Detect, Remove Correctly & Tips

From March to October is tick time. Once or twice Ticks in the dog’s fur finding it is not uncommon.

But what if the Creatures just cavort on him? A Tick ​​nest in the dog is for four-legged friends and owners unpleasant affair.

How do you recognize a tick nest and how do you avoid it? That’s exactly what you’ll find out now.

How do I recognize a tick nest in a dog?

Dogs love to play outdoors – whether in the forest, in the bushes or in a field. Exactly where Ticks feel most comfortable!

You can just look Ticks and their nests hardly be recognized. Even if they themselves soaked with blood have, they usually will covered by the dog’s fur and are hardly noticeable.

Therefore, the best way to find them is through thorough scanning.

Stuck in a tick nest several thousand eggs. If the dog comes into contact with it, he is quickly covered with little mini ticksthe crawling on his body.

Rub the dog with one after walks light, damp cloth off to possible ticks easily recognizable on it to be able to

What to do if the dog is full of ticks

Is the Dog covered with ticksthese should removed as soon as possible become.

It is best to check him outside after every walk to prevent the ticks from getting into the house.

tick comb can help many of the arachnids quick and painless to remove.

Subsequently, however, the tick tongs set to work to really catch all intruders. The pliers should as close to the skin as possible of the dog under the tick be led. Then the tick pulled out carefully and slowlyso that it doesn’t burst.

After removing the tick must definitely destroyed directly become!

At a Tick ​​nest in the dog it can take a long time to remove all ticks. Reward the dog in between with a treat for his patience.

Are many ticks dangerous for my dog?

When the tick bites scratches it into the skin of the dog. To avoid that dirt or pathogens get into the woundthe dog should be held still for a short time after being pulled out to avoid the Disinfect tick bite to be able to

The pathogens that can be transmitted by the tick through sucking into the dog’s blood are particularly dangerous for the dog.

This becomes particularly common Lyme disease transfer – up to 20 percent of all dogs in Germany are possibly infected with it!

The illness doesn’t always break outbut may close when it erupts fever and pain or even in the worst cases heart problems and diseases of the organs to lead.

The more ticks there are on the dog’s body, the higher the risk of infection.

When should I go to the vet?

Pulling out the ticks is uncomfortable and sometimes even painful for the dog. Many dogs are therefore reluctant to allow it.

The dog refuses too strong to be able to remove the ticks safely, the vet help. This one knows the dog lightly numbto simplify the process.

But also after a tick bite should be taken care of. Fever, vomiting, diarrhea or even swollen and red skin around the bite can be symptoms of infection after the tick bite.

To be on the safe side, a veterinarian should also be consulted here to rule out infection.


It is important the tick straight out and not to rotatesince the head is otherwise in the dog’s body to get stuck can. This allows you to continue transmit diseases or form inflammation.

If the head does not come out, the vet should also be visited.

Can I prevent tick nests on dogs and in the house and garden?

Tick ​​nests in the garden can best be prevented by long grass and bushes avoided become, because there the bloodsuckers gather rather.

Regular mowing of the lawn, trimming of hedges and shrubs contributes greatly to avoiding tick nests.

Of course, the dog can also have tick nests while walking pick up. To avoid ticks in the house, the four-legged friend should thoroughly checked after each dog round become. After all, nobody wants one Tick ​​nest in the bedroom!

There are also special anti-tick agents that can be purchased from the vet, for example.

are popular tick collarswho are the arachnids fend off should. Still, the dog should briefly checked after the walk become!


Tick ​​nests in dogs are a danger in the tick season, the dog owners difficult to avoid can. The fur nose should Be sure to check for ticks regularly, preferably daily become to that risk of infection to decrease.

If a tick nest is found, should remove all ticks as soon as possible become. While this isn’t fun, unfortunately it has to be!

Have you ever had a tick nest on your dog? Tell us about your experience in the comments!