There are dog breeds that are unperturbed by anything. There are also dog breeds that are true energy bombs due to their breed.
But what if your fur nose seems too active? Is there such a thing as dogs and ADHD?
In the guide below ADHD in Dogs: Can Dogs Have ADHD? let’s get to the bottom of this.
Can Dogs Have ADHD?
Yes – dogs can have ADHD, they behave and then act particularly hyperactive.
In fact, one speaks less of ADHD than of a hyperactivity disorder in dogs, so the attention deficit from ADHD does not apply here.
If a dog suffers from ADHD, experts speak of so-called canine hyperkinesis.
What are the symptoms of a dog with ADHD?
A definite symptom that your dog has ADHD is hyperactive behavior. This is expressed, among other things, in the following signs:
- the dog cannot sit still and is constantly moving
- the dog feels like doing several things at the same time
- the adult dog behaves as if he were still a puppy
- the dog has the right to particularly please you as a reference person
- the dog has an extremely low stimulus threshold and can be distracted by anything
Besides these Behavioral problems, there are also physiological symptomsby which the hyperkinetic disorder can be determined:
What are the causes and triggers of ADHD in dogs?
There are several causes or triggers for ADHD in dogs. This includes the following reasons:
Wrong diet
A species-appropriate diet is the be-all and end-all for a healthy and happy dog.
It is extremely important that the food contains the things that meet your dog’s needs.
If it contains healthy things, but too little or too much of them, this can lead to various problems.
And not just digestion that has lost its inner Zen, but also behavioral abnormalities such as hyperactivity.
The reason: It is quite possible that too much energy input in your dog contributes to the internal motor being cranked a little too much.
Is food the trigger for canine ADHD? Then please make sure that the new food is particularly low in phenylalanine, which is mainly found in beef, chicken and game.
Insufficient Utilization & Employment
Most dogs are not only very active and playful as puppies. So that they are sufficiently utilized, they need a certain amount of movement and important mental work.
If a dog doesn’t get these things, it’s bored. As a result, he will look for activities on his own or compensate for boredom with hyperactive behavior.
Wrong upbringing
A species-appropriate upbringing is one of the most important things you can give your dog – no matter what age.
Here he learns to accept you as the pack leader, here he learns important commands, orders and prohibitions.
If you are not consistent here and convey double messages, this can lead to your dog doing what he wants.
Hyperactivity as a further consequence, which is also related to his insecurity, is not uncommon.
development error
If there is a developmental defect, the hyperactivity of the dog is unfortunately a stupid whim of nature, because it is genetically determined.
Inappropriate attitude
A species-appropriate attitude starts with the four walls that are right for your dog.
Does he have enough space here? Does he get the free and exercise he needs every day? Then chances are he’s a happy dog who’s comfortable.
But do neither the four walls nor you meet the dog’s housing needs? Then there can be a hyperkinetic disorder as a result of boredom.
How is ADHD in dogs diagnosed?
ADHD in dogs can determined, among other things, by means of a corresponding questionnaire become.
Here you answer questions that are used to determine whether your dog has a short attention span or barks more, for example.
It is also possible to have the veterinarian determine hyperactivity in the dog. Here the dog is examined for, among other things, an increased heart rate.
In addition, possible organic diseases should first be ruled out with blood tests and other tests.
If there is a developmental defect in the dog that has led to ADHD, this can be detected with a DNA test.
Can ADHD in dogs be treated?
Does your dog have ADHD? And then there’s some ways by which ADHD is treated can be.
There are medications that can help dogs manage their hyperactivity.
These include Ritalin (methylphenidate) and the antidepressants fluoxetine, clomipramine and mirtazapine.
Especially with antidepressants, the completely opposite effect can occur. The dog does not calm down, but on the contrary is totally high and even more active than usual.
homeopathic remedies
You can choose among other things a Bach flower therapy, CBD, Sepia or Silicea.
All of these natural remedies can help your dog become significantly calmer.
Are there breeds that are particularly prone to ADHD?
There are actually breeds that are particularly prone to ADHD.
These include, among other things the Cairn Terrier, the German Shepherd, the Jack Russell Terrier and the Border Collie.
Notice anything about these breeds? That’s right – they belong either to the herding or to the hunting dogs.
So they are dog breeds that naturally have a very high level of activity.
What can I do with a dog with ADHD?
It doesn’t always have to be the pharmaceutical club to help your dog with ADHD.
It is only small but important things for your dog that will turn off his hyperactivity can:
- adequate exercise
- balanced nutrition
- mental demand & utilization
A dog psychologist or a dog trainer can also support you and your dog in getting ADHD under control quickly.
ADHD in dogs is actually possible—and not as rare as you might think.
ADHD triggers include Food high in phenylalanine, insufficient physical and mental activity, and a developmental defect.
A diagnosis is not always easy and 100% clear and usually requires several tests.
You can help your dog with medication prescribed by the veterinarian, homeopathic remedies and a species-appropriate workload and a lot of patience.
Do you have a fur nose that suffers or has suffered from ADHD? Then we look forward to your helpful tips in our comments!