3 causes & tips (guide)

Does your dog always fart in the evening?

Pretty uncomfortable when you get kicked off the sofa so regularly. If your dog farts a lot while sleeping, it can not only be uncomfortable for you!

Your dog may be suffering indigestion or other health problems that abdominal pain and bloating can cause.

It’s great that you want to get to the bottom of this. Your dog and your nose will thank you!

My dog ​​always farts in the evening: causes

Occasional farting is just as much a part of dogs as it is of us humans. Sometimes you just have to let the air out so that your tummy can relax again.

Dogs are of course a little more unabashed than we humans are. On the other hand, they cannot tell if they gases in the intestine cause pain.

We’ll show you 3 possible causes of your dog’s flatulence on. But there could also be other causes behind excessive farting.

1. Improper diet

The main reason for a bloated stomach and frequent farting in dogs is poor nutrition.

We know it ourselves: fast food, sweets, pasta and the like are often tempting. However, very few people feel really good after eating these foods.

What definitely doesn’t belong in the dog is your leftovers because Hamlet begs so sweetly. Unfortunately, there are many foods that are absolutely unsuitable for dogs.

Onions, garlic, tomatoes, avocado, beans, mushrooms, strong spices and fat are just a few examples of poorly digestible foods that are responsible for Bloating and abdominal pain in your dog can take care of.

So think again about what your dog gets to eat on a daily basis.

If you are not sure what the right diet for your four-legged friend looks like, please ask your veterinarian or a dog nutritionist.


Our dogs are just as individual as we are. Therefore, the menu can vary from dog to dog. A special food may be necessary for puppies, pregnant or lactating bitches, senior dogs and sick animals.

2. Giardia, worms or other intestinal parasites

Infection with giardia, worms, or other intestinal parasites can also cause bloating.

The microorganisms can cause considerable damage in the dog if left untreated!

In this case, the veterinarian can use a fecal examination to determine which worms or protozoa have infested your dog’s intestines. Depending on this, a treatment method is selected.

So you can see here again how important it is to have your dog taken to the vet once too often if anything is unclear!

3. Food intolerance/feed allergy

Did you know that most dogs lactose intolerant are? If your dog farts a lot in the evenings, maybe you let him snack on too much cheese?

Dogs can also react to other foods with an allergy or intolerance. Actually on everyone.

If this is the cause of your dog’s flatulence, you can use feed change and possibly allergy tablets or one desensitization to be helped.

This is important:

Please watch your dog closely if anything seems strange to you. If the flatulence gets the better of you or if you have other symptoms such as diarrhea, loss of appetite or the prayer position, you should contact a veterinarian immediately!

What can I do if my dog ​​farts a lot in the evening?

Open the window or change the room. No, joking aside…

Please be aware that, to a certain extent, it is quite normal for our dogs to fart during the day, even in the evening and while they are sleeping.

One more, the other less. That always depends on many factors.

What you can definitely do is the Clarify the cause of your dog’s flatulence to permit! Based on a diagnosis, you can take further steps.

A gentle abdominal massage and light food definitely can’t hurt.

What food does my dog ​​need when it farts?

If your dog farts a lot, study them Contents of dog food like to be more precise. Are there by accident beans or peas contain?

Cereals, a high protein content, lactose, too much fat or too much fruit and vegetables can also cause flatulence.

Also a recent one feed change can lead to the gastrointestinal tract having to adapt first and then reacting with digestive problems such as flatulence. However, these should subside again after a short time.

If your dog is struggling with abdominal pain from bloating, you should offer him easily digestible food.

A bland diet of boiled chicken, mushy rice, and mashed carrots will do your dog good.


dogs fart. We fart. The question is: who doesn’t fart? A few occasional stinks from your dog needn’t worry you.

However, if you feel that your dog’s flatulence is excessive and is very common, then don’t waste time and take your four-legged friend to the vet!

It can many harmless causes behind the flatulence that can be easily treated. But also serious health problems can be the reason for frequent farting of your dog!

Are you unsure whether you should take your dog to the vet or what exactly his symptoms mean? Of course we don’t replace a veterinarian, but maybe we can calm your nerves or give you some advice.

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