Can dogs eat currants?
You are about to prepare a delicious dessert with currants and your dog is already in front of you.
Now you’re wondering, «Can dogs eat currants?»
You are aware that berries are usually healthy. But what about currants? Can our furry friends eat acidic berries?
Here you can find out!
In a nutshell: Can my dog eat currants?
Yes, your dog can eat currants. The black and red berries contain essential nutrients such as vitamins B, C, E, potassium and fiber. If your dog has kidney or bladder problems, you should be careful due to the high potassium content. If the amounts are too large, the calcium level in the blood rises, which can be life-threatening
How healthy are currants really?
Currants contain many vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
Currants contain many valuable vitamins that are good for your dog’s immune system.
- Vitamin A
- Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12
- vitamin C
- vitamin E
- vitamin k
Red currants contain up to 36,000 µg of vitamin C per 100 g. Black currants even contain up to 177,000 µg of vitamin C. Regular consumption can support the immune system.
The vitamins also help to prevent oxidative stress.
The small berries contain a lot of pectin. This fiber helps stimulate digestion. Consuming currants can thus relieve constipation naturally. At the same time, they balance your fur nose’s digestion and regulate diarrhea. If your furry friend often suffers from flatulence, currants can help relieve it.
minerals and trace elements
- calcium
- phosphorus
- magnesium
- potassium
Calcium, together with phosphorus, supports the dental and bone health of your furry friend.
Calcium is also necessary for optimal blood clotting and cell division.
In dogs, both minerals must be well balanced in the feed. If one of the two minerals predominates, the other will not absorb enough. Over time, this can lead to a mineral deficiency. The currant contains both minerals in the right ratio.
Reading tip: You may wonder if dogs can eat cherries! Find out everything you need to know about this topic in our exciting article «Can dogs eat cherries?». Read it with us now!
How many currants can my dog eat?
As with any high-fiber fruit, quantity matters. If you give your dog too many currants, it can have a negative effect on digestion. Gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea can result.
It is best to feed a small portion regularly so that your four-legged friend can always benefit from the good nutrients.
The amount should not exceed 10% of your daily requirement.
When you give your furry friend currants for the first time, you should watch him until the next day. You can find out why this is important in the following paragraph.
Tip: My dog doesn’t like currants
Would you like your dog to benefit from the valuable ingredients? But your dog just looks at you stupidly when you offer him currants? Simply mix them with other types of fruit and puree everything into one mass.
Sick dogs should not eat currants
Currants have a diuretic effect. If your four-legged friend has kidney or bladder problems, you should only feed them a very small portion of currants.
Excessive amounts can be dangerous because it increases the level of calcium in the blood (hypercalcaemia), which puts more strain on the kidneys. In some cases, consumption can cause kidney failure.
If your dog is sensitive to many foods, you should avoid giving him redcurrants as a precaution. They contain more acid than white and black currants. Again, quantity matters. Too large portions can lead to stomach problems.
Feed a small amount first to see how he reacts to the currants.
Conclusion: Can dogs eat currants?
Yes, your dog can eat currants. The berries are considered very healthy and provide your dog with many vitamins and other nutrients. However, due to the high acidity, you should not overdo it with the amount. Too large a portion can also cause diarrhea.
If your furry friend suffers from kidney or bladder problems, you should only feed it very little and then monitor your dog closely.
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