There are some «zippers» that can be particularly uncomfortable for our dogs. These can affect, among other things, the sensitive dog bottom.
Here it can come not only to an inflammation of the anal glands. Also Hemorrhoids in dogs are quite possible.
You can find out how to recognize these and how to treat them effectively in the following guide.
Symptoms: How to recognize hemorrhoids in dogs
Ultimately, hemorrhoids are nothing more than Outgrowths of the rectum or large intestine.
In fact, hemorrhoids are one «Side effect» of the anal gland inflammation mentioned at the beginning.
This is in most cases a constipation before. The faeces that are too solid can no longer be excreted.
Pressing in turn not only inflames the anal glands. Also the intestinal wall is affected.
You can recognize hemorrhoids in your dog by these symptoms, among others:
- Difficulty passing stools
- Blood or bleeding from the rectum
- Your dog will nibble its tail and lick its anus
- Your dog’s anus region gives off an unpleasant smell
- Itching and sledding, i.e. sliding your butt across the floor
Hemorrhoids in dogs – causes & triggers
We have already mentioned one cause of hemorrhoids in dogs – the anal gland inflammation. In addition to this, these triggers can also be to blame for the hemorrhoids.
A healthy gut and with that a happy and healthy dog stands and falls with that lining. If this has nutrients that your dog does not need, the intestines are not happy.
The same applies if important nutrients are missing, but the feed is enriched with unhealthy additives – such as grain.
If constipation is the result of the wrong food, it can very quickly lead to anal gland inflammation – and thus to haemorrhoids.
In fact, experts believe that Dogs can’t get hemorrhoids. And that the protuberances are actually the blocked anal glands.
Also parasites are among the causes of intestinal problems and diseases in dogs. These usually cause diarrhea. But in rare cases, this can also promote hemorrhoids.
stress can show up in different symptoms in your dog. In most cases, however, it has a direct impact on the sensitive intestinal flora. Constipation is not uncommon.
And these, in turn, are a factor that causes the walls of the rectum to swell and bulge quickly.
Already knew?
according to statistics about 10 percent of all dogs suffer from it in their life at least once on one Anal gland or anal sac inflammation.
Treatment of hemorrhoids at the vet
Hemorrhoids or anal glands?
In many cases it is not easy to differentiate, in many cases there is actually an anal gland inflammation.
Does your dog actually have hemorrhoids? an ointment as a treatment be used. You will receive this from your veterinarian, who, after taking a previous anamnesis, will see it as a sensible therapy.
If there is inflammation of the anal glands, the further treatment depends on the stage of inflammation.
In some cases, therapy with antibiotics can be useful. However, this has its pitfalls and also hits the already stressed intestines.
Good to know:
The vet will in all likelihood appropriate means to strengthen the intestinal flora recommend and/or share. These include prebiotics and probiotics.
These good bacteria settle in your dog’s intestinal tract and bring the intestinal flora back into balance.
This is how you can support your dog
Treat hemorrhoids with home remedies
Home remedies are almost always useful as first aidto treat various malaise – including hemorrhoids that plague your dog.
Above all, soothing ointments are the first remedies that you can use.
chamomile has one, among other things anti-inflammatory effect. No wonder, then, that the plant is often used for such. It also has a calming effect on the stomach and intestines.
In the case of anal gland inflammation or hemorrhoids, it is the right remedy to relieve itching and possible pain.
In fact, lavender is an ingredient in some creams and ointments that you can obtain from the vet. Like chamomile, too lavender anti-inflammatory and can antibacterial works.
The soothing effect that the fragrance exudes in particular also unfolds its effect in the form of an ointment.
Also the marigold is suitable for relieving itching and possible inflammation. You can use your dog for this Envelopes with calendula tincture or ointment hang up.
With homeopathy
homeopathic remedies are now also recommended by more and more veterinarians. Because a natural treatment is definitely preferable to a treatment with sometimes aggressive drugs.
To the globuleswhich help especially with anal sac inflammation, include these: Calcium sulphuricum D6, Aesculus D3, Silicea D12 and Agaricus C30.
Good to know:
But please note: If these remedies don’t help, you should bite the bullet and the hemorrhoids or the inflamed anal glands treat or have treated appropriately with medication.
Whether dogs really Hemorrhoids can get or whether it is actually the inflamed anal glands is: The fact is that neither one nor the other is particularly fun for your dog.
In many cases lies the actual Reason in the wrong food. And can therefore by a slow feed change and pre- and probiotics to support the intestinal flora quickly get under control again.
These things also have a preventive effect – and should prevent digestive problems in your dog in the future.
Has your dog ever had hemorrhoids? Or an inflammation of the anal glands? Then we would be happy if you share your experiences and the treatment you have chosen with us in the comments.