cover dog at night? A dog expert explains!

Even among dog owners it is hotly debated whether the Furry nose is allowed to sleep in the bed at night.

There are supporters as well as «bed opponents». But what about that Cover dog at night out of?

Does it make sense? And if yes, what needs to be considered here?

Find out the answers to these and other questions in our guide below.

Cover the dog at night – when does it make sense?

Covering your dog up at night can, in some cases very useful – if he doesn’t already do that on his own in his dog bed.

The nocturnal ceiling is far more fulfilling more than the purpose of giving warmth.

In fact, one or even your blanket donates to your dog safety and security.

And now at night – or in general while sleeping – dogs don’t want to miss this feeling.

Whether at your side and thus under your blanket or in the dog bed – covering the dog at night makes sense from these points of view a lot of sense.

Also the The following reasons are good motivatorsto cover the dog at night:

  • Cold temperatures, especially in late autumn and winter
  • The age of the dog: very young or very old
  • The breed, the height, the weight
  • The length of the dog’s fur

Depending on which criteria are met here, the dog should definitely be at night sleep under a soft and cozy blanket.

Do dogs freeze while sleeping?

Each of us can freeze while sleeping – so do our dogs.

That can be especially the case when it’s outside freezing cold is and at night maybe that too window open is.

Good to know

Actually can Dogs kept outsideat cold temperatures even freeze to death.

The reason: Body temperature drops during sleepbecause the fur nose hardly moves at all.

So it is cold outsideyour dog should definitely sleep indoors where it is warm.

Let’s see how you can prevent that your dog becomes a four-legged frostbite during the night becomes.

The ideal room temperature for dogs

The ideal room temperature for dogs depends on several factors. For one, play height, weight and body fat a crucial role.

Next to it is also the fur is crucialhow quickly and whether a dog freezes and at which temperatures he feels comfortable.

As a rough guide, the following temperature windows apply: For Short-haired dog breeds should the room temperature between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius lay.

For dog breeds with medium to long fur lies the ideal room temperature is 14 to 23 degrees Celsius.

Good to know

Above all small dogssuch as the chihuahuacan quickly freeze at low temperatures.

Especially with the Chihuahua, one of the reasons is his Mexican origin. This breed is just not used to the cold.

The open window

Many of us sleep with the window open at night – and that also in winter. After all, this is the only way to ensure that there is enough oxygen in the bedroom.

Of course there is some breed of dogs that have absolutely no problem with that have, such as the husky or the Alaskan Malamute.

Other dog breeds in turn, can quickly freeze with an open windowwhen it’s not midsummer outside.

In any case, it makes sense here tuck the dog in at night.

In some cases it can’t hurt the fur nose a little dog house to put in the bedroom. Because this offers good protection against drafts.

Good to know

Your dog sleeps under the covers, i.e. your duvet?

This is the option offered by most furry friends most loved becomes. If you are one of those dog owners who like to cuddle with their four-legged friend at night.

Should puppies or old dogs be tucked in?

have a thing puppies and old dogs in common: you are more vulnerable than young or adult dogs in their prime.

The reason: At Puppies’ bodies are still growinghe is more prone to infections, cold and other things.

The same applies to old dogs. And that’s because with these the vital functions slow it downalso the Metabolism isn’t that fast anymoreas he once was.

The immune system has also become more vulnerable.

So it is with both puppies and old dogs not uncommon for them to freeze faster.

And need a blanket to sleep warm and cozy at night.

As already mentioned, the ceiling also satisfies the purpose of safety and security. And these two things are very important, especially for small and old dogs.


Covering your dog up at night makes sense for many reasons. Because dogs can freeze in their sleepbecause the body temperature drops.

But also the Outside or room temperature can help a dog start shivering from the cold.

That is not only uncomfortable for the dog, it can also cause colds to lead.

Just at puppies and old dogs it is particularly important that they can lie under a blanket when sleeping or at night.

What experiences have you had with your dog, possible cold and being covered up at night?

We’d love for you to share your tips and stories with us in the comments!