23 Gorgeous Brown Hound Dog Breeds (With Pictures)

It is certainly no coincidence that many hunting dog breeds have a brown coat. So he has an optimal camouflage in the field.

However, it is very surprising how many of these great brown hunting dogs come from Germany.

Count for yourself how many of the 23 breeds presented there are.

1. Bavarian Mountain Hound

The Bavarian representative among the brown hounds grows up to 52 centimeters tall.

His fur is fundamental brownbut can also black coloring on the head exhibit.

This quadruped gets along well with height and has a good nose. He is mainly at the Hunting larger game deployed.

Good to know:

The sweathound does not sweat more than other dogs. Rather, the term is the official designation for dogs that specialize in tracking down injured game.

2. Azawakh

Originating from West Africa Azawakh grows up to 74 centimeters tall and only weighs up to 25 kilos.

The one by nature brown dog often has one white breast and also white applications on the barrels.

The very agile hunting dogs are often used to hunt gazelles, deer or other very fast wild animals.

3. Podenco Andaluz

This dog is native to Spain and measures up to 64 centimeters when fully grown. However, he was also bred as a medium and small sized hunting dog up to 42 centimeters.

Be Brown fell with occasional white spots can also occur in three variations. The bristle type has hard and long hair, at silk type it is long and silky and when short hair type short and fine.

Depending on its size, it becomes Hunting small game, red deer or wild boar deployed.

4. Black Mouth Cur

The one from the USA Black Mouth Cur grows to around 46 centimeters.

His fur is basically brownhe did however always a white chest and a black muzzle.

He’s hunting universal can be used for any game size. Despite his strong hunting instinct he will also like to be German shepherd deployed.

5. Cirneco dell’Etna

This four-legged friend got his name after the volcano in his Sicilian homeland.

The coat colors of the Italian, which is about 50 centimeters tall, range from Fawn to orange.

He became mainly Hunting small animals deployed. In addition to his good nose, he also has very good hearing.

Although he very gentle, calm and friendly is, he is hardly known beyond the borders of Italy.

6. Treeing Tennessee Brindle

As the name suggests, the Brindle Dog from the US state of Tennessee.

He measures fully grown up to 61 centimeters and has a brown fur with black tiger stripes.

A «Treeing dog” can’t climb, of course. Rather, it chases its prey up trees and holds them at bay until the hunter arrives.

7. German boxer

The second German representative in this round is the very well known and popular one boxer.

The fur of the four-legged friend, which is around 60 centimeters tall, can different shades of brown and brindle with white applications have.

The muscular hounds have been around for centuries bears, wild boar and deer used, but are also popular today family dogs.

When playing with other dogs, he lives up to his name because he often stands on his hind legs and swings his front paws.

8. Hanoverian sweathound

Also the Hanoverian sweathound comes from Germany.

The rather dark brown Dog, with its sometimes black-colored ears, grows up to 55 centimeters.

He mostly becomes Finding injured wildlife used, but is also good for Hare or wild boar hunting.

He can very much stubborn and defiant be. Therefore, it requires extensive training and a strict and experienced owner.

9. German Longhaired Pointer

This about 65 centimeters tall hunting dog usually has one dark brown fur. However, the shades of brown can vary and there are also breeds that are more grey pass over

The German longhaired pointer is a very good swimmer and is therefore happy for the hunting birds used on and in the water.

However, they also give excellent family dogs away.

10. American Pit Bull Terriers

The brown and muscular Dog was initially considered show dog bred for dubious and now banned animal fights.

It was only later that the talent of the medium-sized dog was discovered hunt. Mainly he became the boar hunt deployed.

Because of his trust and loyalty he is an excellent one today family dogwho even has an excellent reputation as baby-sitter owns.

11. Labrador retrievers

The medium sized one Labrador Retrievers is often called a German hunting dog viewed. Perhaps because it is very popular and widespread here.

In fact, this is an English one hunting dog breed.

His fur is Fawn to beigebut sometimes too completely black.

The Labrador Retriever has one preference for water and is an excellent swimmer. That makes him a great one hunting dog for waterfowl.

Due to their loving nature, however, they are also known as family dogs very desirable.

