Two dog breeds are among the most popular of all: German shepherd and dachshund. So what could be more obvious than crossing these two breeds as a so-called hybrid breed?
What the shepherd dachshund mix is all about and what properties Your new roommate is bringing?
You can find out in our breed portrait.
The most important thing in brief about the Dachshund Shepherd Mix
Designer Dogsso hybrid dogsare mainly in the USA popular. This also applies to the dachshund shepherd mix. He saw there in the 1990s the light of day for the first time. This rather unusual hybrid breed is there, among other things, as Dachshund Shepherd known.
Size: Between 25 and 50 centimeters
Weight: Between 9 and 30 kilograms
Life expectancy: 9 to 14 years
character: Bright, agile, playful, stubborn, spirited
special feature: This breed needs a lot of exercise and exercise. Otherwise your furniture may be damaged.
As with height and weight, genes determine your Dachshund Shepherd’s appearance.
Set the genes of Dachshund dads through, the dog will shorter legs and a longer back have. Sit down Shepherd Mom Genes through, becomes your roommate greater stand out.
Regardless, your mongrel will big wide eyes and a square nose own. And floppy ears can also be part of the unique look of this hybrid breed.
Height Weight
Since it is a cross between two dog breeds that could hardly be more different, it is difficult to give an average height and weight. What matters is which one gene pool prevails with the puppies.
A high proportion of German Shepherds means that the puppy is larger and heavier. If the dachshund share is dominant, the adult dog is also smaller and lighter.
The German Shepherd can be up to 65 centimeters at the shoulder and weigh up to 40 kilograms.
The dachshund again is a dwarf compared to that. At a size of 30 centimeters, it reaches a «fighting weight» of just 6 to 8 kilograms.
For your dachshund shepherd mix this means: the size varies between 25 and 50 centimetersthe Weight can between 9 and 30 kilograms lay.
In addition, and this is in the nature of things, males are usually larger and heavier than females.
Colors & coat texture
coat texture
In terms of coat and coat texture, the genes are ultimately decisive for your Dachshund Shepherd Mix. Shepherd dogs can have medium or long hair. Dachshunds, on the other hand, can have short, long, and wiry hair.
What your four-legged roommate looks like So once again Mother Nature decides. What is safe for this – and this mixed-breed dog owes that to the shepherd dog: your shepherd dog dachshund mix will have undercoat.
This, in turn, means that your four-legged friend, especially when the coat is changing, also known as the shedding season one or the other furness session more needed. He will shed more during this time.
Coat color cannot be predicted either. Dachshunds are mostly black, brown or tan. German shepherds can both lighter and darker areas of fur have as well brindle be. And so a litter can appear in all possible color combinations, so to speak.
Character & nature of the Dachshund Shepherd Mix
Dachshund shepherd mix. He is a big but cute wimp^^
The following applies at every intersection: meet here two different temperaments on each other. Admittedly, these are in shepherd dogs and dachshunds congruent to a certain extent.
Both dogs are very active and require a lot of exercise. Both shepherd and dachshund are also very intelligent and have a mind of their own.
But there is also a crucial difference. The shepherd dog was herding dog bred – the name already gives it away. The dachshund, in turn, served originally hunting on, among other things, foxes.
So you see that two contrary characters meet here. Which being ultimately prevails depends – you probably already guessed it – again on genetics.
And so it may be that you have a dog with a pronounced hunting instinct. It may just as well be that your Dachshund Shepherd prefers to look after your own four walls and wants nothing to do with hunting.
attitude & upbringing
The character always has an effect on the attitude and, above all, the upbringing. You already know that this hybrid breed has a mind of its own and is highly intelligent.
For education this means: You have to be consistent, right from the start. Your new roommate needs to know that you are alpha animal are you. He needs to respect and accept you as such.
Especially with a potentially stubborn dog like the German shepherd dachshund mixed breed, this can present you with a few challenges at first. Because if he doesn’t understand an order, he simply won’t obey it.
Stubborn head or not – this crossbreed is also considered to be if it is sufficiently busy extremely loyal and family friendly. In addition, he is the right roommate on four paws for you if he is your first dog.
Breeding & Health
The following applies to every dog breed: A happy, healthy and long dog life begins with one responsible breeding. Although this does not protect against any diseases. However, it can ensure to a certain extent that your dog is not overbred.
Unfortunately, it often happens that hybrid breeds in particular are bred for optical characteristics. That in turn means that too Backcrossing is not uncommon are.
These mean that the inheritable gene pool gets smaller and smaller over time. This opens the door to hereditary diseases, the animals are the ones who suffer from them – and you too.
So if you decide to get a German shepherd dachshund mixed breed, please note the following things: You should have one family tree receive. In addition, the breeder should be able to demonstrate that no hereditary diseases present.
In a way, unfortunately, pedigree dogs can suffer from typical diseases. So also the dachshund and the shepherd dog.
Even if both German shepherds and dachshunds are considered to be very robust, there are some ailments that can usually become a health problem, especially in old age.
Both dachshunds and German shepherds tend to under eye diseases to suffer like this Grey star.
Dachshunds also often have them with them herniated discs to fight. The reason for this is the elongated back. Also others joint diseases can occur here.
Life expectancy
As with height and weight, there is something of a «golden mean» when it comes to life expectancy. Dachshunds are among the dogs that can live up to a truly biblical age of up to 15 years.
Shepherd dogs, on the other hand, live between 9 and 13 years on average. That means one thing for your dachshund shepherd mix Life expectancy from 9 to 14 years.
By the way, you can help yourself to ensure that your furry friend reaches this age – among other things, through sufficient exercise and activity as well as a species-appropriate, high-quality and meat-containing nutrition.
What is there to look out for in Dachshund Shepherd Mix puppies?
Mature is your new roommate at about 15 months. Of course, he can move in with you before that, as long as he has been able to spend enough time with his biological mother.
Because this time is important for a species-appropriate socialization. After all, your four-legged companion should not only get along with other dogs, but also with two-legged friends.
Before the (still) little rascal moves in with you, you should consider one more thing: Make sure that he already has has everything a little dog’s heart desires.
And that doesn’t just count Food, bowls and a dog bed. Also miscellaneous toy and of course lots of love are things that your German Shepherd Dachshund mix puppy will look forward to in particular.