaming.
However, it can also lead to a so-called sensory overload come that even a dog can have.
What symptoms it has and what you can do about it: Find out in the following guide.
What is sensory overload in dogs anyway?
A sensory overload in the dog occurs when this perceives and has to process too many new impressions at once.
This in turn has the consequence that the dog is not only flooded with each new stimulus, but also that his stress level is steadily increasing.
4 signs and symptoms of overstimulation in dogs
There are several signs and symptoms in your dog, which indicate sensory overload.
Your dog is stressed
And stress is – as you probably know by now – never a good idea for a dog. To what extent sensory overload manifests itself in this form, Of course, it always depends on the character and nature of the dog.
Maybe your fur nose is anyway more of the sensitive kind? Then just a few experiences and impressions are enough to trigger sensory overload. Your dog then reacts to all stimuli.
Fact is: one stressed dog is not a healthy dog in the long run. Top priority for you as a dog mum or dog dad: Eliminate stress as quickly as possible.
Your dog is tired / overtired
Imagine you had an eventful day. As soon as you sat down on the sofa in the evening and put your feet up, you fell asleep.
In short: The many experiences have overtaxed your system and emptied your energy reserves. you are tired, your Body shuts down, so to speak.
The same can happen to our dogs if they have simply absorbed too many new stimuli throughout the day.
In order to process and sort them in peace and quiet, they fall into a deep and sound sleep. And will usually have some dreams here as well. In short: You’re just tired.
Your dog is hyper/restless
And thus shows the opposite behavior to being tired. Stress can turn things up as wellhow to pull the power plug from now on.
Do you have the impression your dog scurries more or whimpers? Or starts to exhibit unusual behaviors? Then sensory overload may have set the trigger.
Good to know:
Straight highly sensitive dogs suffer very quickly from such sensory overload. How it comes about that some fur noses are so «knitted» is unfortunately so far not fully scientifically clarified.
It is believed that the predisposition to high sensitivity genetically anchored is. So, for example, in certain races can occur.
It is also possible that a dog traumatic experiences/events was exposed is very sensitive in later life.
For such dogs are enough even the smallest sounds and smells out to do that internal stress system on alert to move.
7 tips for more serenity and calm in everyday life
Try cosiness – more serenity and calm in everyday life are the Key to stopping dog overstimulation or to avoid it altogether.
Unfortunately, we dog owners are usually very stressed when our furry friends are not doing well.
And stupidly carries over this stress then also on our four-legged friendswho are then even more overstimulated than they already are.
The good thing: You can use the following simple tricks to to let more inner and outer zen move into your four walls.
1. Not responding to the dog immediately
As a rule, sensory overload is expressed, among other things, by the fact that the dog restless and stressed is. So he doesn’t want to sit still. For example, he will try to pull on the leash or bite on a piece of furniture.
He wants with it get your attention. Your instinct is, of course, to immediately run to your dog and interrupt this state of excitement. But in many cases it can make a lot more sense if you don’t react.
Ideally, your dog will notice that after a short time his excitement completely unfounded is and become calmer.
Because: does he notice that You are calm personified, he feels safe and secure. The urge to process your own stress and sensory overload is no longer there.
2. Just pause for a moment
Imagine you are with your dog outside traveling. It goes without saying that he is involved lots of new impressions is confronted.
Of course, he would like to track down every smell, pursue every rabbit or greet every new dog and person.
But that can quickly become too much, the dog loses his focus. Does he start to get restless and pull?
Then stay just be very quiet for a few seconds or minutes stand. Your calmness will be transferred to your fur nose during this period of time. The sensory overload can thus also be brought under control in the long term.
3. Relaxation Music
Yes, you’ve read that correctly. Studies have found that it is certain types of music there that on dogs very relaxing works.
This includes, among other things classical music. In fact, there are now special playlists for our four-legged friends to help them calm down and relax.
4. A relaxed atmosphere
Feng Shui or just a few relaxing accessories in your own four walls are not only good for us humans.
Dogs can too better relax and switch off, if their environment is comfortable and unstimulating. So make sure you have a quiet place in the apartment where the dog will not be constantly disturbed.
Maybe a snuggle cave that your four-legged friend can retreat to at any time is just the thing?
Avoid scented candles and incense sticks. These spread an unpleasant, negatively irritating smell for dogs’ noses. Candles also pose a risk of burns. So only light them under supervision.
5. A quiet place to sleep
Sleep is important and one of the activities involving dogs really switch off – also and especially when they are dreaming.
Sleep isn’t just for that processing said dreams. Above all, it has the purpose of replenish energy balance and the to strengthen the immune system.
If your dog has a quiet place to sleep with his favorite cuddly blanket, this also contributes to your fur nose more calm and serenity received and learned.
6. CBD
For a number of years, a «miracle cure» has also been making its rounds in the animal kingdom: CBD or cannabidiol. This is a substance that is obtained from the female hemp plants.
In contrast to conventional marijuana, however, CBD is not intoxicatingas there is no THC here (and shouldn’t be in animals).
Many veterinarians now also recommend CBD, including in drop form. It should calm nerves and also that strengthen your immune system.
Good to know:
If you decide to use CBD, please discuss the right dosage/strength with your vet beforehand.
7. Acupuncture
This method from the Traditional Chinese Medicine/TCM can also help reduce stress in dogs.
This healing technique is no longer smiled at and can therefore be another trick you can use to make your dog calmer and more relaxed.
Good to know:
Usually an acupuncture too with an accompanying dog massage connected. This also helps a dog to relax and also releases blockages in the muscles.
under one sensory overload not only do we humans suffer, but our dogs too. This can happen very quickly, especially when it comes to particularly highly sensitive furry friends.
You can recognize them among other things Restlessness, but also lethargy and tiredness. Since sensory overload always means enormous stress for the affected dog, it is important to «switch it off».
In our guide we have introduced you to some tricks with which you can achieve this.
Have we perhaps forgotten a few tricks that have worked wonders for your dog? Then we would be happy if you share them with us and other dog owners in the comments.