Portrait of the Dachshund Poodle Mix (with pictures)

The Dachshund Poodle Mix comes with funny names. So he is called, among other things, as Doxipoo, Doxiepoo or Dachshundpoo.

Among the many and popular mixes of poodles with another breed, this is a rare occurrence.

I’ll tell you here why the Dachshund-Poodle mixed breed can’t just score with creative names.

The most important things in brief about the Dachshund Poodle Mix:

Size: 20 to 30 cm

Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years

character: intelligent, attentive, stubborn, own initiative,

special feature: Two hard-working dogs were crossed here, so the Doxipoo can get bored quickly


For the Dachshund-Poodle mixed breed, Dachshunds are usually crossed with a Toy Poodle or a Miniature Poodle.

Therefore, the Doxiepoos are usually rather small.

From a purely visual point of view, both parents often cannot be denied. Because the poodle’s woolly coat is quite dominant, the same applies to the stature of the dachshund.

However, as with all mixed breed dogs, there is no uniform appearance and the appearance of the Dachshund Poodle mixes can differ greatly from one another.

The Doxiepoo is also often referred to as a designer dog – i.e. a dog in which two purebred parents, in this case a dachshund and a poodle, were intentionally crossed with one another.

Height Weight

Depending on the size of the parents, the Size of this mongrel varies greatly be.

These cute dogs are usually between 20 and 30 cm tall.

For smaller dogs, a face from 4 kilos can be expected, larger dogs can reach a weight of 10 kilos.

But here too – as with all mixed-breed dogs – there are no real standard values ​​​​and breed specifications.

Colors & coat texture

Doxiepoos can have different hair lengths. The fur can resemble a poodle or a dachshund.

The texture of the fur is also very different.

The often desired effect of the hypoallergenic coat due to the poodle portion cannot therefore be guaranteed when mixed with the dachshund.

So if you are looking for a dog for allergy sufferers, you should choose a different breed.

So the fur can very high maintenance be and quickly matted. Or, depending on the season, the dog will shed its fur as normal.

A lot is also possible in terms of color with the Doxiepoo. Typical colors are black, grey, brown, white or cream.

Character & nature of the Dachshund Poodle Mix

The mixed breed of dachshund and poodle is quite intelligent and willing to learn.

Since dachshunds are hunting dogs, a certain hunting instinct cannot be ruled out in principle, but the poodle influence can mitigate this with a high degree of probability. Then, with a good upbringing, he is easy to control.

Doxiepoos exhibit an affectionate and loyal character and show themselves very people-related.

A certain gluttony cannot be ruled out with this four-legged friend. Therefore, feeding should be well controlled.

attitude & upbringing

Although these dogs are usually quite small, they are very active. Therefore, they need daily sufficient exercise and intellectual activity.

A good education is also important. The dachshund portion in particular can ensure that the Doxiepoo has a certain stubbornness.

the poodle learns fast and generally needs fewer repetitions for tricks than other dogs. This good quality can also prevail in a crossbreed offspring.

However, since there is no breed standard for the Doxiepoo, each animal is very individual.

Breeding & Health


As is usual with mixed-breed dogs, there is a precise specification for breeding – even if it is a so-called designer dog and crossbreeds with a poodle are becoming increasingly popular.


A mixed-breed dog can also inherit the health problems of its parents.

Typical diseases of dachshunds and poodles can also occur in the Doxiepoo.

Cushing’s Syndrome

A permanently elevated cortisol level due to overproduction in the adrenal cortex leads to Cushing’s syndrome.

This manifests itself in the fact that the dog drinks a lot, is unusually tired and listless, sheds a lot of hair and its abdominal circumference is significantly larger.

For the Cushing, both dachshunds and poodles are particularly at risk.

If left untreated, the disease is fatal. Since the syndrome cannot be cured, daily medication is required after diagnosis.

intervertebral disc disease

Does the dog have one in relation to the rest of the body long backas is the case with the Dachshund, they are at a higher risk of disc problems and also spinal pain.

To prevent these problems, the furry nose should not jump on furniture or climb many stairs.


Epilepsy is common in Dachshunds and Poodles and therefore also in mixes of these two breeds. This disease often occurs in poodles in particular without an identifiable cause on.

If the dogs have an epileptic fit, they can fall over with outstretched legs. You are then no longer responsive and may lose consciousness. Spasmodic muscle twitching and emptying of the bladder and bowels are also typical.


It doesn’t matter whether a breed is more severely affected by a disease or not: If you suspect a disease, you should always contact the veterinarian.

Life expectancy

With good care and husbandry, a Dachshund Poodle Mix can live to be around 12 to 15 years old.

You support the health of your dog with good feeding and sufficient exercise and activity.

Regular examinations as well as vaccinations and deworming at the vet are also necessary so that diseases cannot spread.

What is there to consider with Dachshund Poodle Mix puppies?

Since the Doxiepoo puppies are very small and delicate, you should be extremely careful with them.

Caution is especially important when small children want to stroke and cuddle them.

When dealing with other dogs, conflicts could arise with older animals. For this reason, it is recommended to keep him as the only dog. Children are usually not a problem.

When buying, you should inform yourself well about the breeder and the parent animals.

You should be able to Getting to know the mother dog and her puppies and to be able to ask questions about the breeding experience.

With a mix of two pedigree dogs, as is the case with poodles and dachshunds, you should also be able to find out something about the lineage of the parent animals.