Dogs have a specific and sometimes strong odor by nature. Even a weekly bath doesn’t really change that.
On the other hand, it is not normal if Your dog smells like fish. Especially not when this one Odor from certain body orifices comes.
What this is all about is explained in our guide below.
Dog smells like fish: where does the fish smell come from?
If your dog smells like fish, it can Unpleasant odors appear on certain parts of the body.
For example from the mouth, anus or genitals. Depending on the part of the body, this smell to different diseases there. And has other symptoms.
Dog smells like fish from its mouth
A dog can smell fish from its mouth for a variety of reasons. These include food and dental problems, but also diseases of internal organs.
Last but not least, the fishy smell can come from the fact that your dog has eaten feces – and it doesn’t matter whether it was your own or that of another four-legged friend.
1. Lining
If your dog smells like fish from its mouth, it can lie on the feed first. Maybe he just had his lunch with fish? Then he is Odor completely normal and disappears on its own after a few hours.
2. Dental problems
Where food and teeth meet, it can definitely happen dental problems come. In dogs, these are favored because they just don’t regularly clean their teeth.
The result: bacteria can spread in interdental spaces and on the gums spread.
And with that, among other things periodontitis trigger. This can then cause fishy bad breath in your four-legged friend.
Good to know
Not only bacteria are to blame for the fishy smell or periodontitis. to be added sulfur compoundswhich, however, are also caused by the bacteria.
To avoid dental disease, you can give your dog Teeth 2 to 3 times a week Clean with a special toothbrush and dog toothpaste.
This is not only useful for adult dogs, but also in puppies that are in the change of teeth.
3. Diseases of internal organs
The cause of fishy bad breath is not always to be found directly in the mouth and teeth.
Also Diseases of the internal organs can be the cause of this smell. These include, among other things Diabetes, liver disease as well kidney diseases.
The latter are also closely connected to the urinary tract. According to this, fishy smells that occur at the other end of the dog may also be related to the kidneys.
4. Feces
Some dogs like to eat poop. No, you don’t have to understand or approve of that. In fact, your dog should never eat someone else’s feces – because you never know, which pathogens are hiding here.
Nevertheless, also can Feces from other dogs or cats one reason why your fur nose suddenly stinks like a four-legged fish market from the mouth.
Dog smells fishy on the bottom
Emanates from your dog at the anus the smell of fish, in a way there can only be one reason for this. Mouthguard on and gloves on – because that’s really not nice.
your dog has one anal gland inflammation. And it doesn’t just stink to high heaven. It is also associated with an unattractive and partly purulent secretion.
Among other things, this can happen by a constipation. The anal glands usually secrete their secretion with each bowel movement on the feces.
But if this remains in the dog’s intestines, the anal glands have a problem. You can no longer get rid of your secretion.
The result: you too clog, start weeping, produce a stenchwho can certainly teach you to fear.
Good to know
Hopefully, before this stage is reached, you have already been able to recognize another and first sign.
your dog started «to go sledding». That’s what vets call it when a dog drags its butt across the floor. He wants to use it to relieve the itching caused by the inflamed anal glands.
My dog’s urine smells like fish
If your dog’s urine smells like fish, this can be an indication of an illness. This can be caused by kidney disease or a bladder infection.
1. Kidney disease
We already mentioned it above. If your dog’s urine smells like fish, the kidneys be responsible for it.
Or kidneys that no longer work the way they should.
The reason: The toxinsthat are supposed to be excreted in the urine have not actually been filtered through the kidneys.
2. Urinary tract disease/cystitis
Once again they are blame bacteria. These have nested in your dog’s bladder and spread and such an unsightly one cystitis caused.
How can you recognize them – apart from the fishy urine smell? Among other things, that your Dog drinks more. And yet even after X attempts it does not manage to urinate.
Come then blood that has mixed with the urineone thing is clear: your dog has a bladder infection.
And will most likely become one antibiotics and plenty of warmth and rest require.