12. Dachshund

dachshunds are among the smallest hunting dogs of the world. They are also among the names dachshund or dachshund known.

They were originally bred to lure badgers out of their den.


Dachshunds are very popular. In order to be able to meet the demand, these four-legged friends are often born in torture breeding.

So if you decide to get this great family dog, you should carefully check its origins beforehand.

13. Curly Coated Retrievers

The approximately 65 centimeters tall and from England Curly-coated retrievers got its name because of its curly head of hair.

The brown hound is mostly used due to his very good swimming skills waterfowl hunting deployed.

The intelligent and highly trainable dog optically matures very quickly, but often behaves like a puppy for a very long time.

14. German Spaniel

The medium sized one German Wachtelhund with his brown rockI am by no means exclusively a hunter of small quail.

However, German universal hunting dog would sound silly. In fact, however, it is highly valued by professional hunters precisely because of its universal applicability.

Here is the docile and docile dog very friendly and works well as family dog.

15. Poodle

Yes, you read correctly. Also the poodle belongs to the hunting dogs. However, only the largest of three species.

Partly from Germany, partly from France standard poodle is good for duck hunting.

His frizzy, curly coat is mostly brownbut there is also many other color combinations.

The poodle is very active, alert and easily trainable.

16. Flat Coated Retrievers

The medium sized one Flat Coated Retrievers comes from England. Predominantly his coat has a dark brownbut sometimes he also kicks completely black on.

The friendly, confident and good-natured dog became predominantly hunting ducks and other waterfowl used.

The Flat Coated Retriever, which is also very popular with families, is considered the «Peter Pan» of dogs. It can take up to five years for him to be fully grown and mentally mature.

17. Alpine Dachsbracke

The short-legged brown dog originated in Austria, and is primarily known as the sweat dogbut also to badger hunt deployed.

His stature is similar to that of dachshunds, but he has slightly longer legs. In addition, he also has a better nose than his German colleague.

The badger hound will hunt anything it can find. Amazingly, they even develop one over other pets or children protective instinct.

18. Cesky Fousek

The Cesky Fousek comes from our neighboring country the Czech Republic and grows up to 66 centimeters tall.

In the hunt it can be used universally both on land and in the water.

The brown dog with the distinctive beard is very trusting, loyal and full of energy.

He is not an apartment dog, but absolutely needs a large garden.

19. Perro de Agua Espanol

Translated, this dog simply means Spanish water dog.

The name already explains its primary area of ​​application. He was and is mainly for the hunting for waterfowl deployed.

The clever are quadrupeds very trainable. They are there because of her trusting and friendly beings also very popular with families.

The fluffy brown fur this four-legged friend gets matted so quickly that you shouldn’t brush them. This makes it the perfect partner for brush-lazy owners.

20. Saint Hubert’s Dog

The one from Belgium St Hubert Dog is also under the name Bloodhound known.

He doesn’t have his more common name because he’s particularly «bloodthirsty,» but rather because his lineage is «pure-blooded.»

His long brown nose accommodates more than 300 million olfactory receptors and thereby makes him best nose in the world.

Especially at that hunt this trait suits him very well.

21.Nova Scotia retrievers

The official name of the medium-sized brown hunting dog from the US is actually much longer. him too toller mentioned retriever will be like Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers designated.

The name is a concept. It is mainly used for duck hunting deployed.

The alert and friendly However, Töller cannot bark properly. If he makes a noise, it usually sounds more like a scream.

22. Short-haired Magyar Vizslar

The same as Hungarian pointer acquaintance Magyar Vizsla is quiet, gentle and affectionate.

The Excellent family dog was nevertheless originally for the huntbred primarily for birds and smaller game animals.

The energetic animals definitely need a lot lots of exercise and employment.

23. Kelb tal-Fenek

This brown and medium-sized hunting dog breed is also as Pharaoh Hound known.

Both names suggest an African or Egyptian origin. But far from it. The pharaoh hound comes from the small state of Malta, where it was primarily used as a breed rabbit hunt deployed.

The dogs are very fast and agile and full of energy. In addition, they are considered extremely playful.