Whether it makes sense, one way or the other Dog breed as a list dog to classify, opinions often differ.
But what about the Old English Bulldog out of? Is this breed generally a list dog?
The following article aims to shed some light on this.
Is the Old English Bulldog a list dog?
Currently, the Old English Bulldog is sold nationwide not as a list dog guided.
If a dog breed is classified as a list dog, one should precise examination and expertise of the decision-maker go out.
However, dog breeds are often different from state to state due to rather insignificant properties classified as a list dog.
So become partial lamb breeds declared fighting machines only because of their size and theoretical bite power.
While other breeds that are very difficult to train and an actual potential for aggression own, pass as “normal” dogs.
But what about the Old English Bulldog as a list dog? In hardly any other breed are the opinions and decisions so different as here.
Looking at the individual federal states, the Old English Bulldog was initially explicitly listed as a dog, then not and then again a year or two later.
At the moment it is as said not as a list dog guided. That may be because the Old English Bulldog is not an FCI-recognized dog breed.
But: It can be assumedthat the crossing of well-known fighting dog breeds like the Old English Bulldog as well classified as dangerous is.
Therefore it counts for example in NRW as a list dog, even if he is not specifically listed separately.
Unlike in NRW, the Old English Bulldog is considered in don’t hess as a list dog. The crossbreeding and parentage rule was not created here.
Nevertheless, it can also happen in Hesse requirements for keeping of an Old English Bulldog coming ex officio.
In NRW the Old English Bulldog is a list dogin Hesse it becomes in individual cases depending on the behavior as a list dog.
The differences are similar in the remaining 14 federal states.
You should definitely check this out before purchasing an Old English Bulldog Check with your municipality or city administration.
Is the Old English Bulldog Aggressive?
A lot has to happen before an Old English Bulldog actually attacks. At first he contented himself with focusing on his imposing figure to leave, to growl and bark.
However, the Old English Bulldog does have one enormous bite force.
He is a more loyal and clingy Companion who protects his caregiver when threatened.
However, that makes him not automatically an aggressive dogas many “harmless” dog breeds also show this characteristic.
Is the Old English Bulldog a «Fighting Dog»?
No! Gone are the days when the Old English Bulldog was a «fighting dog». The fur ball is not only physically incapable of doing so.
His character traits have also fundamentally changed. Today, this breed is particularly peaceful and sensitive.
The Old English Bulldog was known as the bull biter bred and bred as a «fighting dog». But fortunately those times are over.
Today, the massive four-legged friend is a popular one family dogwho is loyal to his family and, with early socialization and good upbringing, is more of a «battle cuddler».
The Old English Bulldog is a great one family dogwhose listing is questionable these days.
Although his story has Bull Biter and «Fighting Dog» started, but meanwhile the four-legged friend is no longer physically capable of great aggression.
One inappropriate attitude can, if desired, take place with almost any breed of dog.
At a loving attitude and upbringing the Old English Bulldog is a loyal and harmless family dog.
What do you think of the Old English Bulldog? Does it belong to you listed or not? Leave your opinion in ours comments!