7 causes & when to the vet

You probably know your dog better than he knows himself. So you can tell immediately when something is wrong with him.

For example, if you find: Your dog is walking strangely with its hind legs.

What’s going on and what can you do now? The following guide will tell you.

In a nutshell: Why is my dog ​​walking strangely with its hind legs?

If you notice that your dog is walking strangely with its hind legs, there can be various reasons behind it, such as Hip dysplasia/HD.

But the so-called ataxia, which comes in two variants, can also have set the trigger.

Patella luxation or a herniated disc, which dogs can also suffer from, can also be behind the dragging of the legs.

But it can also be the case that your dog has injured itself and is therefore pulling its hind legs strangely.

Dog walks strangely with its hind legs – possible causes

We have given you a few reasons why your dog walks strangely with its hind legs.

ataxia, HD, luxating patella and injury as well Let’s take a closer look at other causes at.


Ataxia is a neurological disorder that affects the movements of, among other things, the muscles of the legs.

In hereditary ataxia the spine is affected, in cerebral ataxia the cerebellum of the dog is affected.

Both forms of this disease can be the cause of your dog’s hind leg wagging.

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia/HD & ED

Hip and elbow dysplasia mainly affects large dogs that simply have to carry more weight.

It can also happen that this hip and elbow strain occurs because a puppy has been subjected to too much stress too early, including climbing stairs.

patellar dislocation

If your dog suffers from a luxated patella, his kneecap has jumped out of the joint. This can cause your dog to walk oddly with its hind legs.

Good to know

There are some breeds that are particularly prone to this condition, such as the Papillon, the Yorkshire Terrier, and the Shih Tzu.


Arthritis is a slow wear and tear of a joint.

This is caused by inflammation that can affect the bones, muscles, and tissues around the joint.

Over time, the dog will start limping and the fact that he then walks funny with his hind legs is a given to a certain extent.


A few grams too much for your dog is not so bad? Not quite right – because obesity in dogs is actually an underestimated health risk.

Among other things, the joints that are no longer able to support the additional weight are affected.

As a result, it can happen that your dog walks strangely with its hind legs.

disc prolapse

If your dog suffers from a herniated disc, they press on the spine and cause the dog massive pain.

This leads to coordination disorders, which are almost inevitably expressed in the fact that your dog walks strangely with its hind legs.


It is also possible that your dog has injured its paw or a hind leg. For example, if a stone is stuck in the paw, it will pull the corresponding leg.

As a result, your dog walks strangely with its hind legs. It is important that you remove the foreign body quickly to prevent possible subsequent inflammation.

When to the vet?

Strictly speaking you should Make an appointment with the vet as soon as possible – with the exception of a possible foreign body in the paw, which you can remove yourself.

If you suspect that a serious illness is behind the limping and trailing hind legs, only a specialist can help.

It is also important that you observe your dog closely and record how long it has been going on that your dog is walking strangely with its hind legs.


Is your dog walking strangely with its hind legs? Then can various joint problems, herniated discs or the neurological disease ataxia behind it.

It can also be the result of being overweight or an injury.

It is important that you observe your dog closely and, ideally, take him to the vet as soon as possible.

Have you already had experience with your dog walking strangely with its hind legs? Then we would be happy if you share them with us in the comments.