It may also be that Crystals in the urinary bladder have formed. These also make it difficult for the dog to urinate. Here will be between struvite and calcium oxalate distinguished.
Important information for you: These can already be obtained through the incorrect pH value of the drinking water be favoured.
If this is acidic, calcium oxalate stones are the possible result. If this is basic, struvite crystals can occur. These crystals can therefore be dissolved with the opposite pH value.
Good to know
Not only bacteria are the trigger of a urinary tract infection. Also under stress these are favoured. This is because the dog’s immune system is weakened.
This in turn pleases the bacteria and germs, which have now been given the perfect breeding ground to cause a lot of trouble.
The fur smells like fish
Again, there may be a very simple explanation. Your dog lives near a fish market or a lake and has had a dip in fish.
But if this is not the case, stress can be a reason why your fur nose suddenly smells like a fish market on four paws.
The reason: have dogs scent glands in various parts of the bodywhich give off the individual dog smell to the environment when marking, defecating or giving head.
If fear and stress are involved, you can too these scent glands go haywire. The result: the fur of your four-legged friend smells like fish.
My dog’s privates smell like fish
female dog
Smell your bitch in the intimate area or from the vagina according to Fisch, several causes can have set the trigger.
uterine inflammation
In some cases it may be a inflammation of the uterus act. Especially when your dog is in heat, bacteria can quickly settle there.
These don’t just cater for one nasty discharge. They also make it smell like fish.
Fungal infection of the vagina
Next to Bacteria can also fungi be the reason why your bitch smells unpleasantly of fish from the vagina.
Yeast fungi are the culprits here, the have thrown your furry friend’s vaginal flora out of balance.
What to do if you smell fish? 4 tips
Does your dog smell like fish? Then you can – depending on the cause – already use the following 4 tips to help the smell disappear again almost by itself.
Brush teeth
If leftover food is to blame for the stench, it helps if you tell your dog brush your teeth several times a week.
Also a special dog mouthwash can help to kill or prevent bacteria.
One species-appropriate nutritionwhich contains all the important nutrients, is one of the pillars on which a happy and healthy dog life is based.
Why are we mentioning this here? If the diet is not tailored to the individual dog’s needs, it can cause constipation come.
And where this leads, we like to mention again: To an anal gland inflammation.
If stress is the trigger for the fishy smell, Calm remedy. Dogs usually don’t like it when everything around them is emotionally charged and bustling.
Give your fur nose a cozy and above all quiet place one on which he can stretch out its four paws in a relaxed manner.
Maybe that’s enough to be to lower stress levels and eliminate the whole body fishy odor. Of course, a bath can also help to remove the smell from the fur.
mindfulness is what you can do to help your dog the most. Namely, by observing him closely and Write down all symptoms and report to the vet.
Especially when the anus and genitals are affected by the smell of fish, your observations are extremely important to be able to apply the right help as quickly as possible.
When should I go to the vet?
Whether and when you should drive/go to the vet depends on the symptoms that accompany the fishy smell.
You definitely shouldn’t “bum around” if you blood in the urine can recognize if the Your dog’s after is wet and stinks.
The same applies if your bitch from the vagina stinks of fish. Because even a supposedly harmless fungal infection can – if left untreated – quickly expand into a dangerous secondary infection.
It is important and useful if you can tell the veterinarian about the symptoms, when they occur and how often they occur.
The more information he has, the faster and better he can start the right treatment.
If your dog smells like fish, you should First find out from which body opening the smell is coming – or whether the entire dog fur stinks of it.
Unfortunately, in most cases there is an inflammation or disease behind it – let’s say it like it is – stench. And this of course makes it necessary that your dog and you present to the veterinarian.
In most cases, however, the infection is easily controlled with the right medication, so keep calm and don’t panic right away (we know how easy it is to say and how hard it is done).
Has your dog ever smelled like fish? If so, what was the cause and how did you get it under control with professional support?
As always, we would be happy if you share your experiences with us and all other dog owners in the comments.