Marker words & signals in dog training: A professional explains

While humans use their voices to communicate, dogs use their bodies to communicate.

So that communication between dog and human runs smoothly is one common language necessary.

We’ll tell you now how this is possible!

What are marker words in dogs and what are they for?

Marker words in dogs help to overcome the language barrier and create opportunities for clear and targeted communication.

Marker words in dogs – or also marker signals – are certain words or sounds that are associated with certain behaviors of the dog.

The important thing about marker signal is that das desired behavior marked or with a marker signal is linked.

The desired behavior is provided by a positive consequence in the sense of a reward, amplified.

In this way, the dog learns that what it is doing is in the interest of humans. For that he gets every time a reward.

For one it can a reward in the form of treats be. Another is happy about a short intensive confirming caress or a short game.

Usually left to the people for the shortcut only 0.5 to 2 seconds.

Otherwise the dog cannot make any connection between the desired behavior and the marker signal produce.


Marker words in dogs provide to man an extra period of time.

The dog still understands which behavior was desired and associate it with the rewardeven if it comes a little later.

Build marker signal: How it works

Marker words in dogs should short and sweet be.

Classic marker word ideas are «Jipp», «Jepp» or «Top» as well clicking sounds or the click of the clicker.

Marker words are allowed not part of everyday language use be – words of praise such as «class», «great» or «super» quickly confuse the dog.

Next up is the dog learn to understand the meaning of the marker signal.

Without the Link to a consequence it has no meaning for the dog. The dog must first positively conditioned become.

The workout should take place in a low-stimulus environment and the dog must not be distracted by other things.

Approximately enough for a training session 10 to 15 treats. The dog should swallow these well and desire them ardently!

The next step should be Make eye contact with your dog.

The dog does not have to sit or lie down, but should be calm and alert. Now that’s called built up marker word and immediately gives the dog a message treat.

The procedure should be repeated until all the treats have been used up.

Whether the dog has understood that calling out the marker word will result in something nice for him in everyday life very easy to determine.

If the dog is sometimes busy with something else, should the marker signal sounds from time to time.

The dog should then happily come to his human to get his treat.

Marker words in dogs help with education and can be easily integrated into everyday life.

Signals are strengthened and the dog’s cognitive capacity is fully utilised. They can also be used as Abort Signals use.

Just at Encounters with conspecifics or other peoplesometimes too less stress free can run, are the marker signals very helpful and showing success.

The dog’s focus on itself can be conditioned very well.

To do this, whenever your own dog looks at you, you have to do that marker word or that marker signal Say it out loud and immediately reward it with a treat.

The more often the eye contact linked in this way, the more the dog will make eye contact.

walks can be so specifically influenced and the binding be strengthened.

Walks and excursions are much safer and more relaxed.

Marker words in dogs – list of the most important terms and their meaning

  1. Tactile marker signal: Tactile marker signals occur through touch and are particularly useful for blind or deaf dogs suitable. Working at a distance is not possible.
  2. Visual marker signal: Visual marker signals work with the sense of sight and use optical signals (e.g. use of a laser pointer or «thumbs up»)
  1. Auditory marker signal: Auditory marker signals work with the sense of hearing and emit acoustic stimuli, such as B. certain sounds (clicks of the tongue, clickers, etc.) or words.
  1. Generalized marker signals: Generalized marker signals announce an appropriate reward, but it can vary. So the dog does not know what reward he will get. The surprise effect ensures that the body multiplies this happiness hormone dopamine produced. The excitement can thus be increased.


marker signals or Marker words in dogs bring the communication between dog and human on a common level.

For insecure dogs are more suitable simple marker signals, which always announce the same reward. You give to the animal orientation and security.

At safe dogswho want to be more cognitively engaged can different marker signals be used. You care for more excitement and variety.

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