Our domestic dogs have been evolving alongside humans for more than 40,000 years.
Do you also find it exciting to know whether the heaviest dog breed in the world is the same as it was 100 years ago? We also!
That’s why we went in search of the heaviest dogs in the world and found what we were looking for.
You can be curious as to which 16 dog breeds weigh the most – we start with the lightest of the heavy.
We’ll also tell you whether the weight of the heaviest four-legged friend in the world is due to his physique or maybe to too many treats.
1. Akita Inu – 59 kilograms
Would you have expected a bear like the Akita Inu to be a flyweight in our listing?
It’s hard to believe that with a body weight of 45 – 59 kilograms for males and 32 – 45 kilograms for females, it’s not the heaviest dog in the world, is it? You will be amazed what awaits you.
The Akita is a real enthusiast’s copy. Of course we can all fall in love with the plush looks of the Japanese hero, but when it comes to living together, you should also be aware of his confident and stubborn nature.
2. Bullmastiff – 60 kilograms
With a body weight of 50 – 59 kilograms (for males), the Bullmastiff is also one of the heaviest dog breeds in the world.
The mastiff-like Molosser originated from a cross between an Old English Mastiff and an Old English Bulldog. Its original purpose is to protect and guard.
Accordingly, the nature of the large Bullmastiff is alert, reliable, powerful, loyal and lively.
3. Rottweiler – 60 kilograms
In third place was the confident Rotti. Males of this breed weigh 50-60 kilograms. Bitches manage at least 35 – 48 kilograms.
The Rottweiler is said to have strong nerves and fearless. He is a loyal and reliable companion who still likes to put his caregiver to the test from time to time.
With a loving and consistent upbringing, the Rottweiler can be an excellent family, companion and companion dog.
Nevertheless, be aware that with a bite force of 328 PSI, it is one of the strongest dogs in the world.
What can you do against that?
4. Komondor – 60 kilograms
The Hungarian Komondor is a very original, fearless and independent livestock guardian dog.
The giant dog, which can be up to 80 centimeters tall, is well protected from attacks by wolves and other predators thanks to its special fur (which certainly also adds a lot of weight to the dog). The Komondor wears dreadlocks, which dogs call Schüren-Behang.
An adult Komondor male weighs 50 – 60 kilograms.
But you don’t have to ask yourself whether you can keep him on a leash, because a Komondor doesn’t walk on a leash. He goes with his sheep and doesn’t really need anyone to do it.
As an everyday companion, you should rather choose a different breed!
5. Dogue de Bordeaux – 65 kilograms
The French Dogue de Bordeaux is also one of the lightest of the heaviest dogs, weighing up to 65 kilograms.
This means that an adult Dogue de Bordeaux weighs about as much as many adult females.
However, with good socialization and training, the Dogue de Bordeaux can be an even-tempered, devoted and companionable buddy that you have nothing to fear.
However, dogs of the Molosser type are well known for their well-meant quirks, such as not braking in front of the dog but only in the dog or tipping mum out of her slippers with a lively leap from behind.
Be careful, it doesn’t get boring here!
6. Do Khyi (Tibetan Mastiff) – 68 kilograms
The Do Khyi has almost as many names as it has weight. The massive livestock guardian dog is also known under the names Tibetan mastiff, Tibetan mastiff or Tibetan mastiff.
Males of this breed weigh between 41 and 68 kilograms. Bitches manage 34 – 54 kilograms of body weight.
The Tibetan Mastiff is about 61 – 76 centimeters tall and has a lot of fur. As a result, it is optimally protected against attacks by wild animals as well as cold and wet in its original task.
7. Broholmer – 70 kilograms
The Danish Broholmer male is up to 75 centimeters tall and weighs 50 – 70 kilograms. Broholmer girls reach a height of up to 70 centimeters and weigh 40 – 60 kilograms.
Again, this is a breed of dog, which the FCI divides into Group 2 of Pinschers and Schnauzers, Molossoids and Swiss Mountain Dogs, Section 2 Molossoids, 2.1 Mastiff-like dogs.
The Broholmer inspires above all with its expressive and diverse facial expressions.
