How much does a pit bull cost? All costs & prices explained!

A pit bull costs money. You don’t just have to dig deep into your wallet to buy one, but keeping a pit bull isn’t exactly cheap either.

In many states is a pit bull’s attitude around a several times more expensive as of dogs which are not under list dogs are listed.

No, of course we don’t want to spoil your future Pitbull! However, as a future Pitbull owner, it is important for you to know what costs you can incur.

How much does a pit bull cost? This is exactly what you will find out in our guide.

Pitbull Price: Acquisition costs & initial equipment

Your pit bull will cost you money even before he’s snuggled up on your sofa at home.

To the basic equipmentwhich you should get before the dog moves in, you should be aware that the American Pitbull Terrier has many States listed as a fighting dog is.

This means in addition high running costs in the area dog tax and Insurance! lifetime.

If you are not sure if you can handle these high costs, a pit bull may not be the right dog for you.

Of course I don’t want to ruin your pit bull for you. But I would like to introduce you unpleasant financial surprises maintain.

However, keep in mind that when you buy the dog, you also Responsibility for him and this for over 10 yearstake over

Pitbull puppy price from breeder


A healthy pit bull puppy from a reputable breeder is relatively expensive and down 1000 to 1500 € available.

Do you choose one Pit bull with pedigree boardl, the price may be up to €2000 amount.

Warning: Steer clear of cheap pit bull puppies!

Even if the ads on ominous platforms have tempting prices: Hands off!

In doing so, you not only promote the illegal puppy trade, but sometimes you also get sick animals, which means an enormous financial effort.

Greed is not cool when buying a puppy!

Pit bull adoption


animal shelter and various Pitbull placement agencies are a good alternative to buy a puppy.

One protection fee for a pit bull amounts to €250-350depending on the delivery location.

Pitbull initial equipment & one-time costs table

A pit bull needs basic equipment before moving in.

But not only the usual things like dog food, leash and bowlsbut also one liability insurancewhich approx. €150 per year costs as well as the dog taxdepending on the state up to monthly 100 €

Dog food80 – 100 €Dog bed40 – 70 €Toy50 €Transport box120 €Water bowl / food bowl30 €Dog brush10 €Dog shampoo5 €Collar / harness / leash50 €Vaccination50 – 120 €Castration250 – 400 €Microchip30 – 50 €

How much does a pit bull cost? Acquisition costs & initial equipment in total


If you buy a pit bull, you have to go with it 2400 to 2700 € Calculate the acquisition costs and costs for the initial equipment.

Of course, these prices are not set in stone and can go down. However, it is open to the top.

How much does a pit bull cost per month?

Photo: Joel (symbolic photo)

330 – 700 € per month

Your pit bull will you 330 – 700 € per month cost depending on which state you live in.

Note that the price range is open-ended.

But: You all alone decidewhat your dog really needs. Of course, these costs can also be minimized.

Dog Food

€80-150 per month

A pit bull is a medium sized dog and has corresponding demands on the feed. Prices may vary depending on the type of feeding.

Healthcare & Vet Visits

€20 – €50 per month

Another ongoing expense to consider is your pit bull’s health care. Here you can with average 20 to 50 € per month calculate.

These costs include the annual vaccinations, control as well as the parasite prophylaxis.

By a annual health check any illnesses can also be detected early and the costs of follow-up treatments to reduce.

Even a pit bull gets older. Because it often happens that for an in-depth diagnosis X-rays or others expensive investigations as a MRI have to be made.

Also unexpected surgeries such as a twisted stomach or a broken leg should always be factored into the budget.

You can cut down on these extreme costs by having one for your dog Dog Health Insurance completes.

This is already off 6 € per month possible.


€5 per month

A pit bull is not high maintenance. So you save the costs for the dog groomer and expensive care products.

Only the fur should be brushed out regularly with a short-haired dog brush and the claws should be trimmed with high-quality claw clippers.

Also, keep in mind that every dog ​​needs dental care. A dog toothbrush and dog toothpaste are ideal for cleaning the pit bull’s teeth.

dog tax

€80-100 per month

In most federal states, the dog tax for listed dogs is relatively high. Depending on where you live, you may be up to €100 in dog tax have to give up.

Everyone decides the exact amount of the dog tax district arbitrarily.


€10-15 per month

One Liability insurance for listed dogs is mandatory. You can find out what type of insurance is required for the dog tax from your responsible district office.

There are now so-called “Attack Dog Insurance”. Here it is worth comparing prices before taking out insurance.

One Insurance costs annually between 50 and 150 €.

Dog School & Training

€50-300 per month

A dog school or training is recommended for your puppy or maybe pit bull from the animal shelter.

You should budget €50 to €300 per month for training. Here not only the age of the dog decides on the amount of the costs, but also the location.

puppy schools are more expensive than adult training. Group lessons are often cheaper than individual lessons.

Depending on the federal state, for a showy pit bull a character test promoted. This one can come with up to €300 to book.

Entertainment & Employment

€5-50 per month

Activities, new toys and things to do with the pit bull cost money. Also one dog ticket for public transport.

With monthly 5 to 50 € per month you are on the safe side here.

Keep in mind that there are no upper limits to spending depending on the company.

Animal boarding care

€50-100 per day

Don’t forget to take care of yourself either. It can always happen that in an emergency the neighbor or girlfriend cannot step in.

Calculate one day Care with a dog sitter or in an animal boarding house, with up to €100

Important: «Care-intensive» dogs

There are animal boarding houses that do not accept list dogs. Find out in advance about a suitable emergency place.

This can save you the expensive “single accommodation” if you are looking for a place on the fly.

Conclusion: Pitbull Prices & Costs

Because the pit bull is on the fighting dog list in many counties, keeping them can be very expensive.

For the initial equipment and the dog purchase you can with about 2400 to 2700 € calculate. The monthly costs can vary between 330 and 700 € move.

Please keep these numbers in mind if you are thinking about getting a pit bull. Keeping list dogs is not cheap.

And don’t forget: the running costs such as special insurance and the high dog tax are not one-off, but accompany the dog throughout its life.

What has been your experience with Pitbull maintenance? Please leave us a comment!