Advice & tips from professionals

There are many autoimmune diseases in dogs that are now known.

In most cases, there is no cure for the condition and an affected dog will need lifelong medical care.

If your dog is affected by an autoimmune disease or if the exact diagnosis is still pending, various questions arise.

In this guide we give the answers to all things autoimmune diseases in dogs.

List: What are autoimmune diseases in dogs?

There are now a large number of well-known autoimmune diseases in dogs, which manifest themselves in different ways. Various diseases can be diagnosed by means of a biopsy and a blood count.

Examples of autoimmune diseases include:

  • pemphigus complex
  • Keratoconjunctivitis sicca and chronic superficial keratitis
  • Symmetrical lupoid onychodystrophy
  • glomerulonephritis
  • Myasthenia Gravis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Polyarthritis

At the pemphigus complex the dog’s skin is affected. The upper layers of the skin are attacked and destroyed.

Blistering and crusting of the skin are typical symptoms of this disease. The dog suffers from itching, which is accompanied by pustules, hair loss and dandruff.

Immune diseases of the eye are for example the Keratoconjunctivitis sicca and the Chronic superficial keratitis. This disease usually leads to the complete blindness of the affected dog.

In the Symmetrical lupoid onychodystrophy the dog’s immune system rejects the claws. The dog no longer wants to move because it often suffers from claw bed inflammation.

Was with your dog glomerulonephritis diagnosed as suffering from kidney disease. This disease usually occurs after Lyme disease and causes the kidneys to no longer work properly.

A rather rare disease is the Myasthenia Gravis. This is one Muscle weakness caused by a disruption in communication between muscles and nerves.

In the Rheumatoid arthritis It is a chronic inflammation of the joints.

A variety of causes can lie behind the diagnosis of Polyarthritis hide. However, this often leads to irreversible joint damage.

Symptoms: How does an autoimmune disease manifest itself in dogs?

In an autoimmune disease it is Your dog’s immune system is misdirected. It then forms antibodies for endogenous substances and tissues.

The immune system fights its own body.

In about half of all cases, the disease is caused by a itching accompanied.

The affected dog loses its coat, there is a strong scab formation on the paws and on the nose there is a pigment loss detectable.

Also Fever is a common side effect of an autoimmune disease.

What are the causes of an autoimmune disease?

Autoimmune diseases can be caused by external influences. Stress can affect the immune system, for example.

Fours are also discussed as the cause.

Also hereditary factors can influence the derailment of the immune system. A mutation in a gene is held responsible for this.

This mutation does not have to lead to the outbreak of the autoimmune disease in every carrier.

Is autoimmune disease in dogs hereditary?

The reasons for an autoimmune disease have not yet been fully researched. However, one possible cause is one inheritance of the disease.

Certain hereditary predispositions can promote the onset of an autoimmune disease.

What is the diagnosis and treatment at the vet?

The disease is diagnosed by the vet with a Biopsy and a blood count established.

With the blood count, a non-regenerative anemia can be determined as well as an increased number of leukocytes. Elevated liver values ​​can also be determined in this way.

Acantholytic keratinocytes can be detected by means of the skin biopsy, i.e. the dissolution of a cell structure.

The treatment is then individually tailored to the dog.

It is important that not the autoimmune disease can be treated as a whole, but only that symptoms.

Drugs used for this are:

  • antibiotics
  • immunosuppressants
  • cortisone
  • trademark protection
  • Cytotoxic Drugs

Treatment seeks to mitigate misguided immune system attacks and one more prevent destruction of your own body cells.

My dog ​​has an autoimmune disease – what should I expect?

Life expectancy & quality of life

How much the autoimmune disease affects your dog’s life expectancy depends on what the disease is and what it is how early they are diagnosed and treated became.

Does your dog mostly have pain and wounds on the paws, this severely limits his quality of life.

In some dogs, the symptoms occur regularly, but can be treated well in certain areas, so that no major loss of quality of life is to be assumed.

When should I put my dog ​​to sleep if he has an autoimmune disease?

Whether or not you need to have your dog euthanized depends on the success of the treatment.

The last walk with your fur nose is often preceded by a difficult decision.

Does your dog suffer a lot and can hardly move from the pain or can the symptoms be well contained with the administration of cortisone and immunosuppressants?

The general condition of your dog and the remaining life quality should form a basis for this difficult decision.

Good to know:

Since problems with the stomach and intestines often occur when taking immunosuppressants, they are often given in conjunction with a gastric protective agent.

Autoimmune disease in dogs: How you can support your dog

adjust diet

You can support your dog’s immune system with the right feeding. In addition, the constant The immune system fights against its own body in the forces.

There are many preparations and herbs, with which you can relieve pain in your dog and which you can add to the food. However, this addition should be agreed in advance with the treating veterinarian.

But also certain food should not be given to your dog if he has an autoimmune disease. This is often accompanied by a food intolerance.

homeopathic remedies

Although autoimmune diseases cannot be completely cured, you can help your dog with homeopathic remedies.

So there are remedies that are said to have a good effect, especially with regard to pemphigus.

The administration of conventional medication can only suppress the disturbance of the immune system.

With the help of homeopathy, the immune system should find its balance again.


Autoimmune diseases can express themselves in dogs in many different ways and affect different organs.

Whether and how an affected dog can be treated depends on the time of diagnosis and the severity of the disease.

However, a visit to the veterinarian is essential for diagnosis and treatment.

In many cases, the quality of life of the sick dog can be maintained and symptoms are well reduced.

What is your experience with autoimmune diseases in dogs? Let us know in the comments.