Can dogs eat sunflower seeds? We clarify!

Sunflower seeds are considered healthy because of their many unsaturated fatty acids (omega 6). Can dogs eat sunflower seeds and also benefit from them for their health? You can now find out whether they can be a regular part of his menu.

In a nutshell: Can my dog ​​eat sunflower seeds?

Yes, your dog can eat sunflower seeds in small amounts. Just like us humans, they are considered very healthy for dogs. However, your dog should not eat bird seed that contains sunflower seeds. If your fur nose eats too much of it, the birdseed can cause an intestinal obstruction.

How healthy are sunflower seeds really for dogs?

Sunflower seeds contain a lot of nutrients. These include vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K. And the minerals iron, magnesium, copper, manganese and zinc.

They also contain lots of healthy fats. These include above all the omega-6 fatty acids.

Although these unsaturated fatty acids are important for health, they should always be in balance with omega-3. For example, if your dog consumes too many omega-6 fatty acids, there is no longer a balance.

Consequently, there is a possibility that inflammation can build up in the body over the long term.

Regular consumption can strengthen teeth and bones. Furthermore, sunflower seeds are said to have properties that promote blood circulation.

The high proportion of omega-6 fatty acids can visibly improve the coat structure of your four-legged friend. Over time it can shine more because the omega 6 has positive properties on the skin and coat. The fur feels less rough and fuller.

They can also have a supportive effect on skin rashes or dry skin.

In addition, consumption in dogs can have health-promoting properties in the event of gastrointestinal infections.

The high content of vitamin E, as the most important fat-soluble antioxidant, can help your dog to promote cell health and keep the immune system and neurological functions healthy.

It can also help shield the skin from free radicals.


Don’t feed too many sunflower seeds, as these can be detrimental to their health in the long run.

You should consider this when feeding sunflower seeds

It is important to know that dogs are only allowed to eat shelled sunflower seeds. Unlike birds, they don’t have a beak to remove the shell. If he eats the shell anyway, this can lead to severe gastrointestinal problems and diarrhea.

Due to the high fatty acid content, sunflower seeds are considered very healthy, but should still be fed in moderation.

A regularly excessive amount can lead to weight gain and nausea in your four-legged friend in the long run.

Some dogs cannot tolerate sunflower seeds or have nut allergies. If he’s allergic, develops a rash, or you’re just unsure, see your vet.

To be on the safe side, you should only feed a few seeds the first time and then keep a close eye on your furry friend.

Never feed them salted sunflower seeds. These are commercially available for us humans to buy as a snack. The salt content is far too high for dogs. Don’t leave the packaging out in the open to avoid possible salt poisoning.


As a welcome change in the bowl, you can roast a few sunflower seeds in a pan (without fat) and then pour them over the feed. Many dogs love the crunchy snack.

Why your dog shouldn’t eat birdseed

If you feed the birds with bird seed during the cold winter months, you should place it in a place where your four-legged friend cannot reach.

Dogs like to steal supplies, which can be dangerous with bird seed. In addition to sunflower seeds, birdseed contains different seeds, nuts and grains of different types of grain, depending on the variety.

In addition, the sunflower seeds are usually still in the shell.

If your dog eats too much of it, he can get an intestinal obstruction.

Conclusion: Can dogs eat sunflower seeds?

Yes, your dog can eat sunflower seeds, but it should only be given small portions. Sunflower seeds provide a high proportion of valuable omega-3 fatty acids, which can have a positive effect on the coat and skin.

In large quantities, sunflower seeds quickly lead to obesity due to the high fatty acid content, which is why you should not give your dog too much of it.

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