8. Greater Swiss Mountain Dog – 70 kilograms
The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is in 8th place among the heaviest dog breeds.
It reaches a maximum height of 72 centimeters and easily weighs 70 kilograms on its paws.
This mighty breed of dog is a classic domestic and farm dog. He loves and protects his caregiver, is alert, robust and loving.
9. Neapolitan Mastiff – 70 kilograms
With a body weight of around 60 – 70 kilograms, the Neapolitan Mastiff is definitely one of the heaviest dog breeds in the world.
He is considered dominant, protective, fearless and stubborn but still trainable. The Neapolitan Mastiff is heavy, massive, stocky and large.
Today, this dog breed is considered an excellent guard and protection dog for experienced dog people.
This colossus is not suitable for beginners!
10. Irish Wolfhound – 70 kilograms
We’ve passed half-time and have already reached a dog weighing 70 kilograms. What else is there to come? Wait!
For once, the Irish Wolfhound is not a Molosser, but a smart sighthound. He reaches a proud height at the withers of 81 – 86 centimeters. But there are males that grow up to one meter tall!
Even with a body weight of 54 – 70 kilograms, the gentle giant can really step on the gas. Of course, he’s not nearly as fast as the greyhound.
11. Leonberger – 77 kilograms
The Leonberger reaches a body weight of 50 – 77 kilograms.
He is considered affectionate, companionable, loyal and obedient. The giant bear can have a mahogany, sandy, red, or yellow coat color.
The Leonberger also belongs to the molossoids, but among them to the mountain dogs. He is a cross between St. Bernard, Newfoundland and Pyrenean mountain dog, is considered to be particularly fond of children and is now a pure family and companion dog.
12. Boerboel – 79 kilograms
The Boerboel originates from South Africa and is not an officially recognized dog breed by the FCI. In his homeland he is kept as a farm dog by farmers to protect them from wild animals and cattle thieves.
Boerboel males reach a height of 64 – 70 centimeters with a weight of 60 – 79 kilograms.
He is considered intelligent, loyal, courageous and (by experienced dog owners) trainable.
13. Newfoundland – 80 kilograms
Now it’s getting really bearish here!
The Newfoundland reaches a body weight of 65 – 80 kilograms. Unfortunately, we cannot say how much of this his fur alone weighs.
The good-natured bear from Canada has a massive and muscular build and water-repellent fur. It is often used as a water rescue, guard or companion dog.
14. Great Dane – 90 kilograms
You probably already expected the Great Dane to be one of the last places! Of course, the big Molosser is one of the heaviest dogs in the world!
The Great Dane reaches a body weight of up to 90 kilograms and is 80 centimeters tall.
Her character is described as friendly, loving, affectionate and sensitive. But you can still bang your head against the wall!
15. English Mastiff – 103 kilograms
The English Mastiff is a good-natured, imposing and damn heavy Molosser!
With a weight of up to 103 kilograms, English Mastiff males are definitely among the heaviest dogs in the world!
Fortunately, the nature of these massive dogs is always relaxed, calm, reserved and sensitive, which is why he is also called «The gentle giant».
Nevertheless, please always find out more about a breed if you are thinking about whether such a dog should move in with you!
16. Saint Bernard – 120 kilograms
Tadaaaaaaaaaaaa! The heaviest dog in the world is the Saint Bernard!
There are also smaller and lighter representatives of this breed, but it is not uncommon for a male St. Bernard to weigh in at 100-120 kilograms!
So huge and yet so gentle: the St. Bernard is considered to be extremely relaxed, calm, reliable, good-natured and easy-going.
Although he is a watchdog through and through, which absolutely needs a house and yard, but can be wonderfully incorporated into a family.
Is the St. Bernard really the heaviest dog in the world?
The St. Bernard can be described as the heaviest dog breed, but the record holder as the heaviest dog in the world is an English Mastiff!
“Aicama Zorba La-Susa” lived from 1981 to 1992 and weighed 155 kilograms in 1989 with a height at the withers of 95 centimeters – without being overweight! This puts him in the Guinness Book of Records.