Swollen Lymph Nodes in Dogs: Causes & Treatment

Lymph nodes are a first clue in every organism when it comes to a possible disease.

This also applies to our furry friends, who therefore have some lymph node nodes in their bodies.

In the following guide we will tell you everything you need to know about lymph nodes in dogs.

Where are the lymph nodes located in dogs?

At the dog There are five places on the body where the so-called external lymph nodes are located condition:

  • On neck
  • in the groin
  • in the hollows of the knees
  • on the lower jaws
  • below the ears
  • in the armpits

Normally, you cannot see these lymph nodes. Lymph nodes that are swollen are visible and also much easier to feel in dogs.

Already knew?

In dogs, there are a total of 12 lymph node points distributed over the body sites mentioned above.

What is the function of the lymph nodes in a dog?

The lymph nodes – also called lymph glands – are something like the body’s own warm lights of the fur nose.

This changes from green to (dark) orange to red when the immune system has recognized an illness and is already trying to fight it.

If a dog’s lymph nodes are swollen, it already has an infection, which can be caused by bacteria or viruses.

Swollen lymph nodes in dogs can also indicate cancer.

Because here, of course, the tumors are fought with everything that the body can muster.

How do I recognize swollen lymph nodes in my dog

You can recognize swollen lymph nodes in dogs in almost all cases, because they are clearly visible under the skin.

They can then look a little like a bump your dog has, for example, on its side.

You can also recognize these by carefully scanning them. And it works if you keep the following things in mind.

Wait a quiet moment

Sick dogs in particular are not the most relaxed of furry friends. No wonder, since they feel uncomfortable and don’t know what’s going on.

It is therefore important that you wait for a moment when your dog is relatively relaxed and calm.

It is always helpful to talk to the dog soothingly and give him a treat.

Careful scanning

Swollen lymph nodes can already be painful. It is all the more important that the palpation takes place with kid gloves (in a figurative sense).

Pay attention to slightly circular and, above all, gentle movements with which you feel the lymph nodes.

Control both sides

Lymph nodes always come in pairs. This means that these are always present on both sides of the dog’s body, for example on the left and right of the neck.

If you have felt a swollen lymph node here on one side, you should also check how this lymph node looks on the other side.

By the way, this will also help you to determine whether one of the lymph nodes actually appears to be larger.

keep Calm

Finally, it is extremely important that you do not give any indication that you have felt a swollen lymph node in your dog.

Of course, this will first make your heart sink into your pants or make them beat at a gallop.

But your dog must not notice your understandable panic – because this aggravates his already cracked condition even more.

What Are the Causes of Swollen Lymph Nodes in Dogs?

The causes of swollen lymph nodes in dogs are mostly related to the disease – in the case of swollen jaw lymph nodes, the teeth are usually to blame.

If you can feel enlarged lymph nodes in the groin or behind the knees of your dog, there may be a claw injury or a joint infection.

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck, on the other hand, indicate a disease of the upper and/or lower respiratory tract.

In addition, these causes can also contribute to the swelling of the dog’s lymph nodes:

  • bacterial infections, which can also affect the gastrointestinal tract
  • viral infections, including parvovirus
  • Travel diseases such as leishmaniasis
  • tumor diseases

What exactly is the reason for the swelling of the lymph nodes in the fur nose can ultimately only be found out by the veterinarian with the right diagnostics.

When to the Vet with Swollen Lymph Nodes?

Do you have the impression that the lymph nodes have not shrunk back to their normal size after a few daysplease go to the vet immediately.

Please also pay close attention to whether your dog shows other symptoms that could indicate an illness.

To do this, you can make a checklist that can include the following questions, among others:

  • Does your dog withdraw and no longer want to be touched?
  • Does your dog seem stressed, does he suffer from shallow breathing?
  • Does your dog seem lethargic/tired/discharged/exhausted?
  • Does your dog have unusual diarrhea?
  • Does your dog have pain, for example in the mouth?
  • Does your dog vomit regularly?
  • Does your dog have a fever?

Such a list is of great help to the veterinarian. These questions serve as a starting point for you here, but can of course be supplemented by further questions.

Because in this way he can perhaps already rule out some possible diseases in the anamnesis, while others can be all the more likely.

If you can, you should also provide the approximate size and texture of the dog’s swollen lymph node.

If it feels very hard or is only slightly hardened and barely larger than its counterpart on the other side of the body, this can also help the vet with the diagnosis.

How is a lymph node exam done in a dog?

If the dog has swollen lymph nodes, the veterinarian takes tissue samples and liquid using a fine-needle aspiration.

These in turn are examined under a microscope, including for bacteria, viruses or cancer cells.

If the latter have been found, further investigations will follow. These include blood tests, X-rays and ultrasound scans.

Among other things, this can be used to determine the status of the disease.

Blood tests can also provide information in the event of an infestation with bacteria or viruses.

If the teeth or airways are affected, supportive x-rays are again consulted.

A therapy or treatment based on the examination results then takes place according to the disease trigger and the disease.

Have you ever noticed swollen lymph nodes in your dog and what was the reason?

We’d love for you to share your story with us in our comments.