9 common causes & the best home remedies

The dog’s nose is the most important organ of your four-legged friend. Because with this one smells, sniffs, communicates.

A healthy dog ​​nose can be cold and wet as well as warm and dry. A not so healthy one Dog nose is running.

However, a distinction must be made here between different causes. We will present these to you in the following guide.

9 possible causes of runny noses in dogs

We all know it: the nose is running, the nose is dripping, the eyes are watering, and often there is no apparent reason for it.

What applies to us humans can also apply to our dogs.

Then: A cold is not always on the waythere is not always immediate reason for concern or even panic.

What exactly can trigger a runny dog ​​nose? You will find out now.

1. Cold

cold respectively, a sudden change in temperature can be enough for a dog to get a cold nose or start running.

Imagine you were out with your dog in the cold. Now you are warm again. What happens? That’s right – your nose starts to run.

So behind this is hiding completely harmless and also normal reasonwhy the dog’s nose is running.

2. Dry air

Especially in winter it lurks behind closed doors. Dry air has – as the name already suggests – a certain property. She dries up.

And of these are among others affected the eyes and nasal mucosa. If this is the case in your home, it can lead to a runny nose in your dog. And that too while sleeping.

3. Irritations

irritation are predestined to annoy noses – also with our dogs. That irritation can be triggered by certain smells such as pepper or chili.

Also Dust is unfortunately perfect to irritate the sensitive dog nose. And so to provoke a runny nose.

4. Allergies

Speaking of dust: This can also be allergies to lead. Blame? The dust mite.

But not only these, but also pollen are among the classics when it comes to allergies that affect the respiratory tract.

hay fever can also be a challenge for dogs. And especially in times of high pollen count, the nose will run a little more often, the nose then runs, among other things, in summer.

What helps? Antihistamines or cetirizine for dogs. Your vet can prescribe this.

5. Cold

But behind many runny noses there is also the good old one A cold. A cold is not exclusively a human affliction. Dogs can get sick too.

are to blame viruses or bacteria. To get rid of these foreign bodies, more mucus is produced. This in turn has to come out of the nose. The result: sneezing and runny nose.

Good to know:

A cold can be dangerous for dogs. Namely when the pathogens make their way into the upper respiratory tract. Is your dog panting and breathing shallow, does it seem stressed? Then please go to the nearest veterinary clinic immediately!

Here you can turn one lung infection or one bronchitis lurk. In addition, physical exertion during a cold is unhealthy. Why? The heart is affected.

6. Foreign objects

foreign body are another reason why a dog’s nose can run. It could be anything. Starting with grains of dust to their own fur and pepper.

The dog’s nose begins to run so that the foreign body can be transported outside again as quickly as possible. In short: the nose runs and the dog sneezes.

7. Dental problems

Yes, you’ve read that correctly. Also dental problems can cause your dog’s nose to run.

Why it is like that? In fact, the dog’s mouth and the dog’s nose are closely related. And through a small opening between the palate and the nose.

For example, if your dog has problems with one of its incisors, this information is passed directly to the nose. And this starts to run.

8. Tumors

One of the most unpleasant causes of a runny dog ​​nose is undoubtedly one tumors. Usually these don’t mean anything good.

Tumors can form and spread in the nose and upper airways. It does not always have to be a malignant carcinoma.

Do you notice that the nasal mucus mixed with blood If it is, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

9. Smoke

Everyone knows, that Smoking is bad for health. What applies to us humans also applies to dogs.

A runny nose through passive smoking is the least of the problems. The long-term consequences are much worse. Because dogs can too lung cancer fall ill.

So: If you indulge in this vice, please be on the doorstep and far enough away from your dog.

Good to know:

Also stress and anxiety can trigger nasal discharge in dogs. This doesn’t wash away the emotion. But it is an attempt to fight against them.

Home remedies and medication for a runny nose in dogs

There are a number of ways you can use to relieve your dog’s runny nose. Above all, some natural home remedies have proven themselves here.


Honey is nature’s ultimate miracle weapon. It’s not just made by bees for our enjoyment – in fact, it’s made primarily for them.

Honey is full of healthy substances, some of which also have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Honey can provide initial relief, especially when the air is dry or you have a mild cold.

Good to know:

Above all Manuka honey should be particularly good. This strain originates from New Zealand and is used as an antibacterial miracle drug.

milking fat

milking fat has the advantage over many creams and ointments that it free of perfumes and other ingredients is.

So it’s mostly neutral. And perfect for restoring a dry, runny and maybe cracked dog nose to normal.

water tank

water tank help to eliminate dry air in the house. So you are not treating your dog with this. But you eliminate the cause of the runny nose.

Is the air again with more humidity cared for, the runny dog ​​nose should also have taken care of itself.

Over-the-counter medicines

Bepanthen ointment

Bepanthen Ointment is available in every pharmacy. It is used, among other things, to heal wounds.

But it is also ideal if the runny dog ​​nose is a little red and sensitive.


Before you expectorant occurs in your dog, please discuss the right medication with your vet beforehand.

Because if you don’t know the cause, you can do more harm than good to your dog.

When should I go to the vet?

A trip to the vet is always useful and necessary if the symptoms have not disappeared after a short time.

If you know that the runny nose was caused by dry air or dust, you can remedy these causes yourself.

For all other types of nose run – especially when there is a strange discharge and other symptoms – the following applies: Off to the vet and find out the cause.


If your dog’s nose is running, it can the most diverse causes have. Many of these are harmless, some don’t. You can remedy some things, for other reasons a veterinarian should take a closer look at your fur nose.

What experiences with a runny nose do you have your four-legged friend to thank for? Feel free to share them with us in the comments.