The fact that you came across this article shows us that you too are looking for answers to questions about your dog’s health.
Many dog owners search the internet for a solution to many problems. Also health. Most people already know that you often come across dubious content.
So we are happy to share our experience with the Online Vet Dr. Sam to be able to share with you. In this article you will learn who or what Dr. Sam is what costs you will incur and the pros and cons of the online service.
We hope you enjoy reading!
In a nutshell: Our experience with Dr. Sam
dr Sam is an online portal for all dog, cat and small animal owners looking for veterinary advice. Unlike with Dr. Google put real veterinarians behind the platform.
With a membership you can contact them almost 24 hours a day, 365 days a year! Whether it’s a minor ailment, emotional support or a major injury – Dr. Sam can give you important tips in the first contact.
Of course, the online vet does not always replace a trip to the veterinary clinic, but what it can always do is support you and guide you on how best to proceed.
Here are the biggest advantages at a glance:
- Available to you 16 hours a day, 365 days a year
- You save time, nerves and money if you don’t have to go to the vet
- Fewer vet visits mean less stress for you and your dog
- Advice for emergencies, but also for «small» ailments or questions
- Detailed step-by-step instructions from the vet
- Advice is provided by competent veterinarians who have at least 5 years of professional experience
We can give you Dr. Recommend Sam with a clear conscience, as you will be advised by competent veterinarians who may even save you a trip to the vet, which is always associated with stress for your pet.
interest aroused? Then contacted Dr. Sam now for free via WhatsApp.
Review: Who or what is Dr. Sam?
dr Sam is an online platform powered by real vets. Instead of the questionable Dr. You become Google here as a dog, cat or small animal owner competently and expertly advise!
All you have to do is click the button”office hours” to click and you land in the Chat with a veterinary assistant. Here you can describe the symptoms or the problem of your dog.
Your information will be sent to a Veterinarian from the Dr. Sam pool forwarded to you and shortly after you have contacted us you will receive one Video call via whatsapp.
You can talk to the vet via video and he can look at your dog. In this case, you take over the “examination” itself! What is advantageous or disadvantageous about it, you will find out later in the text.
dr Sam doesn’t claim to replace an on-site vet. The portal only replaces the first contact and helps decide what to do next.
And the 365 days a yeardaily of 08:00 to 24:00. Frequently, through contact with Dr. Sam actually averted a vet visit.
Because according to Dr. Sam can 70 percent of all health problems in pets can be solved by telemedicine.
Conversation with the vet – this is how it works!
The first contact in chat with Dr. Sam is always for free. A veterinarian will note your concern and pass it on to a knowledgeable veterinarian.
A short time later you will be WhatsApp video call contacted by a veterinarian. You can use the service of Dr. Sam within a membership 365 days a year and 16 hours a day use – even if other veterinarians are not open and cannot be reached!
Advantages of the online veterinarian Dr. Sam
The online service from Dr. Sam with himself:
- Inexpensive video consultation with a veterinarian
- Available to you 16 hours a day, 365 days a year
- 70% of all pet health problems can be solved through telemedicine, which means fewer vet visits
- Avoiding stress for you and your dog with fewer vet visits
- all veterinarians are guaranteed to have at least 5 years of professional experience
- All-round care for your pet
- Not only suitable for emergencies, but also for everyday questions
- You save time, money and nerves when you talk to Dr. save Sam a trip to the vet
- Your dog doesn’t need to be touched by a stranger (those always creepy vets).
Does that sound good to you? For us too! We can definitely recommend you to use the online service of Dr. Try Sam! Here you come directly to the website.
Disadvantages of the online vet Dr. Sam
Even if the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages, the online service also has some disadvantages, for example:
- Not all illnesses or injuries can be treated via video call → Dr. Sam doesn’t always replace the local vet
- It is best to have a second person during the video call, as holding the phone and filming the affected area at the same time can be a real challenge
- Sometimes a remote diagnosis is not so easy or impossible to make
- For blood tests, suspected parasites or organic problems, Dr. Unfortunately no help Sam
Good to know:
However, membership can still be worthwhile. Sometimes all it takes is a knowledgeable person on the other end of the line to calm those nerves. The online vet can safely maneuver you through the situation and tell you what to do next!
These costs are incurred by Dr. Sam towards you
A one-time consultation (after the first meeting) is relatively expensive at 49.90 euros.
A 3- or 12-month membership with a vet flat rate is definitely worth more! For a second dog or cat you only pay a few euros on top. Payment is made online.
Contact & Membershipdr Sam costs totalcosts per monthinitial consultationfree of charge/One-time consultation49.90 euros/3 months membership34.90 euros11.63 euros12 months membership119.90 euros9.99 euros
how can i dr Terminate Sam?
To become a member of Dr. To cancel Sam, you can simply send an email to send. You can cancel up to one month before the extension at the latest, otherwise your membership will be extended by the term you have chosen.
The online vet Dr. Sam is a great place to go for questions about your dog’s health!
Whenever acute symptoms occur and there is no veterinarian’s office hours or even open, Dr. Sam THE address for you.
More than 70 percent of dogs brought to a veterinarian by Dr. Sam are introduced, a trip to the local vet can be averted. But even if Dr. Sam can’t help from a distance, at least he can calm your nerves, analyze the situation and tell you what to do now.
We find that dr. Sam a great portal and finally a competent counterpart to Dr. Google is. An annual membership is calculated really fairly at 9.99 euros per month and you can rely on competent advice 365 days a year.
Did Dr. Sam convinced? Then arrange a free initial consultation with a competent vet now.