Garlic has many health-promoting properties, but does this also apply to the organism of our four-legged friends?
Are dogs actually allowed to eat garlic or should they keep their paws off it?
In this article you will find out what the spicy tuber is all about and whether your dog can eat it to his heart’s content.
In a nutshell: Can my dog eat garlic?
No, dogs are not allowed to eat garlic under any circumstances! All parts of onions and garlic are toxic to dogs! Whether dried, roasted, fried, steamed, or boiled, garlic and onions are toxic to dogs. In dried form, the concentration of the poison increases even further.
The reason for the poisoning are the sulfur compounds in garlic and onions, which can cause hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells). A breakdown of the red blood cells leads to anemia (low blood count) and this inevitably leads to death.
Is Garlic Harmful to Dogs?
Yes, garlic can not only be harmful to dogs, it can even be TOXIC TO DEATH!
You should not feed your dog garlic, onions, or any other species of the onion and leek family.
reason for the signs of intoxication of garlic is the substance N-propyl disulfide as well as others Sulfur oxides such as alliinwhich can cause great damage in your dog’s body.
These toxins and sulfur compounds first lead to a hemolysisi.e. destruction of the red blood cells.
The consequence of this is usually one fatal anemia.
Are small amounts of garlic okay?
Garlic isn’t all bad and harmful. In itself, the small tuber is even very healthy.
Here the sentence applies again «The dose makes the poison» full on the black. Unfortunately, it is not known what exactly «the dose of garlic» is for your dog.
It can be assumed that garlic only has a toxic effect from a quantity of 5 grams per kilogram of body weight.
But is it really worth trying? Probably not.
In any case, we advise against feeding your dog garlic. It plays a minor role in the diet of dogs.
How do I recognize garlic poisoning?
If your dog accidentally consumed large amounts of garlic, a race against time begins.
If your dog exhibits one or more of the following symptoms after eating garlic, you must act immediately:
- Increased heart and breathing rates
- nausea and vomiting
- Pale mucous membranes
- weakness
- Diarrhea
Things to know about garlic
Garlic, Latin Allium sativum, belongs to Allium family.
Garlic is one of the longest cultivated plants in the world.
The tuber is known for its countless healing effects, which are found in the natural medicine for humans find many applications.
fun fact:
Did you know that there are people who suffer from allium phobia? That’s a panic fear of garlic. Crazy but true!
Can Garlic Keep Ticks Away?
Soon it will be that time again – the annoying tick season is approaching!
Many dog owners worry about how to take care of their dog natural tick repellents can protect.
Is Garlic the Answer?
Unfortunately we have to disappoint you. There are no scientific studies that garlic keeps ticks away, yet there are garlic supplements on the market that promise to do just that.
Can dogs eat garlic oil?
Your dog can occasionally enjoy homemade garlic oil based on olive oil.
As 14-day cure you can your dog Half to one teaspoon daily mix in the feed. He will definitely like it.
It is important that the oil no longer contains any pieces of garlic and that you do not overdo it with the amount! Conscientiously portioned, the garlic oil can give your dog a real immune boost, especially in the cold season.
In order for the oil to be really healthy, you should definitely look at all the ingredients organic quality set.
We’re still talking toxic garlic here! So if you find that your dog is not doing well with the intake of garlic oil after just one or two days, please stop immediately and contact a vet to be on the safe side!
Can Dogs Eat Cooked Garlic?
No, they shouldn’t or shouldn’t.
Whether boiled, steamed, grilled, fried or raw, the substances that are toxic to dogs are contained in all of these forms in the garlic.
What about garlic granules?
Finally there is something positive to say about the combination of dog and Knobi-Knolle! Yay!
Garlic granules are available in different concentrations, specially developed for dogs.
These preparations are intended to regulation of the intestinal flora contribute and the promote digestion.
Depending on the composition, the products promise different results. For example the Strengthening of the immune system and the immune system or a natural defense against parasites.
It’s best to make up your own mind. We think little of that.
Can dogs eat garlic or is the small bulb poisonous?
We do not recommend feeding your dog garlic as it is not an entirely safe food for dogs.
However, a quantity of up to 5 grams per kilogram of body weight is considered harmless.
At worst, the sulfur compounds in garlic can destroy red blood cells. This in turn can cause fatal anemia.
There are a number of foods that are better fed to your dog than garlic. Please weigh the risk associated with an incorrect dosage for yourself.
Not sure if you can feed your dog garlic? Write us your questions under this article!