Cane Corso Labrador Mix Breed Portrait (With Pictures)

The loving and gentle Labrador Retrievers with the imposing and dangerous-looking Italian Cane Corso crossing is not possible?

It is not known whether it was a coincidence or whether the two dog breeds were specifically paired.

To this day it is Cane Corso Labrador Mix also largely unknown, especially since the fearless Italian is rarely found in contrast to the Labrador Retriever.

The most important things about the Cane Corso Labrador Mix in brief:

Size & Life Expectancy:

  • Adult males: 30 to 45 kilograms
  • Bitches: 25 to 40 kilograms
  • Life expectancy 10 – 12 years


special feature: The Cane Corso Italiano is one of the list dogs in many regions. As a mixed breed with the Cane Corso as a parent, the Cane Corso Labrador Mix is ​​also listed as a dog.


With a mixed-breed dog or designer dog, you can never exactly predict the appearance. It depends on the genetic dominance of the parents.

To describe the appearance it is best to look at the individual parents.

The Cane Corso is quite a bit in stature more massive than the smaller Labrador Retriever.

His head is rather square with a short muzzle and deep lipswhile the retriever has a more elongated head with a longer snout.

The Italian’s ears are short and mostly pricked. The retriever, on the other hand, has wide lop ears.

The Cane Corso’s tail is often docked but tends to have a naturally stubby tail, while the Labrador has a long and pendulous tail.

The ideal image of a Cane Corso Labrador mix is ​​with a slightly larger retriever and his gentle gazepaired with the short snout and the wide jaws of the Cane Corso.

Height Weight

Cane Corso males are about 62 to 70 centimetersr big and bring along 45 to 50 kilograms on the scales. Bitches are usually 4 centimeters shorter and weigh 5 kilograms less.

The dimensions of the Labrador Retriever are included 57 to 62 centimeters in males and 55 to 60 centimeters in bitches. The males have a weight of 29 to 36 kilogramsfemale animals 25 to 32 kilograms.

For the Cane Corso Labrador mixed breed, the height at the withers is between 50 to 65 centimeters at a weight of 25 to 40 kilograms.

Colors & coat texture

The Labrador Retriever’s coat colors are monochrome. It can black, chocolate brown or off-white be.

Black is also a common color for the Cane Corso, but its coat can also Gray or deer red be and currents show.

All of these colors can appear and vary in the Cane Corso Labrador mix.

Depending on the influence of the parents, the cross-breed can vary in coat quality from easy-care to extremely shedding.

Character & temperament from the Cane Corso Labrador Mix

It is almost impossible to clearly describe the character of the Cane Corso Labrador Mix, since the character traits are very dependent on the influence of the parents.

If the Labrador Retriever dominates, you have one friendly and loving companions for you and the family.

If the great Italian predominates, you will find one in him meek Companion who is friendly only to you. He rejects other family members and is extreme towards strangers suspicious.

You should know that the Labrador was originally used as a family dog, but is also used as a therapy or guide dog.

The Cane Corso, on the other hand, is a watchdog and protection dog that is willing to give its life to protect its human.

There is the Cane Corso not aggressive at allrather defensive and only attacks when he sees serious danger.

In addition, the Cane Corso has a relative high territorial behavior. He does not tolerate intruders in his territory, which makes him quite intolerant towards other animals.

The Cane Corso Labrador mix can inherit a mediocrity of genes from its parents that make it a socially acceptable dog.

If the Italians predominate in the mixed breed, you have a unique and great four-legged friend, but it must be brought up and socialized at an early stage.

attitude & upbringing

As already described, the character traits depend on the influence of the parents.

The Cane Corso is an overall one calmer, more reserved and balanced quadruped.

Coupled with the characteristics of the Labrador Retriever, he can certainly develop into a great family dog.

However, this requires an owner who already has much experience in dealing with loners like the Cane Corso in order to train him with a lot of patience and empathy to become a perfect companion for the whole family.

An apartment, possibly still in the city, is certainly the wrong choice for the Cane Corso Labrador crossbreed.

One is better House with gardenwhich he can regard as his precinct and territory.

The Cane Corso tends to be sluggish, but mixed with a Labrador Retriever, they can develop a real urge to move.

In addition to being able to run around in the home garden, he should also be allowed to explore the wide world on a regular basis.

The Cane Corso is recognized in many states and regions list dog led while the retriever as family dog is nodded.

However, the part of the name of the Mix Cane Corso is enough to also lead it as a list dog, even if the characteristics of the Labrador Retriever predominate.

If the Cane Corso Labrador mix takes on the fur characteristics of the Cane Corso, it is relatively easy to care for. The effort increases, the more retrievers there are in it, because these are very care-intensive due to their hair loss and undercoat.

Breeding & Health

Although the parents could hardly be more different, they suffer from the same diseases, some of which are hereditary.

These include, among other things Skeletal and joint diseases such as hip and elbow dysplasia.

Kick just as often myocardial diseases or eye problems on.

These diseases, some of which are hereditary, can neither be predicted nor prevented.

However, a healthy diet and species-appropriate husbandry can delay or alleviate this to some extent.

Life expectancy

The average life expectancy of a Cane Corso Labrador Mix is ​​between 10 and 12 years.

Retrievers age significantly. The rather low average age is due to the large and massive Italians.

What is there to look out for in Cane Corso Labrador Mix puppies?

Since the Cane Corso is usually considered a list dog in this country, it is also more of a niche dog and not widespread.

Breeders who cross the Italian with the Labrador Retriever and continue breeding are correspondingly rare.

Most of the rare breeders are reputable and can prove the origin of their puppies based on pedigrees and health certificates from the parents.

Puppies prices range from 800 to 2000 Euro.