Can dogs eat hazelnuts? A pro clears it up!

So many little nuts in the world and they all bring very different nutrients and properties with them.

So whether dogs are allowed to eat hazelnuts is a legitimate question!

In this article, we will explain what hazelnuts can do and whether they are safe for dogs!

In a nutshell: Can my dog ​​eat hazelnuts?

Yes, dogs can eat hazelnuts! Hazelnuts are safe for dogs and provide a lot of nutrients. Most dogs tolerate hazelnuts well, but some dogs can be allergic to them. Hazelnuts contain a lot of protein, calcium, potassium and plenty of vitamins.

Are hazelnuts healthy for dogs?

Yes! Hazelnuts are great!

They are an excellent source of protein and also contain a lot of calcium, potassium, magnesium and trace elements such as zinc and copper.

Hazelnuts also contain a whole range of B vitamins, namely: B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9.

However, the small nut is also very high in calories, which is why you should not feed it if your dog tends to be overweight!

Reading tip: You may wonder if dogs can eat pistachios! Do you want to know more about it? Read our article on Can Dogs Eat Pistachios and discover what you need to know about this delicious food.

How can I feed my dog ​​hazelnuts?

Hazelnuts are suitable both as accompaniment to the main meal as well as as a small snack in between.

Of course, the hazelnut should only be a small part in the nutrition of your four-legged friend turn off.

However, you are welcome to occasionally throw them in the bowl, chopped or pureed, to give your dog some variety. The spherical hazelnut is also ideal for taking with you on a walk as a treat.


When buying, be sure to pay attention to organic quality so that you can serve your dog really healthy, non-toxic nuts!

Reading tip: You can eat walnuts for dogs? Find out more about this topic in our article «Can dogs eat walnuts?» and find out about the right diet for your four-legged friend.

How many hazelnuts can my dog ​​eat?

Since hazelnuts are just like many other types of nuts very high in fat are, they should not be too frequent and always in moderate amount be fed.

If you feed your dog five to ten hazelnuts once or twice a week, you are on the safe side.

Remember: A small dog will probably not tolerate as many nuts as a large dog.

Hazelnut allergy in dogs?

Nuts are generally considered to be a common trigger for allergies. In dogs, this applies above all to peanuts, but some dogs are also allergic to hazelnuts.


If your dog is eating hazelnuts for the first time, start with a small amount of one or two nuts. If your dog doesn’t show any symptoms of an allergic reaction after 24 hours, feel free to give him more!

Symptoms of an allergic reaction:

  • itching
  • stomach pain
  • Nausea & Vomiting
  • ear infections
  • Increased licking of paws and flanks
  • hair loss
  • Tremble

Can dogs eat hazelnuts in shell?

Although the shell of the hazelnut is not poisonous to dogs, it can cause injuries in the mouth and intestines due to its nature.

If your dog swallows whole hazelnuts with the shell, there is also a risk of one intestinal obstruction.

That’s why you should always peel hazelnuts for your dog so that he doesn’t bite the shell himself.

Hazelnut and obesity in dogs

The high fat content in nuts promotes unhealthy obesity in both us humans and our four-legged friends.

However, healthy and normally slim dogs are welcome to benefit from the nutrient-rich energy supplier from time to time.

Hazelnuts from our own garden

Good for you to know that the hazelnut bush in your garden does not pose any danger to your dog!

If your Wauzi picks up fallen nuts, you should only make sure that the fruit fully ripe are.

If you shake the bush, the ripe nuts will fall to the ground and you can pop them out of the shell to give them to your dog.


Unripe nuts can cause unpleasant gastrointestinal problems in your dog.

Can dogs eat processed hazelnuts?

Hazelnuts are particularly popular in the preparation of desserts such as biscuits, cakes or spreads.

Processed hazelnut products that also contain sugar or sweetener, coloring and/or flavoring, salt and other ingredients unhealthy for dogs are for dogs strictly prohibited!

Can dogs eat hazelnuts? Here is the most important thing at a glance

Yes, dogs can eat hazelnuts!

Hazelnuts are safe for dogs in reasonable amounts and even very healthy!

You are welcome to give your dog a few occasionally Hazelnuts as a snack or as a side dish in the bowl offer.

Most dogs love the taste of the small nut and tolerate it very well. However, hazelnuts can also trigger allergies, which is why you should always start with a small sample!

At best, pay attention organic quality, so that your dog eats really healthy hazelnuts.

Do you have any questions about feeding hazelnuts? Then please write us a comment under this article.