When does a puppy forget its mother? A professional explains!

Unlike humans Many animals and dogs forget their parents and siblings, after being separated from her became.

As soon as the Separation pain in puppies over is, also disappears memory of her mother.

But when does a puppy forget its mother and can it ever even recognize her?

When does a puppy forget its mother?

So the puppy already old enough at the time of separation was and yourself comfortable in his new homehe already forgets his mother within a few days.

The brain develops slightly differently in dogs than in humans and although they have a good memory have, works «remember» with them differently than with us.

People can get around Reminisce about your day like a movie and also in the evening to visualisewhat happened in the morning.

Researchers suspect that dogs do not have this visual memory.

Your memory picks up a lot more association. For example, memories are made with them certain smells or feelings awakened.

Since the sense of smell is a particularly important tool for dogs, it also plays an important role Memories a major role.

In a new home where everything smells very different and feels different, so they don’t associate anything with their mother and the memory of her is fading soon.

Up to this age, puppies and mothers should never be separated

Before a age of eight weeks Puppies must never be separated from their mother.

This is defined in the Animal Welfare Ordinance.

This mainly has to do with of socialization of the young dog.

Like humans, dogs learn everything important skills and rules from her mom. They can do better than that not even the most expensive puppy school convey.

A dog that has had sufficient time with its mother is usually easier to train and is generally more compatible with other dogs and people.

Good to know

Some experts recommend even, for puppies yet longer with her mother to let and first at about 12 weeks bring to a new home.

Puppy Has Separation Pain: What You Can Do For Your Puppy

The adjustment period of the puppy the puppy (and its new owner) can go to its new home confusing and emotional be.

Not only the little fur ball still misses his mombut is often also of it intimidatedthat he in his new environment recognizes nothing and no one.

to spend time togetherto get fast get to know betteris therefore the best thing you can do for your puppy.

The most fun is playing and romping together.

However, so should he space left become to retire and rest. A own sleeping place as well as a calmer, undisturbed Location for his food bowl are just as important as Company.

So that the puppy not be alone in this exciting time must, should he be on a long weekend or ideally while on vacation collect.

In this way, all parties can fully concentrate on each other and get used to the new, exciting pack life.

Do puppies recognize their mother even after a long time?

True, the puppy probably after a while of separation no pictorial memories of his mother more, hers But he can still recognize the smell.

Even after many weeks or even after years of separation Dogs recognize each other quickly by their smell again and are looking forward to seeing each other.

This not only applies to the dog mom, but also to the siblings of the puppy.

Experts have tested this by presented young dogs with two towels have. one that her mother’s smell and one with the smell of another, strange dog.

It quickly became clear that the dogs themselves rather for the towel with her mother’s smell on it decided.

In addition, when the dogs met their mother again, they showed clear signs of joy and excitement.

So who knows: if your dog suddenly excitedly greeted another dog while walkingmaybe this one could family member be!


Puppies forget their mom within a few daysafter being separated from her.

However, that doesn’t mean that the time with mom is not important. Will the two separated too sooncan the Development and behavior of the young dog strongly influence.

puppies are allowed no earlier than eight weeks be removed from the mother. However, experienced breeders and experts claim that it is better up to 12 weeks waiting.

But the fur noses can recognize each other even after many years – in fact using their sense of smell!

How old was your puppy when he moved in with you? Do you think it was a good old age? And what did you do to help him with the pain of the breakup?

Feel free to share your experiences in the comments!