A species-appropriate dog food should always contain the right nutrients for the dog. These include, among other things proteins.
These are important to you healthy metabolism and one healthy muscle building. But what if too much protein in the dog is available?
The symptoms as well as the correct protein content we explain in the following guide.
What are proteins and why are they so important for dogs?
Proteins form alongside carbohydrates and fats one of the three sources of nutrientsthat every organism needs in order to be able to function at all.
You are important to different metabolic processes. Your dog itself can proteins by the way, don’t digest it yourself. He needs his pancreas or that for that enzyme trypsin.
This breaks down the proteins into the individual amino acids, which in turn enter the bloodstream via the intestine.
Your dog needs these for his muscles, his organs, his bones and also his skin and fur.
Good to know:
One distinguishes between essential and non-essential amino acids. The non-essential amino acids are formed by the body itself.
The essential against must be ingested through food. For your dog, these amino acids that should definitely be found in dog food are these: Valine, Tryptophan, Threonine, Leucine, Lysine, Isoleucine, Methionine and phenylalanine.
Too much protein in dogs – symptoms
You can tell whether there are too many proteins in dog food – and therefore also in the dog’s organism – by the following symptoms.
nausea can be a first symptom if your dog takes in too much protein through food or can no longer digest a large part.
Did you know that at the digestion of proteins ammonia arises? This highly toxic substance is usually transported through the liver and kidneys.
However, if they have to struggle with too many proteins, an increased ammonia content remains in the dog’s organism.
If your dog takes in too many proteins with the food, these can are no longer properly digested. The result can gas be. These are of course very uncomfortable for your fur nose.
Since here but another disease too can hide, you should have the cause clarified by the veterinarian.
Smelly poop
What initially affects the stomach can subsequently also affect the final elimination of your dog.
Too many proteins can ensure that the feces of your fur nose smells particularly bad or stinks. And diarrhea can also occur here.
Where there is flatulence, there is also Cramps usually not far. Because the excess gas in the stomach also causes it to contract painfully.
Itching & skin problems
skin problems and one through this triggered itching are among the other symptoms of excessive protein intake.
Increased urination & increased fluid intake
If your dog has too much protein in the body, it will affect that too drinking behavior as well as the urination out of. The excess can manifest itself in the fact that your dog drinks more and consequently more urine settles Here one speaks of polyuria and polydipsia.
However, this behavior can also indicate kidney problems. In any case, you should have this symptom clarified by your veterinarian.
Good to know:
Suffer puppies under an incorrect protein supply, this can lead to a decreased growth to lead.
Causes of too much protein
There are various reasons why your dog suffers from excessive protein intake. These include one oversupplybecause you, for example, the wrong amount of food feed
But also one deficient feedthat easy too rich in proteins can lead to too many proteins accumulating in your dog’s system.
Another cause can be inferior proteins be set. These cannot be properly digested by your dog.
In addition, a protein imbalance also lead to an increased protein content. Namely when some important amino acids are too high and others too low.
Good to know:
Inadequate feed can by the way also such be that qualitatively very high quality should be.
Because in some cases they overdo it Manufacturer with the protein content and mean well here.
That’s why you should always look at them exact composition of the dog food regard. You can find this on the packaging.
How much protein does my dog need?
You can determine the right protein content for your dog with this rule of thumb calculate:
2 to 6 grams per kilo of body weight
For example, does your dog weigh? 25 kilogramshe needs according to this formula between 50 and 150 grams of crude protein per day.
This daily need is also depending on age and race and from that how active Your dog is about the day. Also the Size does matter. Here is another rule of thumb: The smaller the dog, the higher the daily protein requirement.
The reason: Small dogs are usually more active, therefore also burn more energy and thus have a faster metabolism. This requires a higher protein intake.
Good to know:
You will also find more than just one on the internet protein calculator. This helps you to calculate the right amount of protein for your furry friend and to know how much protein it needs.
How high should the protein content in the feed be?
The ideal or optimal protein content in dog food depends among other things on the type of feed.
This applies to high quality dried animal foodthat this one Crude protein content of 22 to 25% should have.
wet food on the other hand, it should have a significantly lower proportion. The reason for this is the high moisture content. Accordingly, the protein content should be here between 7 and 10% lay.
Good to know:
Of course, your dog may have an increased need for proteins. In general: The Percentage should not exceed 28%.
Because this amount is completely sufficient even for puppies, who need more protein than adult dogs.
Does your dog too much protein in the organism, you can do that the symptoms presented here recognize.
Important: In most cases, these symptoms can also indicate illnesses! You should your dog so definitely take it to the vetso that he can determine the exact cause.
If the cause is actually the proteins, you should subsequently Adjust your dog’s diet accordingly.
Has your dog ever had problems with too much protein? If so, what was it? And what did you do together to bring the protein balance back into balance?
We would be happy if you share your tips and experiences with us in the comments.