Temperament, nature & all information about the breed

The Italian Cane Corso is too known as Italian Mastiff or «Italian Fighting Dog»which is listed as a dog in some federal states.

Despite her protective kind and yours warlike past becomes the Cane Corso Italiano valued by his fans for his friendly and docile manner.

Today we will introduce you to this dog breed, which can be traced back to ancient times.

Cane Corso Italiano Wanted Poster

Size male: 64 to 68 cm, female: 60 to 64 cmWeightmale: 45 to 50 kg, female: 40 to 45 kgColorsblack, grey, fawn and redLife expectancy10 to 12 yearsOriginItalycharacter/temperamentdocile, hardworking, loyal, easygoing, protective, confident, fearless, alert, affectionate, athletic, gentleFCI groupGroup 2: Pinschers and Schnauzers, Molossoids and Swiss Mountain Dogs, Section 2.1: Molossoids, Great Dane-type dogs


One of the most important criteriaset by the FCI, for the appearance of the Cane Corso is his strong build, which should be longer than it is tall.

The majority of this Molosser breed has the Colors black, gray or red on. Although also find fawn-colored Cane Corso are and brindle shades with black or gray mask up to the eyes may suffice.

The eye color is dark and the weight varies between 40 and 50 kg.

The dense and shiny fur owns only little undercoat. It’s short and easy to maintain.

your size of up to 68 cm shoulder height in males according to the FCI, one range of fluctuation of 2 cm to be admitted as a purebred Cane Corso Italiano for breeding purposes.

Characteristic in his looks are the clearly visible forehead furrowwho stressed eyebrow arch and the high set, triangular and hanging ears.

History & origin of the Cane Corso Italiano

The exact origin of this Italian Molosser dog breed controversial. One explanation is its descent from the Neapolitan Mastiff. Another explanation says that this is a subspecies of the Cane Corso.

Undoubtedly there was already in the 4th century a form of this Italian shepherd and livestock guardian dog. Especially in Southern Italy and Sicily was he to be found.

The ancestors of the Cane Corso Italiano already the Romans as war and guard dogs accompanied. Even reports of troop movements and orders were carried by the hardworking and intelligent dogs.

Nature & character of the Cane Corso Italiano

The Lover the Italian mastiff describe their character as loyal, intelligent and docile as well as friendly and quiet.

They do not approach strangers aggressively, but rather suspiciously and reservedly.

The breed exudes a high level of self-confidence and composure, and it is. He is extremely alert and fearless – a true watchdog.

The Cane Corso maintains a close bond with its family and is very affectionate towards them. Accordingly, he does not like to be left alone. In the house he behaves calmly and gently.

However, this only applies if your Cane Corso does not have the impression that you or your family, his pack, are being threatened.

His high level of intelligence and his great willingness to work make it necessary to teach him and entrust him with tasks throughout his life.

The protection of the family with all relatives as well as house and yard are of particular concern to him.

The Italian Molosser shows his balance above all when he is working to capacity.

Regular and persistent exercise is perfect and necessary for him. High speed is less to be expected because of his temperament!

attitude & upbringing

That a dog breed with a weight of around 45 to 50 kg and a maximum shoulder height of 68 cm barely for keeping in a suitable for a tiny city apartment is, does not need to be explained in detail.

Especially the Cane Corso Italiano don’t like to be left alone want to be and if so at least space for movement and controlling guard rounds around house and yard needs.

The Nature lover from Italy is in temperate regions for outdoor keeping suitable. The house, garden and a large group of children that he can protect and entertain are perfect for him.

He will as balanced and calm character described. This only applies in the case of species-appropriate attitude and the consideration of his intelligence and his urge to move.

obedienceas a sporty obedience exercise, as well as mantrailing come as Leisure activity in addition to extensive hikes in question.

You must be aware of his attitude that he in addition to a certain space requirement also with one higher costs comes to you A high proportion of meat in your diet is necessary to maintain your mental and physical health.

The Cane Corso is considered very docile and friendly dog described, which does not mean that his upbringing is also successful for beginners in dog ownership.

The strong characteras well as body, need clear rules and boundarieswhich once set also always to apply have. The Italian Molosser does not reward fickleness.

An important recommendation is also the early socialization. Your Cane Corso is even better at dealing with large circles of friends if he is allowed to get to know them as a puppy.

Health & Care

Regular brushingwrapped in a ritual with cuddles, enough for the care of the short coat to keep it shiny.

To prevent disease, do not forget become, next to the ears also the Eyes to check. These are one of its weak points, it also reacts sensitively to drafts.

At a species-appropriate husbandry with a lot of meat with their diet and appropriate exercise, a Cane Corso has a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years.

To him before his hereditary joint problems to protect, should Puppies hardly any stairs have to climb and Agility tends to fail as a sport. Jumping high or far can cause diseases such as dysplasia.

his urge to move you will best with long, moderate-paced walks just. Also as Companion when riding or cycling he is doing well.

Is the Cane Corso Italiano right for me?

This Italian guard and working dog suits you if you a large house with a yard or garden, in short, a large piece of land all around.

His Characteristic of protecting and guarding the Cane Corso cannot deny or discard. He even faces dangerous situations with self-confidence.

From the beginning you must be aware that his upbringing must be consistent and have valid rules. If you succeed, you will become a well-rehearsed team.

Fun facts about Cane Corso Italiano

Although he in some regions and countries the reputation of a fighting dog owns makes friends the Cane Corso Italiano happy with children and other pets.

Despite his protective nature and territorial attitude likes the Cane Corso not alone be. Get ready for lots of outdoor time together!

was in the ancient the most famous owner of a Cane Corso Alexander the Greatso is a prominent fan and holder today the actor Vin Diesel.

We look forward to your numerous comments on the Cane Corso Italiano!