Many types of fruit are considered healthy for dogs and are a varied snack for your dog in between.
When it comes to tropical fruits, there is often justifiably ignorance as to whether dogs are allowed to eat them or whether they are poisonous. A tropical fruit is the orange persimmon.
Can dogs eat persimmons? You will find out now.
In a nutshell: Can my dog eat persimmons?
Yes, your dog can eat kaki in small amounts. However, you should always remove existing seeds because they irritate the stomach and intestines and can lead to inflammation of the small intestine. Constipation is also possible. They also contain hydrogen cyanide, which is toxic to dogs.
Most dogs love persimmons. However, you should only feed a small portion of the ripe pulp to begin with and observe how your dog reacts to the tropical fruit.
Persimmons are so healthy for dogs
Persimmons contain many vitamins, minerals and fiber. These include vitamins A, B, C, E, K, potassium, manganese and magnesium.
Their high content of vitamin A is particularly interesting. This vitamin is considered to be particularly «essential for eye health».
Due to the high fiber content, persimmon has stool-regulating properties. If your fur nose suffers from constipation or sluggish digestion, the tropical fruit can naturally help the intestines to soften the faeces.
The fruit is high in glucose, which is one reason you shouldn’t overfeed it.
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You should consider this when feeding (important!)
The problem with imported fruit is that you never know exactly how and with what pollutants it was treated. To be on the safe side, it is advisable to buy only organic persimmons.
If you don’t have the opportunity or there are no organic persimmons on offer, you can also simply remove the skin. Another method is to wash sprayed fruit thoroughly in baking soda or vinegar water. You can use this to remove residues of pesticides. Then you can leave the shell on.
Make sure the fruit is ripe. If you squeeze the fruit and it gives slightly, it’s ripe.
Cut the persimmons into small pieces. You can also stew it a little, then it is even more digestible.
So that your four-legged friend can benefit from the nutrients as best as possible, you can finely puree the persimmons and then mix them with the food.
When your dog eats persimmon for the first time, you should only give a small amount to see how he reacts.
The kaki fruit itself is not poisonous. However, the brown seeds are dangerous.
You should remove these before feeding because they have a strong irritating effect on the stomach and intestines and can even cause inflammation of the small intestine.
The cores may contain hydrocyanic acid. This is toxic to dogs.
Many four-legged friends love the fruit, but should not eat too much of it due to the high sugar content. This is especially true for overweight dogs. If your darling is active in sports or has a normal weight, there is nothing wrong with eating a small portion from time to time.
Attention Danger: Prussic acid poisoning
If you bought a persimmon that contains seeds, you should remove them before consuming them to avoid toxic prussic acid poisoning in your dog.
Although it is almost never the case with persimmons from the supermarket that there are seeds in the fruit, you should examine them thoroughly to be on the safe side.
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The right amount for four-legged friends
You should always feed persimmons in moderation. The fruit has a very high sugar content. If your dog already has a little too much on his ribs anyway, he should refrain from eating it.
Another point is that persimmons can have a laxative effect. This is especially true when your four-legged friend eats the fruit for the first time and you do not yet know how his organism will react to it.
Only give a small amount to see if your furry friend can tolerate the fruit.
With persimmons, there may be a possibility that your dog is allergic to them. If he gets diarrhea from it or, in the worst case, even breathing problems, you should contact the veterinarian.
If your fur nose has general allergy problems, it should not eat persimmons to be on the safe side.
Conclusion: Can dogs eat persimmons?
Yes, your dog can eat persimmons in small amounts. It is considered healthy because of its many vitamins. However, you should prefer low-sugar fruit for overweight dogs because persimmons are high in glucose.
Before eating, it’s a good idea to wash the tropical fruit thoroughly to remove any pesticides on the peel. It is also important not to feed the pips, as they can cause inflammation and contain toxic hydrocyanic acid.
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