Cold in the dog – 5 home remedies that really help

Your fur nose must cough and sneeze and would prefer not to leave your bed?

It’s understandable that you’re worried, after all a dog can’t help itself.

In this article we will show you how you can use home remedies to treat your dog’s cold and when a visit to the veterinarian makes sense.

In a nutshell: Which home remedies help against colds in dogs?

If your furry friend has a cold, home remedies can help. Your furry friend can, for example, inhale with different types of tea and essential oils.

Also can chicken broth help bring your darling along liquid to take care of and clear his nose.

However, they should only be used in consultation with the veterinarian and cannot replace prescribed medication.

As with people, certain home remedies for colds also help dogs to ease symptoms.

The most important thing, however, is that you give your darling plenty of rest and make sure that it has a warm and cozy place to sleep.

Cold in the dog – the five best home remedies

If your darling has a cold, there are some home remedies like chicken broth or fennel honey that can help supportive to be able to help. We present them to you below.


If your dog is struggling with a stuffy nose or a cough, you can let him inhale.

Use thyme or chamomile tea or table salt for this, as it clears the airways, has an antibacterial and expectorant effect.

A tea bag or teaspoon of table salt per bowl of boiling water is sufficient.

Put your darling in his dog box and cover it if possible. Place the bowl with the inhalation kit in front of the box and wait ten minutes.

chicken broth

Prepare one to two bowls of chicken broth per day and put it in front of your darling.

The chicken broth provides him with liquid and important minerals such as table salt and proteins. It is also easier to digest than dog food and provides warmth.

fennel honey

Fennel honey is especially ideal for the mucous membranes, as it has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects and also calms the stomach.

Add a spoonful to the wet food, tea or chicken broth and make sure the honey is definitely absorbed.

This remedy is only suitable for adult dogs.

potato wrap

Would you like your furry friend to be nice and warm, but a hot water bottle and grain pillow are out of the question?

Boil two large potatoes until cooked and soft. Carefully wrap the hot potatoes in a cloth and place it in the basket with your darling.


Sage helps your fur nose when it has a cough and a sore throat. Boil a cup of sage tea and pour the cooled tea into your favorite bowl.

It is even better if you can serve the tea directly after it has cooled down. Sage has an antibacterial effect and reduces itchy throat.

Are home remedies better than medication for a dog cold?

No, home remedies are no better than medication. A cold can quickly become dangerous for a dog if not properly examined.

However, home remedies can support medication so that the cold is over more quickly or the medication can be discontinued earlier.

Never give your furry friend hot tea, only cold tea and avoid fruit tea. In addition, you should only use a drop of essential oil when inhaling.

What can I do if my dog ​​is very tired and weak from his cold?

If your dog is very tired and weak, you should make sure he is getting enough rest, water, and sleep. Pay attention to the right diet.

Better feed him wet food, because he tolerates it better, especially in the case of loss of appetite and a sore throat.

Set up a comfortable place to sleep for him in the living room and bedroom and let him sleep in peace. Leave the room and turn down the volume.

Make sure the room is warm, unless you have a fever, and check on your furry friend regularly. If he has a fever, it shouldn’t be too warm.

Don’t force him to go for long walks, but let him out in the garden for a short time if you wish.

Make sure that there is enough water next to your four-legged friend’s bed and motivate him to drink. In addition to water, chicken broth is also useful here.

When your four-legged friend comes up to you or looks at you as you enter the room, take the time to pet them and show your love.

Is a cold dangerous for dogs and when should I see the vet?

A cold in a dog can vary in severity.

In addition to coughing, runny nose and sneezing, fever, breathing problems, loss of appetite, weakness and sore throat can also occur.

If not treated properly, the common cold could develop into pneumonia.

It is therefore important to take your four-legged friend to the vet at the first sign of a cold.

It’s better if you show up there once too many times than once too few. Warning signals are mainly tiredness, weakness, a dry and hot nose and loss of appetite.

How can I prevent my dog ​​from catching a cold?

To keep your fur nose healthy, is a strong immune system important. Grooming also plays an important role. Bathe and brush your darling regularly.

Don’t let your darling sleep in the cool basement with wet fur, even in summer, otherwise he could get sick.

Avoid physically overloading your four-legged friend, especially in winter. If he can no longer, he will show you and you should take that seriously.

Pay attention to a balanced diet. It should be species-appropriate and contain all the important nutrients. Meat is particularly important, wheat should be avoided.

Keep your dog away from sick animals and get regular vet check-ups. Worming should also be done twice a year.


If your furry friend has a cold, you should take it to the vet immediately to rule out more serious illnesses such as tonsillitis or pneumonia.

Give your pet the medication the vet has prescribed. home remedies are also a good choice as they supportive of medication can.

Make sure your loved one has a warm, quiet place to sleep, is drinking enough water, and is kept away from any stress.

Feed him chicken broth and wet food, avoiding heavy foods. Orientate yourself on what wolves eat and provide plenty of nutrients.

Don’t force your furry friend to go for a walk and don’t scurry around it all the time. When she wants or needs your attention, she shows it.

What do you do when your dog has a cold? Share your tricks and tips with us in the comments!