Barium sulfate dogs: application, dosage & side effects

In the event of an injury, a foreign object that has been swallowed or an organic disease, an x-ray in the dog usually helps to provide information about the problem.

A contrast agent such as Barium sulfate for dogs deployed.

Here you can find out exactly what is important when it comes to application and dosage as well as side effects.

Barium sulfate for dogs: what is it and what is it used for?

Barium sulfate for dogs belongs to Group of contrast media used in the course of some X-ray methods be used.

It is therefore not a drug in the strict sense, but a medical aid.

Therefore, it is only used by veterinary professionals, but never by you as a private dog owner.

Barium sulfate coats the walls of the stomach and intestines. This achieves a contrast on the X-ray that is clearer than on X-rays without contrast medium.

As a rule, barium sulfate is only used for problems in the gastrointestinal tract. But it can also contribute to better diagnostics in other organs.

What is contrast X-ray and why is it needed?

Contrast X-ray is a form of X-ray in which the contrast agent used is used clearer images of specific body regions and organs can be made.

Especially if the dog has swallowed a foreign body, a contrast medium can enable a faster diagnosis.

Contrast X-ray images are also often created in dogs with organic diseases and problems in the following organs:

It is often the case that certain changes in these organs can only be guessed at on a normal X-ray.

With a contrast X-ray, however, there are higher costs – among other things due to the contrast medium such as barium sulfate for the dog, which must first be administered.

You can expect to incur costs of €50, but they can also be significantly higher.

This is also related to the fee rate that the vet charges according to the GOT. This can be in the form of a 1x, 2x, 3x, and 4x set.

Proper use and dosage of barium sulfate in dogs

The correct dosage of barium sulfate in the dog lies between 0.5 and 1 mg per kilogram of the dog’s body weight.


Never give your dog barium sulfate, ALWAYS leave it to the vet! You should never use medication yourself!

Barium sulfate is usually given to dogs up to 12 hours before the contrast X-ray. The substance needs this time to be distributed in the dog’s gastrointestinal tract.

There are three ways that barium sulfate is given to the dog:

  • orally
  • by probe into the intestine
  • by enema in the intestine

In some cases and depending on the organ being examined, the contrast medium can also be administered intravenously, i.e. via a syringe.

If barium sulfate has settled on the organ, the contrast X-ray can be taken.

How long does it take for barium sulfate to work in dogs?

Barium sulfate has no real effect. Rather, there is one full development of the substance before that after 12 hours is reached.

If the dog is given barium sulfate via an injection, the contrast X-ray image can be taken after just a few minutes.

What side effects can barium sulfate cause in dogs?

Side effects of barium sulfate in dogs include constipation. This can be triggered by barium sulfate.

Existing constipation in dogs can also be made worse by barium sulfate. This is also one of the side effects.

In addition, a dog that has been given barium sulfate may experience abdominal pain, especially if it was given the contrast agent orally.

Other side effects that can be caused by barium sulfate also primarily affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Flatulence and diarrhea are common reactions to barium sulfate in dogs.

In some cases, barium sulfate can also trigger allergic reactions. All side effects mentioned should be carefully monitored.

When should I not use barium sulfate on dogs?

Barium sulfate should not be used in dogs if a hypersensitivity to this X-ray contrast medium.

Administration of barium sulfate should also be avoided in the case of an existing gastrointestinal infection.

Because the substance can cause infections and inflammation to worsen.

Chronic gastrointestinal problems in dogs can also rule out the administration of barium sulfate.

Of course, the treating veterinarian always knows more details.

Where can I buy barium sulfate for dogs?

Barium sulfate is a prescription contrast agent for X-rays. Therefore, only a veterinarian can receive and administer this contrast agent.

What alternatives are there to barium sulfate for dogs?

Alternatives to barium sulfate for dogs may include represent iodinated contrast media.

Water-soluble contrast agents that contain gadolinium are also often used for contrast images.

However, the possible bad experiences of a dog with barium sulphate decide less about the contrast agent.

Rather, the alternatives mentioned are primarily used in computed tomography/CT and magnetic resonance imaging/MRT.

The vet also decides when which contrast agent is to be administered and whether a corresponding X-ray with contrast is necessary at all.

Has your dog already had to have a contrast x-ray taken? What were his experiences? We would be happy if you share them with us in the comments.