Why not feed the dog after 5pm? Professional clear up!

In order for your dog to have a restful sleep, you should not feed him after 5 p.m.

This is what some dog owners recommend, but is it really true?

Why does late feeding affect sleep quality and when should I last feed my dog ​​so he doesn’t have to go out at night?

When should my dog ​​last drink in the evening and is it actually better to feed the dog in the morning or in the evening?

If you are interested in the answers to these questions, be sure to read this article!

In a nutshell: Why not feed the dog after 5 p.m.?

You shouldn’t feed your dog after 5 p.m. so that he can really enjoy his night’s sleep. Because at 9 or 10 p.m. you can assume that your dog has to go out again. A restful sleep is just as important for our dogs as it is for us.

A few hours after the last meal, your dog should definitely have another chance to relax outside.

If you want to learn more about your dog’s natural behavior and need help with proper feeding, online veterinarian Dr. Sam help you further.

The same applies to many other health concerns of your dog. You can reach him and his team almost around the clock, 365 days a year, via WhatsApp video call, without having to go to the vet!

When should I feed my dog ​​in the evening so he doesn’t have to at night?

Forget the rule not to feed your dog after 5 p.m.

Every household has a different rhythm and every dog ​​can adapt to different feeding times.

It is only important that your dog comes outside a few hours after the last feeding to loosen up and of course that he gets food regularly!

When should I last go out with my dog ​​in the evening?

There is no general answer to this question either. It depends on several factors when you should take your dog for the last evening walk.

  • When do you get up in the morning? More like 6 or more like 9?
  • How are the walk times distributed throughout the day?
  • Is there a garden in which your dog also has the opportunity to loosen up and is it freely accessible to him?
  • When do you usually go to bed?

Depending on how you answer these questions, you should also schedule the evening walk. Adult dogs typically sleep 8 to 10 hours a night. So you can easily calculate when the last round should take place.

How many times a day should I feed my dog?

Again, this depends on your schedule and your dog’s preferences. Dogs love rituals, which is why it is good to always feed at the same time. For example, your dog can already look forward to eating something on the morning round.

Some dogs come with me one meal a day good. Other dogs show problems with one hyperaciditywhen the stomach is empty for a long time. Even if your dog with you heartburn is struggling, it is advisable to divide the food into two to three meals a day.

Feeding chart for dogs

This table gives you an overview of possible feeding times for your dog:

number of mealsPossible feeding times2Morning: 8 a.m. – 9 a.m
Evening: 6-7 p.m.3 Morning: 8-9 a.m
Midday: 12 p.m. – 1 p.m
Evening: 6-7 p.m.4 Morning: 8-9 a.m
Mornings: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m
Afternoon: 3 p.m. – 4 p.m
Evenings: 6-7 p.m.5 Mornings: 7-8 a.m
Morning: 10 a.m. – 11 a.m
Midday: 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. Afternoon: 3 p.m. – 4 p.m
In the evening: 6 p.m. – 7 p.m

Attention danger!

Your dog should have access to fresh water at all times of the day and night. It’s also good if he reaches you at night to wake you up if he needs to go out.

How long does my dog ​​have to rest after eating?

Your dog should be after their main meal at least an hour rest. Even two are good for him.

It is important that he does not play and rage during this time, because otherwise there is a risk of a life-threatening situation, especially with large dog breeds gastric torsion!

Explainer video


Again: You can also feed your dog later than 5 p.m.

It always depends on your individual daily routine. However, it is important that your dog can cope well with the feeding times and does not get heartburn at night due to an empty stomach, for example.

The last evening walk should take place just before bedtime so that your dog doesn’t wake you up at night because he has to go out. In addition, it is advantageous if he does not eat immediately before going to bed.

If you have questions about species-appropriate feeding or the weight of your dog, you can easily contact the online veterinarian Dr. Contact Sam! After a free initial consultation, you can take out a subscription and thus always have competent veterinarians at hand, who you can reach 365 days a year. Even at night and on Sundays!